Why Does the Right Hate America?

If the price to pay for owning libs is the end of the American experiment, they are all for it. Somehow a dictatorship will be better for them.

Until they realize that trump and people like him don't give a rat's butt about anyone other than trump. I don't understand how the magas can be so blind to that fact.
If trump gets elected and implements the handmaids tale environment with dictatorial authority and abolishes the democrat party, what are YOU leftists going to do about it?

I have a different question: Once trump is installed as president for life do you really think he's going to care about what happens to you?
I have a different question: Once trump is installed as president for life do you really think he's going to care about what happens to you?

IMO, once the WSEs installed Trump as President-for-Life, they'd either control him or do what the Praetorian Guard did to Caligula. :thup:
posted like someone with nothing important to contribute to the conversation........which is sort of where you live, isn't it......
I like confronting minions of Satan who masquerade as Christians. Clearly I've hit the mark once again. :thup:

Why won't you stop your evil ways, Pmp? Why not face the Lord's judgment?

If the price to pay for owning libs is the end of the American experiment, they are all for it. Somehow a dictatorship will be better for them.

Until they realize that trump and people like him don't give a rat's butt about anyone other than trump. I don't understand how the magas can be so blind to that fact.

It goes a bit beyond that.

the "Magat's" are the percent of the population who are still raging that they lost the battle for segregation and the civil war and who want a do over.

They could hardly tolerate that they could not forcibly segregate and subjugate PoC, with the force of law, but at least for decades the govt systems of inequality helped keep them down, so they tolerated it. Now they see now only PoC but also LGBTQ+ people not only becoming fully integrated into society but many of them succeeding at levels, the Magatards are unable to achieve, as they tend to be amongst the most stupid in society. They have been forced to accept a victim complex as a result.

that is why the Magats now hate America. If they cannot maintain what America meant to them (a place of discrimination and hate and control of 'others') then they want to destroy the Constitution and the country and hope a dictator who will side with them emerges from the ashes. To Magats, that is better than living in an integrated tolerant society, as the Constitution promised.
And the Magat's were forced in to the above ^^^ because it was increasingly clear that the republi'can' party only path to maintaining future power was to broaden the tent by embracing Black, Brown and Latino voters, who share their religious conservative and certain other views.

That is/was a very viable path for what was the prior Republi'can' party to get and stay in power but that to the Magat's was simply medicine they could not swallow. Using PoC to get power is fine, but actually sharing power with them and existing with them under the same tent as equals, or allowing them to lead, was a no go. They simply could not put aside their hate and bigotry to maintain power that way.
Trump has never lost an election. He never used violence to take over a government. DEMOCRATS did, though. It is DEMOCRATS that fund violent factions like the KKK, Antifa, BLM, etc.
It is DEMOCRATS that are causing crime and violence in the cities to rise unchecked.

the democrats placate all enemies of the concept of nations.

they love klaus schwab, they love george soros, they love the comintern.