why does the thread completely dissapear after you post in it?

I post a thread.

I go to new posts and NO WHERE on the list is the new thread.

how is that helpful to discussion?
the new thread does NOT show up on the list of new posts.

It as if it doesn't exist until someone else posts in it.
the new thread does NOT show up on the list of new posts.

It as if it doesn't exist until someone else posts in it.

I have the same problem, it's no wonder grind doesn't know what you are talking about, though! If anything is an actual problem he doesn't see it!
I post a thread.

I go to new posts and NO WHERE on the list is the new thread.

how is that helpful to discussion?

not everything is a conspiracy desh. damo has updated the forum software so there is still some buggy stuff going on.
I post a thread.

I go to new posts and NO WHERE on the list is the new thread.

how is that helpful to discussion?

Because your post isn't new to you, you've viewed it. Only when somebody answers would it then be something you hadn't viewed.
Because your post isn't new to you, you've viewed it. Only when somebody answers would it then be something you hadn't viewed.

its always been that way, Desh.....if you're posting to a thread that has several pages you haven't read you need to use the "Back" arrow to return to the page you were responding to......
and those kids are about to own you.

what will you do when you cant keep those young men from voting ?

lose power

it will be a fun time
Seriously? Why are you guys lying to Deshy Dearest? We all know that this was a grand conspiracy cooked by me in my Evil Forum Laboratory and rolled out by my minions Damo and Grind. Deshy is on to us guys, best just confess our sins

you chose the company

you choose to support the historically failed ideas.

I have no idea wether its out of stupidity or hate you do that.

it matters not as long as you keep carrying their buckets of water like good minions
the look on the face of the young man in the middle.

yeah that one

Its the look that every black voter will be making when your attempts to keep them from voting fail .

Ill be making that same face to