why does the thread completely dissapear after you post in it?

the threads are no where on the thread list when you post in them.

they only reappear after someone else posts behind you

Only if you were posting on the last page of the thread. Desh, I use the feature constantly. I would notice a difference.
Then you must have only posted in threads with multiple pages and which you were not posting on the last page.

The reality is, nothing at all is different about how the new posts is acting. It is exactly the same as it has always been.

You're just not listening, Damo.

...in the past I would post in a thread and Boom it would be at the top of the list when I pressed the new posts button.

She gets some kind of pleasure out of seeing all of your recent posts at the TOP of the listings.
It appears as if it gave her some kind of a sense of............

.........accomplishment. :palm:
and so you just claim were lying?
No, I point out to you how you were mistaken and explain how it acts so you'll know in the future. Your post didn't "disappear", it just isn't marked as "new" for you, nor would it have been before Yesterday when I updated the site.
I think she may have been using the "Today's Posts" link rather than the New Posts. There is a difference.

The New Posts tab used to be the Today's Posts tab. If you want to see Today's posts, desh, where your post is instantly on top go to the quick links dropdown and select Today's Posts. In the future I'll try to fix the Tab again so it points to Today's Posts, but that will take time and I have year end stuff I have to do.
Okay, desh. I've added the Today's posts to the tab menu (took some work). That should solve the problem you've been having. I prefer the "unread posts" link at the top right. What's New will give new group stuff, etc. but unread posts gives you just the unread posts.