WHY? How Long? Why Not? Why Shouldn't?

Nothing more dimwitted than thinking one should provide a cost benefit analysis for war. Good lord, get that head out of your ass dude. You obviously don't have the slightest clue of what you are emotionally erupting and whining about.

Actually there is one thing more dimwitted than thinking one should provide a cost benefit analysis for war.

And that is thinking it's the USA's job to be the world's police force from now until the end of time.
Actually there is one thing more dimwitted than thinking one should provide a cost benefit analysis for war.

And that is thinking it's the USA's job to be the world's police force from now until the end of time.

How much longer do you think we should stay there Zap? (not a rhetorical or qotcha question)
I'd start bringing troops home tomorrow if I could.

I admit to being torn. Half of me says it's been 14 years and it's past time to leave. The other half says we must secure the place before leaving so it doesn't go back to what it was immediately after we leave.

I don't know what the right answer is here.
I admit to being torn. Half of me says it's been 14 years and it's past time to leave. The other half says we must secure the place before leaving so it doesn't go back to what it was immediately after we leave.

I don't know what the right answer is here.

Why is it our job to secure Afghanistan?
Why is it our job to secure Afghanistan?

To me if we leave and Al-Queda or the Taliban or whoever takes over as a result and is able to set up camps that have free reign to set up future attacks on America or our allies it will have completely wasted the work we have done to this point. Thus it is in our interest to have a 'secure' Afghanistan. (I put secure in quotes because I really mean by that a country that won't threaten us)

But I'll readily admit I haven't paid enough attention to what is going on over there to know where exactly where we stand right now and how much of our presence is needed.
Oh no, Truth Rejector is butthurt yet again.

Don't be mad.

Everyone understands you can't possibly defend your ignorant belief that the USA should be the world's police force until the end of time, so the only course of action open to you is more petty name calling.

Funnier still, an ignorant repugnant low life who presumes to speak for everyone.

You really are THAT fucking dumb.
Actually there is one thing more dimwitted than thinking one should provide a cost benefit analysis for war.

And that is thinking it's the USA's job to be the world's police force from now until the end of time.

Dumber still; erupting with the "world police" meme like a clueless ignorant twit.

Yes, you really are THAT fucking dumb.
I admit to being torn. Half of me says it's been 14 years and it's past time to leave. The other half says we must secure the place before leaving so it doesn't go back to what it was immediately after we leave.

I don't know what the right answer is here.

How long did we occupy Europe?
Why is it our job to secure Afghanistan?

Because we made it OUR collective job to invade and remove the tyrannical regime that used to rule it. It was a UN coalition, not the US being the "worlds police".

You finish the job, or, you can be a clueless dumbfuck like ObamaTard and leave it to ISIS or Putin.
To me if we leave and Al-Queda or the Taliban or whoever takes over as a result and is able to set up camps that have free reign to set up future attacks on America or our allies it will have completely wasted the work we have done to this point. Thus it is in our interest to have a 'secure' Afghanistan. (I put secure in quotes because I really mean by that a country that won't threaten us)


But I'll readily admit I haven't paid enough attention to what is going on over there to know where exactly where we stand right now and how much of our presence is needed.

Based on the above quote, you're a thousand times better informed than ZappasTard.
Dumber still; erupting with the "world police" meme like a clueless ignorant twit.

Yes, you really are THAT fucking dumb.

So the "clueless ignorant twit" who initially claimed it is the USA's job to defend Afghanistan until the end of time, suddenly doesn't like it when someone points out the complete ignorance of his statement.

Yes folks, Truth Rejector really IS THAT DUMB!

So the "clueless ignorant twit" who initially claimed it is the USA's job to defend Afghanistan until the end of time, suddenly doesn't like it when someone points out the complete ignorance of his statement.

Yes folks, Truth Rejector really IS THAT DUMB!


America doesn't have a 19 trillion $ debt. It's a leftist lie. Just ask the Truth Deflector. America has an endless supply of taxpayer's treasure and youthful blood to waste on the land of radical religionist insanity, the Middle East. Truth deflector has no problem spending taxpayer's money and the blood of other people's sons and daughters, he's a "LIMITED GOVERNMENT" conservative, just ask him, he'll agree.:rofl2::cof1:
So the "clueless ignorant twit" who initially claimed it is the USA's job to defend Afghanistan until the end of time, suddenly doesn't like it when someone points out the complete ignorance of his statement.

Yes folks, Truth Rejector really IS THAT DUMB!


I can't say I am surprised when a leftist retard like you sees the words "until the job is done" and then equates it to "until the end of time."

But you're too painfully retarded to comprehend the stupid strawmen you constantly erupt with on the forum.

Cry little retard; I bathe in your whiney tears.
I can't say I am surprised when a leftist retard like you sees the words "until the job is done" and then equates it to "until the end of time."

Oh! Then you have a "time certain" for America's evacuation from the Middle East, right?:dunno: Surely you're about to share it with the rest of America, huh?:dunno: We'll understand if you don't!:rofl2::cof1:
So the "clueless ignorant twit" who initially claimed it is the USA's job to defend Afghanistan until the end of time, suddenly doesn't like it when someone points out the complete ignorance of his statement.

Yes folks, Truth Rejector really IS THAT DUMB!


America doesn't have a 19 trillion $ debt. It's a leftist lie. Just ask the Truth Deflector. America has an endless supply of taxpayer's treasure and youthful blood to waste on the land of radical religionist insanity, the Middle East. Truth deflector has no problem spending taxpayer's money and the blood of other people's sons and daughters, he's a "LIMITED GOVERNMENT" conservative, just ask him, he'll agree.:rofl2::cof1:

Nothing can be more ironic than watching you have a circle jerk with ZappasTard. Add LegionTroll to the mix and you get this:

Oh! Then you have a "time certain" for America's evacuation from the Middle East, right?:dunno: Surely you're about to share it with the rest of America, huh?:dunno: We'll understand if you don't!:rofl2::cof1:

Dear moron; you don't have a date certain for when you achieve your objectives in war or regime change. It is done when you have complete victory and achieve those objectives.

But I know you are a clueless naive retard that agrees with a moron like ZappasTard on this topic so I won't waste any more time taking your repugnant stupidity seriously and just point and laugh at you.

Run along now; life is too short for your special brand of stupid.
