WHY? How Long? Why Not? Why Shouldn't?

I can't say I am surprised when a leftist retard like you sees the words "until the job is done" and then equates it to "until the end of time."

But you're too painfully retarded to comprehend the stupid strawmen you constantly erupt with on the forum.

Cry little retard; I bathe in your whiney tears.

Except that's not what you said on page 1...

How long should the United States continue to militarily stabilize the Afghanistan government and protect them against the Taliban. ISIS/SISIL and AlQuada?

As long as it takes even if it is FOREVER.

Your words...


What is the definition of "forever" again?
Nothing can be more ironic than watching you have a circle jerk with ZappasTard. Add LegionTroll to the mix and you get this:


Brilliant reply TD!:rofl2: You're such a genius and magnificent debater!:rofl2::cof1:
Dear moron; you don't have a date certain for when you achieve your objectives in war or regime change. It is done when you have complete victory and achieve those objectives.

Oh! So now you're back to "FOREVER IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES," huh?:dunno:

Do you have a date certain when we run out of taxpayer's money and, or, the blood of our youth or the tolerance of the people who put up with the idiot politicians that think like you that you vote for?:dunno:

But I know you are a clueless naive retard that agrees with a moron like ZappasTard on this topic so I won't waste any more time taking your repugnant stupidity seriously and just point and laugh at you.

Aw GEEEE, what a well thought out genius argument! You're just jealois because I never agree with you, huh?:dunno: Cry us a river!:crybaby::rofl2::cof1:
Oh! So now you're back to "FOREVER IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES," huh?:dunno:

Do you have a date certain when we run out of taxpayer's money and, or, the blood of our youth or the tolerance of the people who put up with the idiot politicians that think like you that you vote for?:dunno:

Aw GEEEE, what a well thought out genius argument! You're just jealois because I never agree with you, huh?:dunno: Cry us a river!:crybaby::rofl2::cof1:

Another dimwitted strawman; that we will run out of money. How stupid you and ZappasTard? Don't answer that; it was rhetorical.
Except that's not what you said on page 1...

Your words...


What is the definition of "forever" again?

Yep; only in the minds of idiots does a rhetorical comment equate to "till the end of time" as if that is what it would take.

You and RoboTard make a cute, but stupid, couple.

Yep; only in the minds of idiots does a rhetorical comment equate to "till the end of time" as if that is what it would take.

You and RoboTard make a cute, but stupid, couple.

ROFL...excuses excuses!

Let's all laugh while we watch Truth Rejector rejecting the "truth" he himself posted just a couple posts back!

Let the furious backpedaling by Truth Rejector begin!!
Another dimwitted strawman; that we will run out of money. How stupid you and ZappasTard? Don't answer that; it was rhetorical.

Geeeee! I keep forgetting that America has an endless supply of taxpayer's money on the money tree and taxpayer's are all in agreement with the Truthdeflector, they'll act stupid and pour their hard earned money down the ME toilet forever and our 18.5 trillion $ debt is a leftist lie were running a Truthdeflector surplus of "stupid" money to wipe the asses in the middle east and fight all of the stupid wars there.:rofl2::cof1:

Oh yeah! the Truthdeflector is gonna lead the charge in the ME. No armchair warrior horseshit for the Truthdeflector, he's headed to the front.:rofl2::cof1: