Why I am a liberal…

Obviously one of their failures.

I guess so.

That one wasn't a major failure?
Did I say that? I dislike people who get rich off of God. In my denomination all preachers with the same experience get paid the same. The longer they are in the ministry the more they are paid but they never get rich. Tithe is sent to the national church and pastors are paid by the national church. That way if the biggest contributor is doing wrong the pastor can step in without fear of losing his job. That actually happened in my mom's church a doctor was doing some amoral things and the church board ultimatly had to disfellowship him. It did not effect the minister's income.
Did I say that? I dislike people who get rich off of God. In my denomination all preachers with the same experience get paid the same. The longer they are in the ministry the more they are paid but they never get rich. Tithe is sent to the national church and pastors are paid by the national church. That way if the biggest contributor is doing wrong the pastor can step in without fear of losing his job. That actually happened in my mom's church a doctor was doing some amoral things and the church board ultimatly had to disfellowship him. It did not effect the minister's income.

That is one of the reasons why liberals are liberals. :thumbsup: