Why I am a liberal…

Double major in CS/Math with a minor in Physics.

My very good friend majored in Biology which, of course you know, includes Microbiology. :laugh:

As to my age? That's hard to tell because it goes on and off from time to time. It was a sneaking suspicion.

What an astounding concept -- a "university" like this one attracting STEM majors. Wow. Did you graduate from there, or transfer elsewhere?
What an astounding concept -- a "university" like this one attracting STEM majors. Wow. Did you graduate from there, or transfer elsewhere?

Graduated with Math/CS major. Accredited.

And we got to play with PDP-11 and VAX/VMS. :laugh:

Those oldfarts would know what I am talking about.
What an astounding concept -- a "university" like this one attracting STEM majors. Wow. Did you graduate from there, or transfer elsewhere?

As to STEM majors, they fought to be accredited and get their basketball and football teams into NCAA divisions or whatever it was. I am not a sports guy but it was a compromise. "You want to be accredited? You want to enter your basketball and football teams in? Follow our rules." That's pretty much it.
Given the choice of working in a convenient store or doing nothing for the same income, what do you think most lazy people would do?
What percentage of those people would become artists or inventors?

I dont know, but if they did nothing, okay with me, its not my job to make sure everyone works, I think it is good for mental health, but this is a free country. Heck I know a guy who is a multi-millionaire who refuses to spend a dime of his inheritance. The guy refuses to work unless he is in super dire straights, then he does manual labor to get enough for food or to repair the van he lives in, or for gas to a new city and quits again.
I want to change this…

“Citizenship in western liberal democracies is the modern equivalent of feudal privilege and an inherited status that greatly enhances one’s life chances.

Like feudal birthright privileges, restrictive citizenship is hard to justify.”

Joseph H Carens

Because you are a giant gas bag!
Graduated with Math/CS major. Accredited.

And we got to play with PDP-11 and VAX/VMS. :laugh:

Those oldfarts would know what I am talking about.

The first computer program I ever wrote was on punch cards...
