Why I am a liberal…

They must be the honest-with-themselves personalities who realize that, despite what they are being told by parents/teachers/preachers, they and their beliefs are NOT better, more blessed, holier, more patriotic, etc. than anyone else.

The founder of landover baptist was a once a student at LU

The site was created by Chris Harper, who obtained his master's degree in English literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell) in 1989 for producing a radio show satirising the school's procedures[1] which Liberty's administration found offensive.[2] Harper responded to the expulsion by creating the Landover Baptist Church website,

The founder of landover baptist was a once a student at LU

The site was created by Chris Harper, who obtained his master's degree in English literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell) in 1989 for producing a radio show satirising the school's procedures[1] which Liberty's administration found offensive.[2] Harper responded to the expulsion by creating the Landover Baptist Church website,


That's awesome!
I am okay with lazy people being provided a basic living, I think if that is done you will see more artists and inventors spring from their ranks. It would greatly reduce crime. In the end it will help us all.

Despite popular opinion, there is no lack of resources in the United States, most of it is simply stuck in the hands of lazy people who inherited it.

Given the choice of working in a convenient store or doing nothing for the same income, what do you think most lazy people would do?
What percentage of those people would become artists or inventors?
Fascinating. I'd like to hear that story, starting with how and why you attended LU.

Remember I grew up in a Fundie family. ;) And there were scholarships. They did have good math, CS and physics depts. And yes I know it's ironic. :laugh:

The only downside is that sex is not allowed.
Remember I grew up in a Fundie family. ;) And there were scholarships. They did have good math, CS and physics depts. And yes I know it's ironic. :laugh:

The only downside is that sex is not allowed.

Or so they want the parents forking out the tuition to believe, anyways. lol

So at what point, or what year were you in, when you realized it was bunkum? What was your major, if you don't mind me asking?

Double major in CS/Math with a minor in Physics.

My very good friend majored in Biology which, of course you know, includes Microbiology. :laugh:

As to my age? That's hard to tell because it goes on and off from time to time. It was a sneaking suspicion.