Why I Am a Liberal

Liberals cannot accept adult consequences, and never realize the results of their wrongheaded nonsense, like how the "defund the police" nonsense has, naturally, led to an explosion of violent crime; atacking America's energy sector has us now buying oil from Russia, in violation of our own war sanctions against them, ...etc.

Liberals accepted the election loss of 2016. magas are still crying, complaining and lying about the "stolen election".
Good. Go die.
You have the freedom to contract a contagious disease. You do not have the right to infect others.
A shame you are this fucking selfish and need it explained.

Driving the car you want is not a 'disease'. Not getting 'vaccinated' is not a 'disease'. Using the power tool you want is not a 'disease'. Using the energy sources you want is not a 'disease'.
The selfishness is YOU. It is YOU that wants people to wear masks (that don't stop any virus or bacteria), that want to force people to get 'vaccinations', that want people to stop eating meat (other than bugs), that want to force people to drive electric cars instead of the car they want, that want to force people to use wind and solar piddle power instead of the energy sources they want.

You don't want freedom. You want slavery.
Well, this thread sure triggered the Reichwingers into revealing their fear and ignorance. Nice job, OP.

You are describing DEMOCRATS again. Inversion fallacy. It is DEMOCRATS that live in fear. It is DEMOCRATS that are ignorant and illiterate.
It is DEMOCRATS that think a Holy Magick Gas has some wacky capability to warm the Earth AND live in fear of 'global warming'. It is DEMOCRATS that believe a dust mask can actually stop a virus and live in fear of someone not wearing one. It is DEMOCRATS that live in fear the 'planet is being destroyed'. It is DEMOCRATS that live in fear of Donald Trump and all that he has accomplished as President. It is DEMOCRATS that live in fear of oil and oil products.
Speaking of triggered. :rofl2:


So YOU live in fear. You fear anyone's opinion that disagrees with yours. Obviously, you DON'T support freedom. You want to censor.

Sustein isn't a "liberal," he is a Stalinist. There is nothing even remotely "liberal" about the left. Start with "freedom." Freedom accrues to individuals, but the left seeks to eradicate individuals and force all into groups, or castes.

I disagree. What is 'liberal' about the left is their willingness to apply their tyranny liberally.
I am a liberal by temperament, but I grew up conservative, in a conservative family in a conservative Mid-West city/town (Rockford could never make up its mind)....I have a deep respect for conservatives....and I know that both poles are required for civilization to dance around....that's what the education was for.