Why I'm voting for John Edwards

yes. that's why.

I'd just gotten my mail order MBA after eating a jar of Gerber pears, when I saw something flying in the air. My eyesight isn't that great so at first I thought it was one of the many millionaires that my town is teaming with. LOL, those guys have so many new planes and flying gadgets, I can't keep track of them. So naturally I grimaced in pure jealously - for I could never have something so luxurious. My lousy portfolio has only given me 10% this year, and seeing as how I only make $150K a year, I'd never be able to have something as cool as that. So then I asked around town about it. When none of my millionaire neighbors were able to give me answer, I thought for sure the local trillionaire would know I mean.....more money = more smarts right? Well, when he said he too was confused by the events that followed and that he didn't have an answer, that's when we both came to the realization that it was a UFO. It wasn't until after the ay n al probings that we knew for sure though.

This is awesome! haha
Your voting for any Dem, becauase you want welfare. That man does not look disabled, and my older brother, who is worth millions of dollars and does not need to be collecting disability.

You want to see poverty---let the liberials put in a socialized welffare health care system. Only the common majority, who lives poay check to pay check, and can not afford any more taxes understand this----or they better.

The guy looked pretty able to me---I would hire him, but he crys about lifes happenings to much, and his company went out of business because of outsourcing.

Again--NAFTA and outsourcing were written and signed by rich elected officials (repubs wrote it, Clinton signed it) who don't care about us. When the jobs are gone---welfare is all we have to look forward to. I would love to know the details of this mans disability---because my rich brother does not have adult ADD.

Please help this man with welfare---because we sold his job overseas with no regaurd to him. Liberials react to a symptom--they don['t get to the root of any problem.
unlike duhla tina actualy has a man.
YOu can tell by how she's always talking about anal probes and walks as though she's been horseback riding.
Your voting for any Dem, becauase you want welfare. That man does not look disabled, and my older brother, who is worth millions of dollars and does not need to be collecting disability.

You want to see poverty---let the liberials put in a socialized welffare health care system. Only the common majority, who lives poay check to pay check, and can not afford any more taxes understand this----or they better.

The guy looked pretty able to me---I would hire him, but he crys about lifes happenings to much, and his company went out of business because of outsourcing.

Again--NAFTA and outsourcing were written and signed by rich elected officials (repubs wrote it, Clinton signed it) who don't care about us. When the jobs are gone---welfare is all we have to look forward to. I would love to know the details of this mans disability---because my rich brother does not have adult ADD.

Please help this man with welfare---because we sold his job overseas with no regaurd to him. Liberials react to a symptom--they don['t get to the root of any problem.

Is this guy real or just someones troll?

Man what a collection of right wing lunacy
Desh--do you have a point? I am just sick and tired of our politicans (espically liberials) that pull on our heart strings to get what they want--even if the majority does not want it. They want drivers licenses in NY for ILLEGALs--77% of the people don't. They want AMNESTY (which means freedom from GUILT!!) for ILLEGALs, and the majority does not--but they keep trying to shove it down our throats. The want these ILLEGA:s to have a passage to citizanship---but my mother and fathers parents came here legally---so what is the problem? There is no problem--there is a urgency for some agenda they are not being public about--so they pull heart strings. And you believe it?

The childred the children the children!! We have been hearing that for 50 years, and we still have a totally crappy public school system, that generates very uninformed people that are not capable of critical thinking---so they can pull a few heart strings, and get their vote.

If you keep falling for the heart string tactic---we are all gonna be run over harder than we are now.

Besides not being able to elect people from the entire population, instead of just the elite who don't give a crap about us (on both sides of the fence)---the only other problem we really have, is we forgot the defination of "freedom".

You don't have a point Desh, may be you can tell us what freedom really is. You got the floor---lets see some substance.

I also want to know how you make your money Desh.

Desh, your only conditioned, not informed. Your not sharp enough to debate this troll.
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Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington — do not require drivers to prove legal status in order to obtain a license.Expanding access to driver’s licenses improves traffic safety and lower auto insurance rates.

There reasonable things these laws are trying to effect. YOU are the one using emotion and ignorig facts. Caring about ohters in your society is more than just warm and fuzzy thoughts. Its about making a country we want to live in. Now as for schools go back and look at our social history.We used to have the best schools in the world. WQe now have shitty ones because we have 33 kids to a class in schools that are too big to give the kids a sense of community. When you skrimp on on your number one asset it start to show in your economy. You are so plyable you have bought into the surface skimming lies the R party has constructed over the last thirty years to turn it from the proud party it once was to the quick answer party which gets you doing the corporations bidding.
Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington — do not require drivers to prove legal status in order to obtain a license.Expanding access to driver’s licenses improves traffic safety and lower auto insurance rates.

There reasonable things these laws are trying to effect. YOU are the one using emotion and ignorig facts. Caring about ohters in your society is more than just warm and fuzzy thoughts. Its about making a country we want to live in. Now as for schools go back and look at our social history.We used to have the best schools in the world. WQe now have shitty ones because we have 33 kids to a class in schools that are too big to give the kids a sense of community. When you skrimp on on your number one asset it start to show in your economy. You are so plyable you have bought into the surface skimming lies the R party has constructed over the last thirty years to turn it from the proud party it once was to the quick answer party which gets you doing the corporations bidding.

Statement---Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington — do not require drivers to prove legal status in order to obtain a license.Expanding access to driver’s licenses improves traffic safety and lower auto insurance rates.

Answer---They are not suppse to be here in the first place, but you want them to be a part of our system when they are here illegally? Does that really make sence to you? Like I said, liberials simply react--and it is always on emotion--not facts, and never getting to the root of any problem. Answer this question pelase---why do you want the country flooded with illegal immigrants by making things easy for them, and enticing them here. Like I said, My mother and grand partents did it legally--so what is the agenda here?

Statement--(answers in parentheses)-There reasonable things these laws are trying to effect. YOU are the one using emotion and ignorig facts (fact is--they are not here legally--and we don't enforce it--fact is, you don't understand the improtance of the old, you consider,out of date, law). Caring about ohters in your society is more than just warm and fuzzy thoughts. (like I said, illegals are not suppose to be part of our society. they have to use legal means to becoame a citizen--your putting the cart in front of the horse---which makes me think there is a non public agenda) Its about making a country we want to live in. (Do you not like the contry as it was, or is now--Do you really hate the American way, that made us the most prosperous country in the world in very short time?) Now as for schools go back and look at our social history.We used to have the best schools in the world. WQe now have shitty ones because we have 33 kids to a class in schools that are too big to give the kids a sense of community. (we have shitty schools, who teach what you believe--it is by design--and you know it--33 kids per class? We used to have kids of all ages in the same class--the schools suck, because it is dictated to the p0ublic schools for waht they can teach--the constitution is a 30min course--if that--I don't remember studying the constitution much at all from 30 years ago) When you skrimp on on your number one asset it start to show in your economy. (you consider illegal immergrants our # 1 asset? Where does that put us citizens?--gotchya--sucker) You are so plyable you have bought into the surface skimming lies the R party has constructed over the last thirty years to turn it from the proud party it once was to the quick answer party which gets you doing the corporations bidding (I am not sure what lies your talking about, but there are plenty form both sides of the fence.--But what you hate, founded this country----what do you want to turn this great country into? I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I believe they are just a bunch of elite elected officials that don't care aout us as a whole. I am not a huge Rush fan, or Hannity fan, as I think they are to involved in the smoke screen of the fight between the left and the right--but they do have some good information that libs who push agendas don't share with us).

The bottom line sir is, liberialism is expensive, and a burdon for the all (accept those who want welfare and feel we owe them something). If we get a national health care system--it should become clear when the poverty level raises in great amounts, and health care workers that make a decient wage, will be replaced by cheap labor from other countries (my prediction). May be that will not be clear to you, or you choose not to see it---because that waterhead guy thinks NAFTA is actually helping the American majority.

Can you define one thing for me though, because I do value your opinion. What is your definition of freedom?
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John Edwards is a fucken coward....

He does not deserve any votes...except from the Lieberman Democrats like Cypress and Desh...

He didnt do anything in the 2004 elections and got his ass handed to him by Cheney in their debate....

His suddenly populist turn is about as disingenious as Mitt Romney's conversions....

And we have gullible conservative Dem posters on here like Desh who are too stupid to realize it.....AGAIN...


Yeah and fools re-elected Bush. I do emphasize FOOLS re-elected bush :)
Ya know what--and your gonna flip. I heard some of Edwards in the last debate, and I, as a libertarian, liked some of what he said about coporate power in this country (our real owners). Unfortunatly, he does not realize that if he actually follows through with those thoughts, we would not need or desire another social program like socialized medicine. I feel he is playing both sides of the fence, and that tells me--he can not be trusted.
Yeah and fools re-elected Bush. I do emphasize FOOLS re-elected bush :)

How about another Carter or Clinton?

nope--the fight of the left and the right needs to take a break.

Ron Paul for president--but be prepaired to shoot radical muslems on your own. I can live with that. :)
Statement---Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington — do not require drivers to prove legal status in order to obtain a license.Expanding access to driver’s licenses improves traffic safety and lower auto insurance rates.

Answer---They are not suppse to be here in the first place, but you want them to be a part of our system when they are here illegally? Does that really make sence to you? Like I said, liberials simply react--and it is always on emotion--not facts, and never getting to the root of any problem. Answer this question pelase---why do you want the country flooded with illegal immigrants by making things easy for them, and enticing them here. Like I said, My mother and grand partents did it legally--so what is the agenda here?

Statement--(answers in parentheses)-There reasonable things these laws are trying to effect. YOU are the one using emotion and ignorig facts (fact is--they are not here legally--and we don't enforce it--fact is, you don't understand the improtance of the old, you consider,out of date, law). Caring about ohters in your society is more than just warm and fuzzy thoughts. (like I said, illegals are not suppose to be part of our society. they have to use legal means to becoame a citizen--your putting the cart in front of the horse---which makes me think there is a non public agenda) Its about making a country we want to live in. (Do you not like the contry as it was, or is now--Do you really hate the American way, that made us the most prosperous country in the world in very short time?) Now as for schools go back and look at our social history.We used to have the best schools in the world. WQe now have shitty ones because we have 33 kids to a class in schools that are too big to give the kids a sense of community. (we have shitty schools, who teach what you believe--it is by design--and you know it--33 kids per class? We used to have kids of all ages in the same class--the schools suck, because it is dictated to the p0ublic schools for waht they can teach--the constitution is a 30min course--if that--I don't remember studying the constitution much at all from 30 years ago) When you skrimp on on your number one asset it start to show in your economy. (you consider illegal immergrants our # 1 asset? Where does that put us citizens?--gotchya--sucker)You are so plyable you have bought into the surface skimming lies the R party has constructed over the last thirty years to turn it from the proud party it once was to the quick answer party which gets you doing the corporations bidding (I am not sure what lies your talking about, but there are plenty form both sides of the fence.--But what you hate, founded this country----what do you want to turn this great country into? I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I believe they are just a bunch of elite elected officials that don't care aout us as a whole. I am not a huge Rush fan, or Hannity fan, as I think they are to involved in the smoke screen of the fight between the left and the right--but they do have some good information that libs who push agendas don't share with us).

The bottom line sir is, liberialism is expensive, and a burdon for the all (accept those who want welfare and feel we owe them something). If we get a national health care system--it should become clear when the poverty level raises in great amounts, and health care workers that make a decient wage, will be replaced by cheap labor from other countries (my prediction). May be that will not be clear to you, or you choose not to see it---because that waterhead guy thinks NAFTA is actually helping the American majority.

Can you define one thing for me though, because I do value your opinion. What is your definition of freedom?

You did nothing but spew clap trap. The people are here. Tehy are not going to disapear becayuse you dont like that they are here. The reason for allowing them this is a immediate public saftey issue. We dont exsist in a fantasy land we exsist in the here and now.

"(you consider illegal immergrants our # 1 asset? Where does that put us citizens?--gotchya--sucker)" This is just the kind of thing I was talking about. You are either to stupid to figure out I was talking about OUR own kids in the schools or you are completely dishonest.

You did just what I complained about. Made everything a simple problem with a simplistic answer. You are the kind of person who refuses to see the complete picture and deals in the emotion of the momment. When you are repairing a house and you find out your roof is sagging you must first shore up the the house with temporary posts before you take the failing load baring walls down. Then you buy the new material tear down the old, rebuild them. Ten and only then can you remove the temporary posts.

Too many people in this country think you can make a law and then 'Poof ' the immigrants disapear. First you protect the citizenry from the immediate effects(such as these laws which make sure people are driving as safely as possible) then you find the best way to stop the flow of immigrants. This will have to include laws to fine and punish the people providing the jobs these people so desperately need they will break our laws to get them. Then you find a way for some of them to come legally. Then you work on sendign home the ones you want gone. The thing most right leaning people forget about is that this is going to be very expensive. This is why rewarding the people who are here who have obeyed the many ohter laws we have, worked hard , added to the economy and have American relatives a path to staying here legally. THIS WILL SAVE FUCKING MONEY! What you sugest will cost this country dearly. You will need MASSIVE numbers of new officers in the immigration department to achieve what you sugest, It would still take YEARS to achieve and when you do you will have greatly exspanded the size of the government which I know you hate.

I am so tired of people not really thinking things through and only shooting off their mouths out of testosterone and emotion.
Spinner, it is obvious that people are stupid, so the truth must be constantly repeated or people forget.
You 2 time bush voter.