Why I'm voting for John Edwards

you post 1 smart thing every maybe 100 post
your a bitter
I'm 2 degrees and 20yrs of openmindedness smarter than you.
It is simple Desh. Simple things work with out complication. there is a path to citizanship. My mother did it, and my fathers parents did it. The ilegals are breaking the law, and refuse to do it. it is simple. They either do it the way we always did it )but test them better)---or get the hell out. There--no problem now--or in the future. I don't by the crap that Americans will not do the work. I have no problem getting employees---but I pay them better. I also have no problem paying 10 cents more for a bundle of carrots.

Allowing illeaglas to work is stepping toward slave, third world labor. That is insane.