why is crocodile dundee dying by a stingray so newsworthy??


Junior Member
i mean did you really think that nothing would happen to him with how he lives his life sticking his head in crocodile mouths and catching watermoccasins and poisonous snakes etc that you really didn't think this was inevitable??

why did his wife let him do it?
i mean did you really think that nothing would happen to him with how he lives his life sticking his head in crocodile mouths and catching watermoccasins and poisonous snakes etc that you really didn't think this was inevitable??

why did his wife let him do it?
Death by Stingray is extremely rare. I know some people who have been to Mexico to scuba dive with them. They have usually been considered harmless - we'll have to rethink that.
Death by Stingray is extremely rare. I know some people who have been to Mexico to scuba dive with them. They have usually been considered harmless - we'll have to rethink that.

Well if it wasn't this, it would have been something else... i mean you can only go around for so long catching wild dangerous animals and not get hurt or killed... thats why im suprised that its so newsworthy... i mean when you play with fire expect to get burned.
The last known death by stingray in Australia is in 1945. In all recorded history only 17 people have died from an encounter with these largely peaceful animals.
An actress being pregnant gest more press than a new procedure to save babys lives. our "reality" is entertainment .
damo you should get on the committee to ban crocidiles in CO... or ban people from sticking their head in their mouth.
Far more people have died hanging out with the kind of dog you keep. This is simply paranoia.
damo you should get on the committee to ban crocidiles in CO... or ban people from sticking their head in their mouth.
Nah, don't need to. Although your not "hanging around them" is paranoia, maybe people in CT are wimps.
Nah, don't need to. Although your not "hanging around them" is paranoia, maybe people in CT are wimps.

CT must be its own country now or somethin.... Care seems to forget about freedom of speech, i mean if she don't like what i say then she don't have to read it...
Those danged water lizzards are bad news. Poodles in FL make nice snacks for them.
hmm, never thought of it but they probably help with the stray dog problem in southern FL....
Those danged water lizzards are bad news. Poodles in FL make nice snacks for them.
hmm, never thought of it but they probably help with the stray dog problem in southern FL....
Liberal Denver should change their laws and send the Pit Bulls to Florida to be used as food!
The last known death by stingray in Australia is in 1945. In all recorded history only 17 people have died from an encounter with these largely peaceful animals.
That's of little help now.