why is crocodile dundee dying by a stingray so newsworthy??

Their stingers are hidden way up inside their stomache...


Actually I have never been bitten by a dog, at least not seriously. I have been stung by a jellyfish, but not a stingray, even the one that I keep in my tank.
Ive been bitten by a dog, stung by a jellyfish but never stung by a ray.

I have swum with rays all my life. I once knew a woman who was stung in the foot by a ray. There was a lot of blood and she was in the hospital for a couple days for an infection but she did not die. It stung her because she accidently steped on it!
I was once nose bumped by a small shark... but he swam away when I wacked him in the nose.
Alex , the stings from rays are pretty common over around the ST Pete/C;earwater area at certain times of year. Nasty and quite painful, but not usually deadly. I tood a little pontoon boat ride to shell island over there. 2 were stung on my trip. But not me, I am cautious when entering the food chain , aka ocean :)
i mean did you really think that nothing would happen to him with how he lives his life sticking his head in crocodile mouths and catching watermoccasins and poisonous snakes etc that you really didn't think this was inevitable??

because it wasn't a crocodile that did him in?