Why is DeSantis such a bad POTUS candidate?


ButterMilk Man
Is he naturally bad?

Does he not want to win?

Is his staff sabotaging him?

I warned a couple of months ago that he might be another Scott Walker....who as it turned out is a man of few political skills....but I am not sure what I am looking at here.

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Is he naturally bad?

Does he not want to win?

Is his staff sabotaging him?

I warned a couple of months ago that he might be another Scott Walker....who as it turned out is a man of few political skills....but I am not sure what I am looking at here.

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Because most Republicans want a REAL MAN to be their president. They already have a Giant Pussy in Donald Trump- why would they ever want another one of those?

They don't want some limp wristed chicken-shit that Attacks Micky Mouse and easy minority targets like children, women and gay people, but won't even stand up to Donald Trump and call him out for being such a past horrible president, unfit for office, sore loser, and presidential candidate with a criminal background.

DeSantis is still running for Vice President!

The only way anyone is ever going to win over Trump is they are going to have to call him out for what he is! HINT HINT- They must differentiate themselves to DONALD TRUMP- Not just another FAT-FACE looser guy with another goofy hairdo- that has not a clue how to act on a National Stage or appeal to the masses!

Do you understand that?
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Because most Republicans want a REAL MAN to be their president. They already have a Giant Pussy in Donald Trump- why would they ever want another one of those?

They don't want some limp wristed chicken-shit that Attacks Micky Mouse and easy minority targets like children, women and gay people, but won't even stand up to Donald Trump and call him out for being such a past horrible president, unfit for office, sore loser, and presidential candidate with a criminal background.

DeSantis is still running for Vice President!

The only way anyone is ever going to win over Trump is they are going to have to call him out for what he is! HINT HINT- They must differentiate themselves to DONALD TRUMP- Not just another looser guy with another goofy hairdo!

Do you understand that?

Trump is a patriot....one of the American Greats....but he is done....as I said 2.5 years ago.
Is he naturally bad?

Does he not want to win?

Is his staff sabotaging him?

I warned a couple of months ago that he might be another Scott Walker....who as it turned out is a man of few political skills....but I am not sure what I am looking at here.

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The game he is playing makes him look weak today, but positions him to be the hire apperant if Trump has to drop out. He’s running as the second best choice to Trump.

Smart if Trump fails, stupid if he doesn’t
Desantis has a very bad campaign manager and he also has zero exeperience in running a national campaign.

He doesn't advertise much or hold rallies, he isn't trying to rally the people to his cause.

He is simply relying on his record in Florida but that doesn't translate to the rest of America.
Desantis has a very bad campaign manager and he also has zero exeperience in running a national campaign.

He doesn't advertise much or hold rallies, he isn't trying to rally the people to his cause.

He is simply relying on his record in Florida but that doesn't translate to the rest of America.

I heard someone say that he is in the form of a PT (Pre Trump) candidate, and just about no one has any interest in that.
Trump is a patriot....one of the American Greats....but he is done....as I said 2.5 years ago.

Nothing great about Donnie Hawk! He is a loser and you know it! He is one of the worst human beings on Earth!

You better realize that whatever is left of Donnie's base, they are not enough to win any General election.

So you need to get off of your high horse and realize that to win the presidency from now on, you have to appeal to the masses- and that includes gays, WOMEN, minorities, some Democrats, some Republicans, and Independents alike!

Now don't argue with me about this because that is just the way it is now!
Nothing great about Donnie Hawk! He is a loser and you know it! He is one of the worst human beings on Earth!

You better realize that whatever is left of Donnie's base, they are not enough to win any General election.

So you need to get off of your high horse and realize that to win the presidency from now on, you have to appeal to the masses- and that includes gays, WOMEN, minorities, some Democrats, some Republicans, and Independents alike!

Now don't argue with me about this because that is just the way it is now!

I have been asking for a couple of years now "Does this guy want to be President?".

How do we know, how has he indicated this other than words, which in this age of constant lying from inferior people means about zip most of the time.
Pay attention to what they do not what they say is the wise way to deal with women. In this feminized age with useless men it makes for a great general rule.
Trump is a patriot....one of the American Greats....but he is done....as I said 2.5 years ago.

Trump may be a Russian patriot, but surely not American. He is a scofflaw who pays no attention to rules or laws and defies anyone to stop him. He abuses women and grabs them by the pussy. He respects the Constitution like he respects his marriage vows. He ignores the laws. The judge told him to quit abusing the system and not jeopardize people on juries. He went right to it
No Trump has ever served in the service. He said those who did are suckers.
I warned a couple of months ago that he might be another Scott Walker....who as it turned out is a man of few political skills....but I am not sure what I am looking at here.

What Say U?

I say that Ron! DeSaster is "Scott Walker 2.0" ... the "new and improved" (aka even worse) version.

To put it plainly, Ron! DeSaster is a very bad POTUS candidate because he completely lacks authenticity of any sort.

Also, he is not a people person. You can visibly see on his face at events that he does not enjoy being amongst We The People.
The game he is playing makes him look weak today, but positions him to be the hire apperant if Trump has to drop out. He’s running as the second best choice to Trump.

Smart if Trump fails, stupid if he doesn’t
This you got right.

He's banking on lawfare taking Trump out, and then blackmailing MAGA voters into voting for him under the promise of "pardoning Trump".

It's not going to work. Without Trump, MAGA will not turn out. MAGA has already left the RNC/DNC abusive elitist system; they are not going to return back to it under any circumstances.