Why is evince banned from so many threads

Hi Desh,

politics.com, remember it well, I still see care4all over on USMB, but I wonder where all the others have gone? Stories4U was my favorite opponent. Remember Maineman see him occasionally too. All the politics.com folks, speak up if you are out there.

As far as banning posters, that is the sign of the weak and impotent, Trump snowflakes, it is why Donnie appeals to them, he, while a cowardly draft dodger, gives them emotional support in the resentment that the world wasn't made just for them.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' Jonna Ivin

As far as banning posters, that is the sign of the weak and impotent, Trump snowflakes.

My understanding is that quite a few JPP liberals lobbied Damocles for the threadban feature, voted for it when it was polled by the community, and use it regularly to this day.
Untrue; because you didn't clarify when you used the term "motherfucker" and it stands to reason that the only one you would have that information on, is your mother. :D

You grow more stupid by the minute as you regress back into childhood when you used to tear wings off of flies.
evince once attacked me. I have no idea who she is. And she has no idea who I am.
Is evince another mentally unstable Poster here in the JPP Forum?
You're hallucinating again. Now is a good time for you to stop licking toads.

Nope, Watermark.

You tried to be cute, by making the comment, and the minute it got turned back on you, you began to cry.

Man up and pull your balls out of your ass.

Be a man for once in your pathetic life. :D
evince once attacked me. I have no idea who she is. And she has no idea who I am.
Is evince another mentally unstable Poster here in the JPP Forum?

Excellent observation Jack. Saying she's mentally unstable is being benevolent. She's hateful and bat shit crazy!
evince once attacked me. I have no idea who she is. And she has no idea who I am.
Is evince another mentally unstable Poster here in the JPP Forum?


She's also the only JPP poster who has bragged about spitting in a Black man's face. :palm:
Excellent observation Jack. Saying she's mentally unstable is being benevolent. She's hateful and bat shit crazy!

OK, thanks. I was wondering what was going on. There I was, minding my own business, and this person just came out of nowhere and began screaming at me. Then runs off only to appear a few minutes later and begins screaming again. An odd person.
Excellent observation Jack. Saying she's mentally unstable is being benevolent. She's hateful and bat shit crazy!

You would claim, would you, to be mentally stable? I suppose it is a matter of environment, and trust your call is well-padded! :)

She's also the only JPP poster who has bragged about spitting in a Black man's face. :palm:

She called me 'Racist!'. So that explains RB 60 and his "she's bat shit crazy" remark. Thanks, Freedom. If I see her running around again, I'll just treat her as an escapee from the Sanatarium. :(
She called me 'Racist!'. So that explains RB 60 and his "she's bat shit crazy" remark. Thanks, Freedom. If I see her running around again, I'll just treat her as an escapee from the Sanatarium. :(

I think you'll find Evince, though a person of strong opinions and language, more worth reading that most people on here, even if she sometimes seems to overdo the personal criticism.