Why is FBI searching without a warrant?

and some day we may even find out if that actually happened or if its more lib'rul lies.........meanwhile you're basing everything on what the lib'rul media has told you they've been told by anonymous investigators.......you know, like they did about Russian collusion back in 2016 and about Hunter's laptop back in 2020.......you know how reliable that was.....

How reliable are the current criminal affairs in GA going for trump. Its time to worry, big time.
I do.. I understand if you don't want to specify what you were referring to.. no problem..

Georgia's Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis on Tuesday dropped a major hint about potential charges in a criminal probe into 2020 election interference in her state. While arguing against the public release of a special grand jury report on the probe, Willis revealed during a hearing that "decisions are imminent" in the case, writes Jordan Rubin. The eyebrow-raising statement "suggests that she's gearing up to bring criminal charges," he adds.
Georgia's Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis on Tuesday dropped a major hint about potential charges in a criminal probe into 2020 election interference in her state. While arguing against the public release of a special grand jury report on the probe, Willis revealed during a hearing that "decisions are imminent" in the case, writes Jordan Rubin. The eyebrow-raising statement "suggests that she's gearing up to bring criminal charges," he adds.

What did Joe do this time?
Naturally you received a groan from Dum Dum on this plain fact.

Documents were first discovered by Biden's own lawyers and immediately turned over to the Archives. The difference is day and night between Biden's handling of the mess and Trump's. Now Pence is in the loop. It all suggests a relaxed attitude by those involved in observing legal requirements for classified material. The difference is that Trump and only Trump claims the law shouldn't even matter.

They know that, but certainly will never admit it.
her emails were subpoenaed........you have no idea what was in the ones erased.......however, we do know from the records of people who received emails, that she did not provide records of sending them......

You have no idea what was in the ones erased... Additionally, look at the subpoena, not all of them were subpoenaed.

Additionally they were erased before the subpoena.
not the question.....we aren't talking about whether she can be indicted.....we are talking about your assertion that all her emails were personal.......obviously, you have zero knowledge of what the emails related to.......

on the other hand SOME emails were located that were NOT personal........

You have no idea if they were classified, and in America one is innocent until proven guilty.
link to evidence the FBI made an appointment with Trump to come over and search the property like they did with Biden......

THey didn't, the government simply asked him to return certain documents. Then when he refused, the FBI issued a subpoena. Then when he did not respond to the subpoena, they got a warrant and came and got them.
Biden's lawyers were allowed to collect evidence at a crime scene BEFORE the FBI.

My God, the person who has committed a federal crime is allowed to have HIS lawyers collect evidence of the crime before the FBI.

Send in the clowns.

Trump was given two years to do what he wanted with his crime scene.