why is it that Cons still think Iraq did 911?


Ive heard the cons on here say that anyone who thought that or still thinks that is just an idiot.

There are Americans who still think this and they vote republican.

One was recently quoted saying this about our soldiers in Iraq.

Can you name this person who we all agree is horribly misinformed?

"defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."
I have been arguing with the idiot Maj (formerly known as SJ?)

The depth of his ignorance is astounding. Of course, since I disagree with him I am automatically a commie fag. Odd how sexuality ties in with politics for him, isn't it?
I am beginning to think she is not so much a fool but someone who is completely out of their depth and out of their league. But she couldn't bear to say no to the offer.
I believe she is a average lady with alot of balls (big Thatcher sized ones as Colbert would say).

She is a Female George Bush. Way out of their league but likable enough people pretend not to notice they are just average.

She obviously thinks the Iraqi people did nine eleven and then laughed.
Time to repost my fav Bush joke with a new name.

A 70-year-old Texas Rancher got his hand caught in a gate while working cattle. He wrapped the hand in his bandana and drove his pickup to the doctor. While suturing the laceration, the doctor asked the old man about Sarah Palin being the VP nominee.

The old Texan said, "Well, ya know, Palin is a 'Post Turtle.'"

Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked what a Post Turtle was.

The old man looked at him and drawled, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a Post Turtle."

The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain:

"You know she didn't get there by herself, she doesn't belong there, she can't get anything done while she's up there, and you just want to help the poor thing get down."
I don't think anybody thinks that today. Right after the buildings fell from a people liberials try to embrase (because nothing is more cool than being multi culti I guess--kinda like being cool to be bisexual--same thing in a sense I think), many did. Bush did lie his ass off with the wheapons of mass destruction--either he lied---or our intilligence sources, may be over seas, who want to see a weaker America, for the same reasons you do-in fact---was very poor intelligence.

There was a lot of Boy cry wolf--but this time, there was the wolf.

Like the murder of JFK and Martin Luther King--we may never really know if it was a lie, poor intelligence, or a combination of both.

I think everybody now knows that we went in there to spread democracy in the hostile region (by gun point, and I don't totally condone it), and had very little to do with Obama Bin Biden at the time.

Invading a nation--is a shitty thing to do--I agree. And we sold them many of those weapons of mass destruction to fight Iran (the enemy of my enemy thing)--we had the recipts to proove it--but that does not mean they did not have more. We did sell them mustard gas making equiptment also (for example), I think---and the russians will sell anything in a black market, which is usually just smaller arms.

In retrospect---it may have been the best thing we could have done---we will never know. The region could be teamed up with Obama Bin Biden by now (I know they were not great frinds at the time)---who knows. I do think, that we would have had a much higher chance of a successfull attack by now--if we did not do it. But remember--it took them 7 years to plan 911--and waiting for them--is truly a virtue for them.

everybody knows Iraq or Sammy looking for rabbits in a hole--was not responsible for 911.

It is really stupid accusations like this that really tear down your own philosophies and repel your followers. Check out the polls lately? Try to keep up--OK?

Here is a question that has actually a 99% corrolation (compared to your point with 1% corrolation).---Why are almost all homo's liberial commies today? I really want to know the answer to this fact. It is interesting to me. Anybody?
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Ive heard the cons on here say that anyone who thought that or still thinks that is just an idiot.

There are Americans who still think this and they vote republican.

One was recently quoted saying this about our soldiers in Iraq.

Can you name this person who we all agree is horribly misinformed?

"defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."

Yes, how very nice of you to take her quote out of context.... just as the Washington post did. She was referring to the Al Queda fighters in Iraq desh.... She did not say Iraq/Saddam were responsible for 9/11.

The current fight in Iraq is largely against AL QUEDA. The group that planned and executed the events on 9/11.

Obviously DeshBush is now exercising her Rovian tactics.
Yes, how very nice of you to take her quote out of context.... just as the Washington post did. She was referring to the Al Queda fighters in Iraq desh.... She did not say Iraq/Saddam were responsible for 9/11.

The current fight in Iraq is largely against AL QUEDA. The group that planned and executed the events on 9/11.

Obviously DeshBush is now exercising her Rovian tactics.
I'm betting she got it from Think Progress. McDesh is nothing if not consistent. I read the line in its entirety, she's talking about defending innocent Iraqis and how it is a noble thing, and that they chose a harder course and chose to serve.

Here is a question that has actually a 99% corrolation (compared to your point with 1% corrolation).---Why are almost all homo's liberial commies today? I really want to know the answer to this fact. It is interesting to me. Anybody?

Well lets see.....

The conservatives have said gays cannot serve in the military, they don't want them to be teachers, won't let them marry, have called them vile and disgusting, have said they are an "abomination", and some have even claimed that they can be cured by prayer.

I cannot imagine why the gay community hasn't embraced the conservative movement. Can you?
Here is a question that has actually a 99% corrolation (compared to your point with 1% corrolation).---Why are almost all homo's liberial commies today? I really want to know the answer to this fact. It is interesting to me. Anybody?

scratch that --answered above---with some intelligence, might I add.
I'm betting she got it from Think Progress. McDesh is nothing if not consistent. I read the line in its entirety, she's talking about defending innocent Iraqis and how it is a noble thing, and that they chose a harder course and chose to serve.

I have not seen it in its entirety... could you link it up?

As for DeshBush... she either got if from thinkprogress or she read it directly in the WA Post article....
