why is it that Cons still think Iraq did 911?

You know what, stop calling people dumb, both you and Damo. You are being so thick here, of course she is conflating the two, and once again, you and Damo are desperately searching for some technicality to get her off on. He’s not the one writing dumb shit on this board lately, I can tell you that. And neither am I.
I've called nobody "dumb", Darla. Not in this thread. In another I mentioned that something somebody said wasn't all that smart.
Not just a commie fag, but part of the lib homosexual mafia! Don’t sell yourself short!

Hey, I forgot I was part of that whole mafia thing.

Is there a membership card or a secret handshake or anything?

Maybe a pink decoder ring?
What is worse is that the technicality that SF cites to is a lie.

Of course, this Palin conflation comes from the same people that brought you the Iraq War and the "the Administration never said that Iraq was responsible for 9/11" and that just couldn't figure out why a majority of the American people wrongly believed it.

Exactly, and I was thinking of just that when I wrote this. And then, their internet acolytes would claim that you couldn’t show where bush came out and said “Saddam attacked NYC”. They just never stop their BS.
You know what, stop calling people dumb, both you and Damo. You are being so thick here, of course she is conflating the two, and once again, you and Damo are desperately searching for some technicality to get her off on. He’s not the one writing dumb shit on this board lately, I can tell you that. And neither am I.

Bullshit... the only ones conflating the two are the idiot that wrote the article and the hack that repeated the lie here by starting this thread.

Unless you can show me where Palin stated Iraq was responsible or played a part in 9.11.
What is worse is that the technicality that SF cites to is a lie.

Of course, this Palin conflation comes from the same people that brought you the Iraq War and the "the Administration never said that Iraq was responsible for 9/11" and that just couldn't figure out why a majority of the American people wrongly believed it.

Please enlighten us as to why it is a lie....
There are Americans who still think its true.

they vote republican for the most part.
To be fair to those people, they know that there is no evidence but believe that absence of evidence does not necessarily equate to innocence.

However, Cheney clearly argued that Iraqi Government officials were meeting with Al Qaeda people in Europe. I have no problem pointing out that the admin tried to link the two.
Exactly, and I was thinking of just that when I wrote this. And then, their internet acolytes would claim that you couldn’t show where bush came out and said “Saddam attacked NYC”. They just never stop their BS.

the only BS is coming from you and desh and dung.... trying to use your magical dem colored reading glasses to project your idiocy onto a comment from Palin.
Al Qaeda in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Zero. Nada.

Holy shit.... you are deliberately being obtuse.

So your contention is that the Al Queda fighters in Iraq are not at all tied to Al Queda at all? That they never had any of Osamas Lt.'s running the show for them?
AQ in Iraq is there because we are in Iraq.

They attack people who are seen to be helping us.

We have killed many innocent civilians in our attempt to fight what we used to call insurgents and they now call AQ.
Holy shit.... you are deliberately being obtuse.

So your contention is that the Al Queda fighters in Iraq are not at all tied to Al Queda at all? That they never had any of Osamas Lt.'s running the show for them?

What I am telling you is that the group, Al Qaeda in Iraq, had nothing to do with 9/11 whatsoever. They have since become a franchise of the Al Qaeda brand, but Al Qaeda in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
It’s a pink thong with a picture of a gay pittbull holding a Liza Minelli CD on it.

Ok, I have nothing against Liza Minelli or her music.

But thong? Sorry, I guess I'll just have to void my membership. I like walking without string between my cheeks.
Well lets see.....

The conservatives have said gays cannot serve in the military, they don't want them to be teachers, won't let them marry, have called them vile and disgusting, have said they are an "abomination", and some have even claimed that they can be cured by prayer.

I cannot imagine why the gay community hasn't embraced the conservative movement. Can you?

Hey man--can I get a reply to my reply, replying to this reply--when you get a chance.

What I am telling you is that the group, Al Qaeda in Iraq, had nothing to do with 9/11 whatsoever. They have since become a franchise of the Al Qaeda brand, but Al Qaeda in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

As I stated, you are deliberately trying to play word games. They are in line with the group that did committ the atrocities on 9/11. They have been run by the LTs of Obama. The "group name" may not have existed at the time, but those that are fighting as members of that group DID... and they were most certainly a part of the group that attacked us.

and to be clear before you start another round of attempts at "gotcha"... no not ALL of them were a part of Al Queda prior to 9/11. But the leaders of the group were.