Why is Legion Troll dating and numbering his new threads?

We've tightened the number of threads one can start. 7 per forum, 10 total per day. Probably gonna trim it further to 5/7.
KKKRana didn't give you a heads up? I didn't know. Maybe she didn't know either being that she is a token mod.

I figgered since you are besties she would have told you

Too bad you can't work up a little indignation over all the racism, bigotry and vulgar language that infests this forum. I guess all that gets the free speech pass.
Too bad you can't work up a little indignation over all the racism, bigotry and vulgar language that infests this forum. I guess all that gets the free speech pass.

I wasn't worked up over Lesion Abdullah's trolling either. Stop being silly. I have only ever complained about one thing on JPP and that was Topspins groan fest.
I wasn't worked up over Lesion Abdullah's trolling either. Stop being silly. I have only ever complained about one thing on JPP and that was Topspins groan fest.

It's not silly to point out all the racism, bigotry and vulgar language here. Those people need to go back to Stormfront.
:rolleyes: So much for that minimal moderation free speech thingy.

This is a limit that limits 1, maybe 2 posters. It limits their ability to constantly spam and adversely impact the posting experience of the rest of the board. If Legion had an ounce of common fucking sense or decency we wouldn't even have the limit to begin with.
This is a limit that limits 1, maybe 2 posters. It limits their ability to constantly spam and adversely impact the posting experience of the rest of the board. If Legion had an ounce of common fucking sense or decency we wouldn't even have the limit to begin with.

My posting experience is adversely impacted by people like Pmp, usf, ChoppedLiver and others who call me and the other women cunts. Yes I do ignore them but I still see their words when others respond.
It is funny that he is having a little temper tantrum and dating and numbering his threads. That is freaking hilarious. All it will take to push him over the edge is a few forced ignores. I am sure the Mods will be keeping an eye out for Legion Troll alts so he can't skirt the rules.