Why is Legion Troll dating and numbering his new threads?

Its not hard to do. Simply ignore the bullshit and move on. You have an ignore feature on this cite don't you?

It's my hobby. I want to make it easy on myself. I don't ignore anybody, nor am I going to start on this one. I'd like more of a mix of people starting threads so I took a step to see if it would work.
It's my hobby. I want to make it easy on myself. I don't ignore anybody, nor am I going to start on this one. I'd like more of a mix of people starting threads so I took a step to see if it would work.

I hope it does.
Calling anyone a cunt is so Christ like Pastor...! I hope your followers learn from your Christly behavior.

its no worse than the things you folks call me........and I hope your followers don't learn from your ignorance.....we have enough dumbfuck liberals around here........
He seems to take umbrage to the limitation in starting threads, we have done nothing to limit his access to the board itself or to respond to posts. We simply limited the number of threads we have to wade through to get to threads we actually want to respond to. I want to be able to use the board to have discussions with members easily.

One of the best things you have done for the forum; I commend you and it gives me faith this forum can get better....now about DeshTard..... ;)