Why Jews were never evolution deniers

Exodus 21:20-21
“And if a man beats his male or female servant with a rod, so that he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his property.

Go figure. Jews believed in slavery.
Religious people are enemies of knowledge.

Superstition, ignorance, and propaganda are the enemies of knowledge and truth.

And many human institutions have played roles in that, from fundamentalist Muslims and Christians, to atheist state communists, to irreligious fascist governments.

All of the universities in Europe and North America were
originally founded by religious orders (Catholic, Anglican, Quaker) with the explicit goal of disseminating knowledge of the seven liberal arts: logic, grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music.
On premarital sex:

Deuteronomy 22:20-21
But if the thing is true, and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done a disgraceful thing in Israel, to play the harlot in her father’s house.
Superstition, ignorance, and propaganda are the enemies of knowledge and truth.

Anyd many human institutions have played roles in that, from fundamentalist Muslims and Christians, to atheist state communists, to irreligious fascist governments.

All of the universities in Europe and North America were founded by religious orders (Catholic, Anglican, Quaker) with the explicit goal of disseminating the seven liberal arts: logic, grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music.

Jesus walked on water. Stupid philosophy.
Deuteronomy 23:1
“He who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the LORD.

So if your penis is cut off or your balls are crushed, God does not accept your worship. God only accepts worship from people whose genitals are in good condition (minus the foreskin of course … that sort of mutilation is required by God).
Jesus walked on water. Stupid philosophy.

So you do not disagree that it was the religious orders that first established universities in Europe and North America to disseminate knowledge of the seven liberal arts.

I have never, ever seen you complain about the mythological content of the corpus of Hindu or Buddhist scripture, nor complain about Native American animist mythology.

Why is your supposedly principled irreligiousity only hostile to Christian allegory and legend? There has to be a psychological explanation for your anti-christian zealotry.
So you do not disagree that it was the religious orders that first established universities in Europe and North America to disseminate knowledge of the seven liberal arts.

I have never, ever seen you complain about the mythological content of the corpus of Hindu or Buddhist scripture, nor complain about Native American animist mythology.

Why is your supposedly principled irreligiousity only hostile to Christian allegory and legend? There has to be a psychological explanation for your anti-christian zealotry.

I rarely agree with anything you say. You're a scratched record saying the same thing over and over and over and over.....
I leave it to the best biblical scholars to sort out the historicity of the bible, but I don't think the universe was literally created in seven days, nor that Jonah lived in the belly of a whale.

Depends on God's definition of a Day!
The Jonah thing is possible, You or I weren't there.
The hardest thing in the Bible for your mind to truly believe is ,that God became a man name Jesus,lived a sinless life.
Went to the cross freely to save mankind from there sins.
"Before Abraham I Am".
I leave it to the best biblical scholars to sort out the historicity of the bible, but I don't think the universe was literally created in seven days, nor that Jonah lived in the belly of a whale.

FYI there's only one true Bible scholar,the one who dictated it to his prophets.
Your so-called Biblical scholars are just people with an opinion same as anyone else.
Strange stuff , the Christians call it the old testament yet the Jewish scripture and Jewish law never pertained to non Jews to begin with
This is what I learned from Shai Cherry, a Jewish religious scholar.

Jews do not count the beginning of existence until Adam was made on the sixth day of creation.

The Jews concluded that the six days of creation was metaphorical, and could not logically represent 24 hour solar cycles --> because the Sun was not even created until the third day.

Therefore, in Jewish theology there was a significant period of creation of indeterminate length before Adam and Eve. The concept of evolution occurring in this period of creation, or the concept of a 4.5 billion year old earth was never problematic in Judaism.

THis is why god turned on the jews and gave them big noses as punishment.
FYI there's only one true Bible scholar,the one who dictated it to his prophets.
Your so-called Biblical scholars are just people with an opinion same as anyone else.

I place weight on the opinions of religious scholars who have devoted a lifetime of training and scholarship in the skills of literary criticism and historical analysis.

Three who I really respect are Bart Ehrman, who happens to be agnostic, Luke Timothy Johnson, who happens to be a Catholic Benedictine monk, and Phillip Carey a Protestant theologian. So I feel like am getting a good dose of a range of perspectives.
This is what I learned from Shai Cherry, a Jewish religious scholar.

Jews do not count the beginning of existence until Adam was made on the sixth day of creation.

The Jews concluded that the six days of creation was metaphorical, and could not logically represent 24 hour solar cycles --> because the Sun was not even created until the third day.

Therefore, in Jewish theology there was a significant period of creation of indeterminate length before Adam and Eve. The concept of evolution occurring in this period of creation, or the concept of a 4.5 billion year old earth was never problematic in Judaism.
Thank Goodness.

I don't mind, taking it to the right-wing for being soo immoral as to criminalize something God created Himself and proclaimed to be Good; when we have a Commerce Clause in particular, and a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.
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Sensible people. I grew up in the midst of mainstream Protestantism (specifically, Lutheran). They took much the same attitude. I had no idea that evolution was even controversial as a kid. In fifth grade I did an assigned science project. I chose the evolution of the horse. Got an A. That was in 1963.

It's only the fundies of various religions who want to make it into a political thing.

That's because it hits them in the pocket. ;)