Why the left needs to be stopped.

"The John Birch Society is an American radical right-wing[1][2] political advocacy group that supports anti-communism, limited government, a Constitutional Republic[3][4] and personal freedom."[5]

To continue...
The society says it is anti-totalitarian, particularly anti-socialist and anti-communist. It seeks to limit the powers of government and defends the original intention of the U.S. Constitution, which it sees as based on Christian principles. It opposes collectivism, including wealth redistribution, economic interventionism, socialism, communism, and fascism.

To you, and those far-left communist-like pinheads like you, those values may be seem radical.....

How many voting members does the CPUSA have?

Probably only about 20 to 25 thousand registered members....

In 2010, in a report prepared for the Communist Party 29th National Convention, several members of the Young Communist League USA[13] wrote;
Currently, the conditions rarely if ever allow us to run open Communists for office. When members do run for office, it is within the auspices of the Democratic Party. Otherwise, we find ourselves supporting progressive (and in some instances not-so-progressive) Democratic candidates. Despite how much many of us would love to run comrades for office as Communists, we all agree that this is how we currently have to function in this political climate. Considering this FACT, the CPUSA+Democrats is a very formidable force to contend with....

The same reason you're a Bircher?

FACT IS ,....I am not a Bircher
YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT...aka, Communist.
OK, then bring me the historical information on what the Boston Tea Party was about...
logic says.....the Boston Tea Party was a demonstration about tax policy...
whether it was about higher or lower taxes is irrelevant....
If it was about taxes, it WAS a tax "revolt"... revolt might be too strong a word as we use the word today....but then, demonstration wasn't a term in vogue then....
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OK, then bring me the historical information on what the Boston Tea Party was about...

typical liberal ploy......try to spin the issue about something never considered....

They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before. However, if the colonies paid the duty tax on the imported tea they would be acknowledging Parliament's right to tax them. Tea was a staple of colonial life - it was assumed that the colonists would rather pay the tax than deny themselves the pleasure of a cup of tea.


they weren't objecting to special favors for big business, they were objecting to the same issue they objected to before the government tried to bait and switch....the result?....Take your tea and shove it!
typical liberal ploy......try to spin the issue about something never considered....


they weren't objecting to special favors for big business, they were objecting to the same issue they objected to before the government tried to bait and switch....the result?....Take your tea and shove it!

Now THAT is spin, deception and conjecture. Who the F is eyewitnesstohistory? And who is the author of the piece?

They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before.

The reason the colonists rebelled is it put small merchants out of business.

Your author-less piece mentions 'Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes'

Here's someone who actually read that whole book cover to cover and adds what your author-less piece ignores...

The Real Boston Tea Party was Against the Wal-Mart of the 1770s

The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

They covered their faces, massed in the streets, and destroyed the property of a giant global corporation. Declaring an end to global trade run by the East India Company that was destroying local economies, this small, masked minority started a revolution with an act of rebellion later called the Boston Tea Party.

That is how I tell the story of the Boston Tea Party, now that I have read a first-person account of it. While striving to understand my nation's struggles against corporations, in a rare book store I came upon a first edition of "Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party with a Memoir of George R.T. Hewes, a Survivor of the Little Band of Patriots Who Drowned the Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773," and I jumped at the chance to buy it. Because the identities of the Boston Tea Party participants were hidden (other than Samuel Adams) and all were sworn to secrecy for the next 50 years, this account is the only first-person account of the event by a participant that exists. As I read, I began to understand the true causes of the American Revolution.

I learned that the Boston Tea Party resembled in many ways the growing modern-day protests against transnational corporations and small-town efforts to protect themselves from chain-store retailers or factory farms. The Tea Party's participants thought of themselves as protesters against the actions of the multinational East India Company.

Although schoolchildren are usually taught that the American Revolution was a rebellion against “taxation without representation,” akin to modern day conservative taxpayer revolts, in fact what led to the revolution was rage against a transnational corporation that, by the 1760s, dominated trade from China to India to the Caribbean, and controlled nearly all commerce to and from North America, with subsidies and special dispensation from the British crown.

Hewes notes: “The [East India] Company received permission to transport tea, free of all duty, from Great Britain to America…” allowing it to wipe out New England–based tea wholesalers and mom-and-pop stores and take over the tea business in all of America. “Hence,” wrote, “it was no longer the small vessels of private merchants, who went to vend tea for their own account in the ports of the colonies, but, on the contrary, ships of an enormous burthen, that transported immense quantities of this commodity ... The colonies were now arrived at the decisive moment when they must cast the dye, and determine their course ... ”

A pamphlet was circulated through the colonies called The Alarm and signed by an enigmatic “Rusticus.” One issue made clear the feelings of colonial Americans about England's largest transnational corporation and its behavior around the world: “Their Conduct in Asia, for some Years past, has given simple Proof, how little they regard the Laws of Nations, the Rights, Liberties, or Lives of Men. They have levied War, excited Rebellions, dethroned lawful Princes, and sacrificed Millions for the Sake of Gain. The Revenues of Mighty Kingdoms have entered their Coffers. And these not being sufficient to glut their Avarice, they have, by the most unparalleled Barbarities, Extortions, and Monopolies, stripped the miserable Inhabitants of their Property, and reduced whole Provinces to Indigence and Ruin. Fifteen hundred Thousands, it is said, perished by Famine in one Year, not because the Earth denied its Fruits; but [because] this Company and their Servants engulfed all the Necessaries of Life, and set them at so high a Price that the poor could not purchase them.”

After protesters had turned back the Company's ships in Philadelphia and New York, Hewes writes, “In Boston the general voice declared the time was come to face the storm.”

The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost 200 years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world's largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it.
your fiction is getting tiresome......it's odd your spin has never been reported in a history book over the last 200+ years....

Because the identities of the Boston Tea Party participants were hidden (other than Samuel Adams) and all were sworn to secrecy for the next 50 years, "Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party with a Memoir of George R.T. Hewes" is the only first-person account of the event by a participant that exists.
Because the identities of the Boston Tea Party participants were hidden (other than Samuel Adams) and all were sworn to secrecy for the next 50 years, "Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party with a Memoir of George R.T. Hewes" is the only first-person account of the event by a participant that exists.

and the only record existing happens to claim the Tea Party was a proletarian uprising?....yeah, right......I'm sure everyone loved the king and would have paid taxes forever if corporations hadn't gone and given George a bad rep.....
and the only record existing happens to claim the Tea Party was a proletarian uprising?....yeah, right......I'm sure everyone loved the king and would have paid taxes forever if corporations hadn't gone and given George a bad rep.....

I'm sure King George and the East India Company considered it a proletarian uprising of the common, contemptible, inferior, insignificant, lowly, second-class, servile, vulgar and wretched. It is how conservatives view others.
I'm sure King George and the East India Company considered it a proletarian uprising of the common, contemptible, inferior, insignificant, lowly, second-class, servile, vulgar and wretched. It is how conservatives view others.

so you're saying the rebels must have been liberals because they were contemptible, inferior, vulgar and wretched?......I think I'm beginning to understand your logic now.....
BFGRN just jizzed all over PMM's clownish face. Here's your facial, bozo.

To continue...
The society says it is anti-totalitarian, particularly anti-socialist and anti-communist. It seeks to limit the powers of government and defends the original intention of the U.S. Constitution, which it sees as based on Christian principles. It opposes collectivism, including wealth redistribution, economic interventionism, socialism, communism, and fascism.

To you, and those far-left communist-like pinheads like you, those values may be seem radical.....

Yet you were mighty quick to note that you're not a Bircher. If their values and agenda are so great, why not?

Probably only about 20 to 25 thousand registered members....

In your dreams. They haven't had that many members for decades. The JBS has ten times as many members. It's people like you we need to fear.

Currently, the conditions rarely if ever allow us to run open Communists for office. When members do run for office, it is within the auspices of the Democratic Party. Otherwise, we find ourselves supporting progressive (and in some instances not-so-progressive) Democratic candidates. Despite how much many of us would love to run comrades for office as Communists, we all agree that this is how we currently have to function in this political climate.

Explain how fewer than 5K CP members (and that means all members, not just the activists) are going to have any significant impact on Democrats, or politics at large.

FACT IS ,....I am not a Bircher
YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT...aka, Communist.

"I am not a Bircher". LOL. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Embrace your totalitarian ideology, along with your soulmate Fred Koch. The society "define themselves as opposed to the 'New World Order' or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines". It's you in a nutshell.
Originally Posted by bravo

To continue...
The society says it is anti-totalitarian, particularly anti-socialist and anti-communist. It seeks to limit the powers of government and defends the original intention of the U.S. Constitution, which it sees as based on Christian principles. It opposes collectivism, including wealth redistribution, economic interventionism, socialism, communism, and fascism.

To you, and those far-left communist-like pinheads like you, those values may be seem radical.....
Yet you were mighty quick to note that you're not a Bircher. If their values and agenda are so great, why not?

If the above is exactly what they stand for and there are no other hidden agendas, then I'm with them 100%.....
Bravo Quote:
Probably only about 20 to 25 thousand registered members....
In your dreams. They haven't had that many members for decades. The JBS has ten times as many members. It's people like you we need to fear.

I didn't count them pinhead, did you ? The JBS ?
And I hope you do 'fear' people like me....

Currently, the conditions rarely if ever allow us to run open Communists for office. When members do run for office, it is within the auspices of the Democratic Party. Otherwise, we find ourselves supporting progressive (and in some instances not-so-progressive) Democratic candidates. Despite how much many of us would love to run comrades for office as Communists, we all agree that this is how we currently have to function in this political climate.
Explain how fewer than 5K CP members (and that means all members, not just the activists) are going to have any significant impact on Democrats, or politics at large.

All you have to do is compare the goals of the Democratic party and the goals of the US Communists....they are indistinguishable
I'd say the Communists have just about taken over the party without the pinheads democrats even realizing it...
FACT IS ,....I am not a Bircher
YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT...aka, Communist.
"I am not a Bircher". LOL. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

So does that mean I'm a honorary Bircher?
And you are an honorary Communist ???

Embrace your totalitarian ideology, along with your soulmate Fred Koch. The society "define themselves as opposed to the 'New World Order' or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines". It's you in a nutshell.

Libertarians are hardly "totalitarian"......
I would favor libertarians like the Koch family as opposed to assholes like Soros......but,
If the John Birch people have an agenda that goes beyond what I posted then I would not be a welcomed member....

I am opposed to this "New World Order" bullshit and I would hope all Americans are also....I don't adhere to extreme doctrines in any fashion, neither anti or pro government....thats more for you Communists.....
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Yet you were mighty quick to note that you're not a Bircher. If their values and agenda are so great, why not?

If the above is exactly what they stand for and there are no other hidden agendas, then I'm with them 100%.....
In your dreams. They haven't had that many members for decades. The JBS has ten times as many members. It's people like you we need to fear.

I didn't count them pinhead, did you ? The JBS ?
And I hope you do 'fear' people like me....

Explain how fewer than 5K CP members (and that means all members, not just the activists) are going to have any significant impact on Democrats, or politics at large.

All you have to do is compare the goals of the Democratic party and the goals of the US Communists....they are indistinguishable
I'd say the Communists have just about taken over the party without the pinheads democrats even realizing it...
"I am not a Bircher". LOL. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

So does that mean I'm a honorary Bircher?
And you are an honorary Communist ???

Embrace your totalitarian ideology, along with your soulmate Fred Koch. The society "define themselves as opposed to the 'New World Order' or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines". It's you in a nutshell.

Libertarians are hardly "totalitarian"......
I would favor libertarians like the Koch family as opposed to assholes like Soros......but,
If the John Birch people have an agenda that goes beyond what I posted then I would not be a welcomed member....

I am opposed to this "New World Order" bullshit and I would hope all Americans are also....I don't adhere to extreme doctrines in any fashion, neither anti or pro government....thats more for you Communists.....

Bravo, have you seen this video? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-125412080392677900#docid=-8683417149337063720

I think you'll like it. Probably give you some more talking points. :)