Why 'Unite' is a Lie

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Comments Why 'Unite' is a Lie
by Gary Bauer

01/23/2009 Print This

In the aftermath of President Obama’s historic inauguration, media talking heads have assured us our new president will end the partisan bickering that has recently defined our politics. He will unite the country, and he will move the people to close ranks. Only the bitter and the bigoted will oppose the compelling programs of he to whom one prominent T.V. commentator referred as our nation’s new “ruler,” and the world’s.

But conservatives have not united around Obama, nor should they. What should unite conservatives is devotion to the conservative principles that will help our country, not devotion to the cult of personality.

During the inauguration, many in the media suggested that the absence of protestors among the crowd of nearly 2 million on the mall in Washington, D.C. was proof that all Americans have already united around Obama. But conservatives did not protest partly out of respect for the historic import of the moment, but also because conservatives value civility. Respect for others is a conservative virtue. Continued

Such graciousness can be contrasted with liberals’ vindictive and often violent reactions to defeat. Consider the arsons and assaults by same-sex marriage advocates across the West following the California vote to pass Prop. 8 preserving traditional marriage.

The Left’s sense of vindictiveness was on full display even as it reached the pinnacle of its success on Tuesday. Consider the prayer offered by Rev. Joseph Lowery, a portion of which read:

“Lord…we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around when yellow will be mellow when the red man can get ahead, man and when white will embrace what is right.”

Lowery’s prayer was only part of a larger culture of gratuitous ugliness evident at the inauguration. When President Bush and Vice President Cheney arrived on the Inauguration Dais, they were booed loudly and serenaded mockingly with “Nah, nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye.” All this underscores how the left often seems to get more enjoyment from tearing conservatives down than from lifting liberals up.

And it underscores that the country is not unified. How could it be? President Obama received the votes of 65 million Americans, which translates to only about 22 percent of the American population. In 2004, George W. Bush received the votes of 62 million Americans, which translated into about 21 percent of the American population. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t remember the media talking about the nation having united around its president then.


To put it another way, Obama’s message of hope resonated so deeply and broadly that it inspired to vote a portion of the electorate not seen since the election of…Richard Nixon. That’s right. A larger share of Americans voted in Richard Nixon’s first presidential win in 1968 (61 percent) than voted in the 2008 election (57 percent).

When the media insist that the nation has united around Obama, what they really mean is that they (the media) have. And now they can get on with their mission to, as Chris Matthews put it in a moment of candor, do everything they can to make sure Obama’s presidency is a success.

I think its possible to unite around certain things such as the country did post 9/11. But there will always be issues that people have strong feelings on both sides that are a lot harder to find common ground on. And realistically its always good to have opposing thoughts and views which might not come under the umbrella of unity.
I think its possible to unite around certain things such as the country did post 9/11. But there will always be issues that people have strong feelings on both sides that are a lot harder to find common ground on. And realistically its always good to have opposing thoughts and views which might not come under the umbrella of unity.

good point. the media bias and the liberal hubris concerning obama is such a farce. when bush was elected the first time, all we heard from day one was: HE STOLE THE ELECTION. there was never any respect, certainly never any respect within a modicum of distance of the amount liberals are asking for now that their LEADER has been elected. certainly no unity, not even close.

a preacher from maine once said: you reap what you sow

i have a hunch he only meant republicans and that democrats never reap what the sow because his "god" loves democrats
I agree... I kind of like the fact that republicans are choking on their own bile.

you all and your hallucinations..no one is choking or bitter..we just will not roll over just because a Democrat is in office, just as you all didn't when Bush was in office..

no go have a cup of bile...sheeesh..
you all and your hallucinations..no one is choking or bitter..we just will not roll over just because a Democrat is in office, just as you all didn't when Bush was in office..

no go have a cup of bile...sheeesh..

you don't need to roll over....just bend over.

we won and we'll do things the way we want for the next two years whether you like it or not!
you all and your hallucinations..no one is choking or bitter..we just will not roll over just because a Democrat is in office, just as you all didn't when Bush was in office..

no go have a cup of bile...sheeesh..

What is it with Republican and their Strawman. Yea....Bauer is being bitter. He's completely misrepresenting what Obama said. Bauer is being intellectually dishonest but hell, anymore that's a trademark of Republicans.

Obama reached out to those with legitimate differences and asked them to make common cause, as Americans, to help resolve the big problems we have.

In other words, Obama was reaching out to the the Bauers of the world and the little bug eyed extremist slaped his hand.

Well fuck the little shit, he's part of the problem.
"But conservatives did not protest partly out of respect for the historic import of the moment, but also because conservatives value civility. Respect for others is a conservative virtue."

"But conservatives did not protest partly out of respect for the historic import of the moment, but also because conservatives value civility. Respect for others is a conservative virtue."

"But conservatives did not protest partly out of respect for the historic import of the moment, but also because conservatives value civility. Respect for others is a conservative virtue."

you all and your hallucinations..no one is choking or bitter..we just will not roll over just because a Democrat is in office, just as you all didn't when Bush was in office..

no go have a cup of bile...sheeesh..

Here is the problem of you line of thinking.

You guys didnt "roll over" as you put it when your guy was totally fucking this country up.

You remained Unrolled while he dismatled any oversight of many industries which gave us lovely things like a plunging economy, Americans being spied on by their own government, Failed wars that killed our kids and others too, Infrastructure which is crumbling, schools that cant graduate half the kids, any one who spoke out called a traitor, a reputation worldwide as idiotic war mongersand so much more that doesnt include good things for this countries long term good.

We know you will never "roll over" to smell the coffee and get a clue.

You perfer failed policies and a weaker more divided country.

You prefer your party of failed ideas to reality.

You prefer your party over OUR country.

You just enjoy the hell out of being that person and give your fellow Republicans First buddies Yurt and gary bauer a big hug for us ok?

We will be buzy fixing the country your team screwed up while dragging your dead weight forward.
Here is the problem of you line of thinking.

You guys didnt "roll over" as you put it when your guy was totally fucking this country up.

You remained Unrolled while he dismatled any oversight of many industries which gave us lovely things like a plunging economy, Americans being spied on by their own government, Failed wars that killed our kids and others too, Infrastructure which is crumbling, schools that cant graduate half the kids, any one who spoke out called a traitor, a reputation worldwide as idiotic war mongersand so much more that doesnt include good things for this countries long term good.

We know you will never "roll over" to smell the coffee and get a clue.

You perfer failed policies and a weaker more divided country.

You prefer your party of failed ideas to reality.

You prefer your party over OUR country.

You just enjoy the hell out of being that person and give your fellow Republicans First buddies Yurt and gary bauer a big hug for us ok?

We will be buzy fixing the country your team screwed up while dragging your dead weight forward.

Fixing the country by conintinuing the same wars and reckless spending?
It was tax cuts, deregulation and endless war that caused this.

Give the guy and us more than three fucking days to fix a problem that took eight years to make OK?
It was tax cuts, deregulation and endless war that caused this.

Give the guy and us more than three fucking days to fix a problem that took eight years to make OK?

Look at who he is appointing to his economic positions. All the same fuckers with the same ideas.

Get past the illusion of party, please, for us all.
I think you may have missed a car on the other side of the street, flash your cardboard sign at them.
Here is the problem of you line of thinking.

You guys didnt "roll over" as you put it when your guy was totally fucking this country up.

You remained Unrolled while he dismatled any oversight of many industries which gave us lovely things like a plunging economy, Americans being spied on by their own government, Failed wars that killed our kids and others too, Infrastructure which is crumbling, schools that cant graduate half the kids, any one who spoke out called a traitor, a reputation worldwide as idiotic war mongersand so much more that doesnt include good things for this countries long term good.

We know you will never "roll over" to smell the coffee and get a clue.

You perfer failed policies and a weaker more divided country.

You prefer your party of failed ideas to reality.

You prefer your party over OUR country.

You just enjoy the hell out of being that person and give your fellow Republicans First buddies Yurt and gary bauer a big hug for us ok?

We will be buzy fixing the country your team screwed up while dragging your dead weight forward.

how is the country FUCKED UP..and just what is the Democrats and Obama going to do the FIX IT???
and don't forget, 58 million people voted againt your man, so we're not going anywhere..you all will just have to accept that fact...now have a nice day..
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