Why 'Unite' is a Lie

Why do we have to have these constant posts about someone's personal life from these two idiots?

Distasteful is a big understatement.

Darla, everything that we psot, MM posted himself. We are nOT posting personal info - he made it public info

Do you understand now dear?
Both of you shut the fuck up. You''re both disgusting shits who have brought something onto this board that we have not had before.
if maineman's life is so "honest", why does he continue to bitch that someone told his church about his posts on dp and that this "harmed" him....

those posts must have been pretty bad if his church/flock found out about them and because they saw his online posts...that "harmed" him.
Enough. The thread isn't about Maineman.
No, the nasty personal crap hasn't been here for a long time. I'd prefer it stayed where it started.

maineman is the one who brought up the dp stuff and accused me of telling his employment about his posts, he started this....he gave out my personal information.

it does take two tango, but the source of this personal crap is clear.
Make the insults more general, go at each other. As long as it doesn't become a how low we can go battle you two will be free to blast each other. Some of the best ways to avoid that is to keep the kids out of it, and nobody cares what y'all do for a living if it's going to become a "look what I know"... Well, let's just keep that elsewhere.

The very first rule of the board is privacy for a reason. It is the one that we take most serious.
Unless, of course, you're pseudonym is Grind and you go and post your personal info, and leave your phone number lying around for me to dial up on New Years...