Why 'Unite' is a Lie

"58 million people voted againt your man, so we're not going anywhere"

Hey, I'm fine w/ all of you staying in America. As long as you're no longer involved in any of the decision-making, it's cool...
Here is the problem of you line of thinking.

You guys didnt "roll over" as you put it when your guy was totally fucking this country up.

You remained Unrolled while he dismatled any oversight of many industries which gave us lovely things like a plunging economy, Americans being spied on by their own government, Failed wars that killed our kids and others too, Infrastructure which is crumbling, schools that cant graduate half the kids, any one who spoke out called a traitor, a reputation worldwide as idiotic war mongersand so much more that doesnt include good things for this countries long term good.

We know you will never "roll over" to smell the coffee and get a clue.

You perfer failed policies and a weaker more divided country.

You prefer your party of failed ideas to reality.

You prefer your party over OUR country.

You just enjoy the hell out of being that person and give your fellow Republicans First buddies Yurt and gary bauer a big hug for us ok?

We will be buzy fixing the country your team screwed up while dragging your dead weight forward.

Hey Desh, what oversight would you be referring to? Oversight like Sarbenes-Oxley? I agree that hurt the economy. What other examples do you have? And since the subject is Bush lets say between 01 and 08. So that doesn't include Clinton signing that '99 or '00 banking law.

And Desh you previosly said its ok to put the Democratic Party over country because the Democratic Party has the right platform for America. Hard to call someone else out on it when you suggest doing it.
how is the country FUCKED UP..and just what is the Democrats and Obama going to do the FIX IT???

In this instance I believe your question is a legitimate one in that Desh has previously stated she feels more responsibility lays at the hands of those who should fix a problem than those who caused it. Of course that was in reference to Bush not making changes to Clinton's '99 or '00 banking law. But reasons it would work the same now.
It's not like it's a big mystery what Obama & the rest have in mind to fix the economy, or anything else. They're being pretty clear about what they have in mind, and what they are proposing.
"58 million people voted againt your man, so we're not going anywhere"

Hey, I'm fine w/ all of you staying in America. As long as you're no longer involved in any of the decision-making, it's cool...

yes, i am sure you thought the same for the dems when you guys lost in 04 and 00....hypocrite

party over country for you
you don't need to roll over....just bend over.

we won and we'll do things the way we want for the next two years whether you like it or not!

preach it preacher man....let's hear those sermons about cum dripping down girls legs that you are so fond of talking about....come on, your flock wants to know

you see, you prove me right when i said you live a lie, you would never want your church to know you say such things....

i'm glad my life is honest
preach it preacher man....let's hear those sermons about cum dripping down girls legs that you are so fond of talking about....come on, your flock wants to know

you see, you prove me right when i said you live a lie, you would never want your church to know you say such things....

i'm glad my life is honest
my life is honest too.

Unlike you, however, my life holds promise for a delightful future. You're a night school pissant excuse for an attorney who will be forced to chase ambulances in order to make ends meet.

Sucks to be you.:cof1:
my life is honest too.

Unlike you, however, my life holds promise for a delightful future. You're a night school pissant excuse for an attorney who will be forced to chase ambulances in order to make ends meet.

Sucks to be you.:cof1:

does your church know the vile posts you make here? you claim to lead a flock, yet you make vile posts that you ADMIT would harm your "job" as a preacher if your church found out about your posts. you live a lie. that is a fact.

i also can prove you are a liar....easy:

on ignore and will keep him there

Now... I will go back to completely refraining from opening your posts

oooops, liar
yes, i am sure you thought the same for the dems when you guys lost in 04 and 00....hypocrite

party over country for you

Ah, yes. Yurt's only theme. "They do it, too."

No, I didn't feel the same in '00 or '04, because I knew the peope in power were making the wrong decisions.

Guess what? I was right.
As long as you're no longer involved in any of the decision-making, it's cool...

This illustrates the insidious nature of Socialism. Once they obtain control and power, they don't feel compelled to allow democracy in any form to flourish. They stifle dissent, they squelch opposition, they maintain fascist dominance over their subjects with an iron fist. This idiot is just popping off his arrogant mouth, but Socialists who are in charge of real power, are the same way, they operate on the same principles.

I agree with Yurt (and Bauer), you'd think, by the media coverage, that 80-90% of the population supported Obama and is fully behind him. And they will continue to propagate that myth, as they castigate dissension as 'racist' or 'bigoted' at every turn. It's why I have said, Conservatives need to take away one lesson from Election '08... don't worry about trying to please liberals and moderates, they are a lost cause. Develop a thick skin and be prepared to get bombarded with incessant personal insults and attacks, every time you open your mouth. It's precisely how Socialism works.

Back when I was in high school, studying about history, I often wondered how millions of people in Russia, China, and elsewhere, could be completely stripped of their freedoms and rendered helpless at the hand of brutal fascist governments. What the hell was so powerful that it overcame their ability to stand up for themselves? How did they wind up in such a fucked up mess, and depend on nations like the US to save their asses? Well, it's clear to me now, and it should be clear to everyone with what is happening today. But, it's not clear to so many, they are duped, just as the poor people of Poland were duped, they are tricked, by the same tactics the poor people of Germany were tricked, they are conned by the same cons used on the poor people of Russia, Italy, Japan, and everywhere socialist fascist government has reared it's ugly head. It all begins with the innocent promise of "hope and change" and useful idiots like Onceler following like sheep to slaughter, mumbling their stupidity about not allowing others to have a voice in decisions.
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"They stifle dissent "

hee hee - yeah; you were sooooo great w/ dissent when your party was in power, Dix. How many times did you call me a traitor for merely disagreeing with Bush?

Man, have you earned your time in the political wilderness. How's it going so far, btw?
"They stifle dissent "

hee hee - yeah; you were sooooo great w/ dissent when your party was in power, Dix. How many times did you call me a traitor for merely disagreeing with Bush?

Man, have you earned your time in the political wilderness. How's it going so far, btw?

Well, I've noticed some mental deterioration.
my life is honest too.

Unlike you, however, my life holds promise for a delightful future. You're a night school pissant excuse for an attorney who will be forced to chase ambulances in order to make ends meet.

Sucks to be you.:cof1:

How is your life so great when you lives nothing but lies?

Or do you cheer yourself up by kicking puppies, impaling cats, assualting those close to you who do not bow before you?
if maineman's life is so "honest", why does he continue to bitch that someone told his church about his posts on dp and that this "harmed" him....

those posts must have been pretty bad if his church/flock found out about them and because they saw his online posts...that "harmed" him.
if maineman's life is so "honest", why does he continue to bitch that someone told his church about his posts on dp and that this "harmed" him....

those posts must have been pretty bad if his church/flock found out about them and because they saw his online posts...that "harmed" him.

and why is his gone from DP? Could he be so humilated and red faced he does not have the courage to post there anymore?

The fact he hid his true ID under "moderate democrat" tells you all you need to know about the mainman.

He is a yellow coward with no honor
"But conservatives did not protest partly out of respect for the historic import of the moment, but also because conservatives value civility. Respect for others is a conservative virtue."


Spurt, you little pissant, I notice you pretended you didn't see these clear refutations of your ignorant post.
Why do we have to have these constant posts about someone's personal life from these two idiots?

Distasteful is a big understatement.
Why do we have to have these constant posts about someone's personal life from these two idiots?

Distasteful is a big understatement.

maineman made his personal life public.

i did not, maineman posted private information about me against the rules. why don't you talk to him about it...