Wildly unpopular bailout?


The American people aren't against the bailout.

EXTREMISTS. both right and left, are against the bailout. It's just that an obsessed extremist is far more likely to call their representative.

Let's look at the facts. Who here opposes the plan?

RS, Dano, AssHat, theMAJORITY, Cypress

Who supports it?

Onceler, SF, WM, IB1

Which crowd is more extreme? The only person who's really moderate and against the bailout on here is LadyT.

And I assure you, there are a lot more moderates in the American public, who don't drop everything and call their rep. the first time they hear the news.

Polls reflect this. The American public is not wildly against this, as some would have you believe. They are divided. Most polls have support for the plan slightly greater than opposition. The people who say "999% of the country is against this!" are simply not telling the truth. So where did it come from? Straight out of the extremists ass. And dittoheads go around and swallow it. You don't want to swallow stuff from their ass.

(Plagiarizing Franken BTW)
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Shut up you idiot. Only people who support this tripe are morons who don't understand it, like Cypress, and people who stand to profit from it, like Congressmen and their buddies at the bank.

You're a fucking tool and you've proven in the last few days just how ignorant you are.
Shut up you idiot. Only people who support this tripe are morons who don't understand it, like Cypress, and people who stand to profit from it, like Congressmen and their buddies at the bank.

You're a fucking tool and you've proven in the last few days just how ignorant you are.

I forgot to mention you, Mr. Moderate. Never has a person come up and proven my point better than this.

What's the latest conspiracy? I haven't been keeping up, but the moon landing was totally fake.
Waterdork is totally clueless. He actually believes having the government buy bad debt for more than it's worth will be good for the country. He thinks rewarding investors for making bad decisions is going to save the average joe somehow. He buys any and all rhetoric from the very people who will profit from this bullshit plan. Totally clueless is a nice way to put it.
Nice try. we all know a huge reason why nobody voted it in last time was bvecause 9 out of ten calls they got were agains the bail out.

feeling deseperate enough to lie---I see you.
No, you are annoying and obsessive.

great comeback!

Here's a link to an example of the fearmongering BS.
Look at this shit!!

"We don't have a lot of leeway on time," Reid told reporters in the Capitol. "One of the individuals in the caucus today talked about a major insurance company -- a major insurance company -- one with a name that everyone knows that's on the verge of going bankrupt. That's what this is all about."

He did not identify the insurance company, and later in the day Reid spokesman Jim Manley said the senator was speaking broadly and not referring to anything specific.

"Senator Reid is not personally aware of any particular company being on the verge of bankruptcy," Manley wrote in an e-mail to ABCNews.com. "Rather, his comments were meant to refer to the conditions in the financial sector generally. He regrets any confusion his comments may have caused."

Holy fucking fearmongering, Batman!
I do have to wonder if I am wrong to oppose the bailout considering some of those who agree with me though....

Feel so dirty...
You have to be an extremists to support this rushed, costly and massive power grab. We all know the government is going to do something. There is no reason to rush into something stupid.
I am also against the bailout and I don't think either the conservatives NOR the Liberals would issue a blanket acceptance of me as one OR the other.