Wildly unpopular bailout?

Yep this just sets up the market to do it all over again.

the Mulligan bill.

Yeah, it allows the banks to be less careful about new loans. This sky is falling nonsense that credit has/will grind to a halt is nonsense. Loans are still being made. They are just being more careful about it, as they should. Once the market corrects they will loosen up a bit, plus they will not need to lend as much with housing prices at true market levels.

This just allows/encourages them to be careless. Maybe, even more careless than ever before since they can just return to the government to buy up their worthless crap later.
Given enough time it could help pay for itself at least.

It was not the best solution but it was a solution that was done in time before the real spiral of lending tightening gripped the country.

I hope it did enough to calm the slide.

Desh, I'm suprised that you fall for the chicken little routine. In so many other area you seem to have a good eye for bullshit spotting, but somehow on this one you eat up the propaganda. Is it because you really don't understand the crisis?
Desh, I'm suprised that you fall for the chicken little routine. In so many other area you seem to have a good eye for bullshit spotting, but somehow on this one you eat up the propaganda. Is it because you really don't understand the crisis?


Sarah Palin probably doesn't understand the crisis.
Yeah, it allows the banks to be less careful about new loans. This sky is falling nonsense that credit has/will grind to a halt is nonsense. Loans are still being made. They are just being more careful about it, as they should. Once the market corrects they will loosen up a bit, plus they will not need to lend as much with housing prices at true market levels.

This just allows/encourages them to be careless. Maybe, even more careless than ever before since they can just return to the government to buy up their worthless crap later.

Desh, I'm suprised that you fall for the chicken little routine. In so many other area you seem to have a good eye for bullshit spotting, but somehow on this one you eat up the propaganda. Is it because you really don't understand the crisis?
I think it's because Desh is far more of a Democrat than a Liberal. The Dem leadership like Obama et al has decided this bailout is right and needs to happen, so Desh follows along like a good party soldier.
She cannot bring herself to go against the leader in her party, just like the few absolute hardcore Bushies still left out there.
Yeah, it allows the banks to be less careful about new loans. This sky is falling nonsense that credit has/will grind to a halt is nonsense. Loans are still being made. They are just being more careful about it, as they should. Once the market corrects they will loosen up a bit, plus they will not need to lend as much with housing prices at true market levels.

This just allows/encourages them to be careless. Maybe, even more careless than ever before since they can just return to the government to buy up their worthless crap later.

This is entirely bullshit. You will punish the entire US in a vindictive attempt to get back at people this plan isn't even going to bail out. You are not punishing wall street, you are punishing you and me.
So if I am not a moderate what am I? Ok a left leaning moderate, but there are very few libs that support the second amendment, flat taxes, elimination of the death tax, allowing business owners to decide if they are going to allow smoking or not, just to name a few.

I for one, agree with all 3 of those.
This is entirely bullshit. You will punish the entire US in a vindictive attempt to get back at people this plan isn't even going to bail out. You are not punishing wall street, you are punishing you and me.

It is going to bailout the banks so they can continue sucking more resources out of our economy. Hopefully, the rest of us will be able to bear the burden, but adding more will not help.

You are just a candyass, not old enough to have memory of these downturns. More than likely, we will survive, so long as the government does not do too much to fuck things up.
It is going to bailout the banks so they can continue sucking more resources out of our economy. Hopefully, the rest of us will be able to bear the burden, but adding more will not help.

You are just a candyass, not old enough to have memory of these downturns. More than likely, we will survive, so long as the government does not do too much to fuck things up.

Only the market fucks things up.
"people with no vested interest in the market "

I'm not sure that there is anyone like that.

The thing on this is, for someone making $50-60K a year, their tax bill will hardly change; the people who are going to pay the most for the bailout are, and I'm just guessing here, more likely to have 401K's & other investments. And that's just people who are directly affected by the market.

Ultimately, everyone is affected by the market. If the market goes down 1-2,000 pts., a lot of those $50-60K people, who will be least affected by the bailout, could easily lose their jobs, or see overtime cut, or lose benefits....it will affect them much more than whatever small tax increase they'll see from the $700 billion.

Speak for yourself, I for one, am not vested in the market. Never have been and never will be. Thank you!