Wildly unpopular bailout?

The American people aren't against the bailout.

EXTREMISTS. both right and left, are against the bailout. It's just that an obsessed extremist is far more likely to call their representative.

Let's look at the facts. Who here opposes the plan?

RS, Dano, AssHat, theMAJORITY, Cypress

Who supports it?

Onceler, SF, WM, IB1

Which crowd is more extreme? The only person who's really moderate and against the bailout on here is LadyT.

And I assure you, there are a lot more moderates in the American public, who don't drop everything and call their rep. the first time they hear the news.

Polls reflect this. The American public is not wildly against this, as some would have you believe. They are divided. Most polls have support for the plan slightly greater than opposition. The people who say "999% of the country is against this!" are simply not telling the truth. So where did it come from? Straight out of the extremists ass. And dittoheads go around and swallow it. You don't want to swallow stuff from their ass.

(Plagiarizing Franken BTW)

Obfuscate, Socrates, Darla (sort of), blackascoal, blackflag oppose it.

Onceler and Superfreak are moderates sure, you are not, not deep down anyway.

What is your point here? That moderates always do what is right or is it that they do what seems safer.
Plenty of moderate Dems voted for the Iraq war and to increase military spending, moderate Republicans in power are in favor of more spending and consider cutting government too extreme.
A lot of moderates can't bring themselves to cut spending, where do you think that leads? Where does this bailout lead? To yet more debt.
I like the bailout now that the other bill was attached to it as a sweetener.

Just think of it this way... Its better to have the 1T go to America then Iraq.
The American people aren't against the bailout.

EXTREMISTS. both right and left, are against the bailout. It's just that an obsessed extremist is far more likely to call their representative.

Let's look at the facts. Who here opposes the plan?

RS, Dano, AssHat, theMAJORITY, Cypress

Who supports it?

Onceler, SF, WM, IB1

Which crowd is more extreme? The only person who's really moderate and against the bailout on here is LadyT.

And I assure you, there are a lot more moderates in the American public, who don't drop everything and call their rep. the first time they hear the news.

Polls reflect this. The American public is not wildly against this, as some would have you believe. They are divided. Most polls have support for the plan slightly greater than opposition. The people who say "999% of the country is against this!" are simply not telling the truth. So where did it come from? Straight out of the extremists ass. And dittoheads go around and swallow it. You don't want to swallow stuff from their ass.

(Plagiarizing Franken BTW)

I've never said that 999% of people are against it. That would impossible.

Secondly, I'm an extreme lefty excluding taxes.
I do have to wonder if I am wrong to oppose the bailout considering some of those who agree with me though....

Feel so dirty...

I know! :p tell me about it.

But I do feel a lot better since you're against it too. You always tend to be right about stuff like this.
The American people aren't against the bailout.

EXTREMISTS. both right and left, are against the bailout. It's just that an obsessed extremist is far more likely to call their representative.

Let's look at the facts. Who here opposes the plan?

RS, Dano, AssHat, theMAJORITY, Cypress

Who supports it?

Onceler, SF, WM, IB1

Which crowd is more extreme? The only person who's really moderate and against the bailout on here is LadyT.

And I assure you, there are a lot more moderates in the American public, who don't drop everything and call their rep. the first time they hear the news.

Polls reflect this. The American public is not wildly against this, as some would have you believe. They are divided. Most polls have support for the plan slightly greater than opposition. The people who say "999% of the country is against this!" are simply not telling the truth. So where did it come from? Straight out of the extremists ass. And dittoheads go around and swallow it. You don't want to swallow stuff from their ass.

(Plagiarizing Franken BTW)

You forgot me. I don't support it and I'm a moderate.
You forgot me. I don't support it and I'm a moderate.

Basically WM is full 'o $hit on this one. Its the one issue that's not really partisan. Its us against them. And by us, I mean you and me and by them I mean washington's special interest groups.

We're all going to take one up the @$$ for this deal. Whether or not WM realizes it or not, these same clowns that told us the $600 in tax rebates would save our economy are telling us that $700B to banks will do the trick. The dollar will continue to fall, inflation will sky rocket, and we'll be paying for it along with Iraq for decades to come.

At the end of the day it really doesn't matter the senate including both presidential candidates are selling us out. Our lawmakers don't care about us, they care about reelection. I'm actually so disgusted with politics and politicians at this point I am thinki ngabout writing in Cynthia McKinney for everything this year. Even in my local township races.
Basically WM is full 'o $hit on this one. Its the one issue that's not really partisan. Its us against them. And by us, I mean you and me and by them I mean washington's special interest groups.

We're all going to take one up the @$$ for this deal. Whether or not WM realizes it or not, these same clowns that told us the $600 in tax rebates would save our economy are telling us that $700B to banks will do the trick. The dollar will continue to fall, inflation will sky rocket, and we'll be paying for it along with Iraq for decades to come.

At the end of the day it really doesn't matter the senate including both presidential candidates are selling us out. Our lawmakers don't care about us, they care about reelection. I'm actually so disgusted with politics and politicians at this point I am thinki ngabout writing in Cynthia McKinney for everything this year. Even in my local township races.

Yeah, it’s not going to work, doesn’t address the problem, and is only a hail mary to hold up the DOW until after the election, so no one can be blamed before the election.
We're all going to take one up the @$$ for this deal. Whether or not WM realizes it or not, these same clowns that told us the $600 in tax rebates would save our economy are telling us that $700B to banks will do the trick. The dollar will continue to fall, inflation will sky rocket, and we'll be paying for it along with Iraq for decades to come.


It's a $700 billion bailout. To keep things in perspective, the market lost $1.2 trillion in value on Monday.

I guess I don't need to reiterate, but I think it's worth a shot; even if it just lessens the fall, that's something that will affect a lot of people.
The ITC being bundled into this bill is unbelievable. How lucky can a guy get over past month? First a free car, a 4day work week, stock gifts, and now this.

honestly i think people that invest in the market and understand whats going on are for it and people with no vested interest in the market or without the understanding of what would happen are against it. That break is blind to the republicans or democrats label.
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"people with no vested interest in the market "

I'm not sure that there is anyone like that.

The thing on this is, for someone making $50-60K a year, their tax bill will hardly change; the people who are going to pay the most for the bailout are, and I'm just guessing here, more likely to have 401K's & other investments. And that's just people who are directly affected by the market.

Ultimately, everyone is affected by the market. If the market goes down 1-2,000 pts., a lot of those $50-60K people, who will be least affected by the bailout, could easily lose their jobs, or see overtime cut, or lose benefits....it will affect them much more than whatever small tax increase they'll see from the $700 billion.
The ITC being bundled into this bill is unbelievable. How lucky can a guy get over past month? First a free car, a 4day work week, stock gifts, and now this.

honestly i think people that invest in the market and understand whats going on are for it and people with no vested interest in the market or without the understanding of what would happen are against it. That break is blind to the republicans or democrats label.

That's total horseshit. There are lots of people that understand full well what is going on and understand full well the bailout proposals that are not in favor of it. Casting aside all criticism of it as coming from people that don't know what they're talking about (while there is a lot of that) is nonsense.
"people with no vested interest in the market "

I'm not sure that there is anyone like that.

The thing on this is, for someone making $50-60K a year, their tax bill will hardly change; the people who are going to pay the most for the bailout are, and I'm just guessing here, more likely to have 401K's & other investments. And that's just people who are directly affected by the market.

Ultimately, everyone is affected by the market. If the market goes down 1-2,000 pts., a lot of those $50-60K people, who will be least affected by the bailout, could easily lose their jobs, or see overtime cut, or lose benefits....it will affect them much more than whatever small tax increase they'll see from the $700 billion.

It'd be a whole lot easier for people to understand that if they benefited from the upswing in the market as well as suffering from the downswings. Over the past eight years economic growth has been concentrated in top 20% of income earners, with most of the growth in the top 5% or so. It's no wonder lots of people are against the bailout.
The ITC being bundled into this bill is unbelievable. How lucky can a guy get over past month? First a free car, a 4day work week, stock gifts, and now this.

honestly i think people that invest in the market and understand whats going on are for it and people with no vested interest in the market or without the understanding of what would happen are against it. That break is blind to the republicans or democrats label.

Preety much!
"people with no vested interest in the market "

I'm not sure that there is anyone like that.

The thing on this is, for someone making $50-60K a year, their tax bill will hardly change; the people who are going to pay the most for the bailout are, and I'm just guessing here, more likely to have 401K's & other investments. And that's just people who are directly affected by the market.

Ultimately, everyone is affected by the market. If the market goes down 1-2,000 pts., a lot of those $50-60K people, who will be least affected by the bailout, could easily lose their jobs, or see overtime cut, or lose benefits....it will affect them much more than whatever small tax increase they'll see from the $700 billion.

I think your right and I agree. This bailout may not even work but hell its worth a shot... Its crude and overbearing but it attacks the rootcause.
Without it we will continue to pour money into the bank failure of the week (i think i read somewhere that we already have spend like 400B) and the market will plummet. Capital will be hard to raise and companies will slow way down and layoff. I hope it works.
It'd be a whole lot easier for people to understand that if they benefited from the upswing in the market as well as suffering from the downswings. Over the past eight years economic growth has been concentrated in top 20% of income earners, with most of the growth in the top 5% or so. It's no wonder lots of people are against the bailout.

Well, I agree with part of that, but would argue that this didn't really tie into the market as much. After all, the market was pretty flat for the past 8 years.

The '90's are a better example; nearly everyone rose w/ the market's fortunes in the '90's.
It may just be enough to shuffle the dying economy along funtil we get some adults in office to be better stewards of this mess.

The Rs really screwed the pooch on this one.