Will Kamala replace Walz

You are a hopeless lemming so all I can do is pray for you. THE PEOPLE you speak of, have no shin in the game so everything the government hands them, makes them more and more dependent on that government.

View attachment 29597

You are nothing more than a prejudiced, dogmatic, racialist- BIGOT!

Someone who thinks HE is SUPERIOR to others because of the color of his skin.

Someone who judges everyone else from his lofty little perch, and without ever judging himself.

This kind of hatred had to be born into you!

There is just no way normal people can just turn this hateful, and become hateful someday! like, "DUH! I guess I am a hater too"!

No SIRRRRR!........................ YOU WERE BORN TO HATE!

Thanks for sharing!

You are nothing more than a prejudiced, dogmatic, racialist- BIGOT!

Someone who thinks HE is SUPERIOR to others because of the color of his skin.

Someone who judges everyone else from his lofty little perch, and without ever judging himself.

This kind of hatred had to be born into you!

There is just no way normal people can just turn this hateful, and become hateful someday! like, "DUH! I guess I am a hater too"!

No SIRRRRR!........................ YOU WERE BORN TO HATE!

Thanks for sharing!

Your posts are amusing as they look like ransom notes. Thanks for the laughs.
Your opinions are asinine, hateful, and punishable by LOSING ELECTIONS!

Is there something you just don't understand with this?

"You'll never win elections as long as you are down in the Rabbit Holes and SEWERS with Trump! The election is up here- above ground- where THE PEOPLE vote"! [Geeko Sportivo]
Yes, The people vote. They voted for Biden, not Harris.. She was the first to drop out when running for POTUS.
Then, she became the Queen Bee of the Party of Idiots, installed by the party's elites. She got NOT ONE VOTE!
Yes, The people vote. They voted for Biden, not Harris.. She was the first to drop out when running for POTUS.
Then, she became the Queen Bee of the Party of Idiots, installed by the party's elites. She got NOT ONE VOTE!
You deplorable people live in the past! WHAT A BUNCH OF KNUCKLE-DRAGGING TROGLODYTES!

That was then, THIS IS NOW!


Most likely, YOUR IDIOT is going to jail!

Yes, The people vote. They voted for Biden, not Harris.. She was the first to drop out when running for POTUS.
Then, she became the Queen Bee of the Party of Idiots, installed by the party's elites. She got NOT ONE VOTE!
So let me get this straight; according to YOU and Cheeto Jeezus, once your party nominates a candidate, that's it. The nominated person MUST run for office, with no substitutes unless the candidate drops dead or is medically incapable.

Well, there are some flaws in your parroted (among the right wing noise machine) assertion: (1) The DNC nominates their candidate on the 19th of this month. Biden has NOT been officially nominated, nor did he go through any primary this time (just like his GOP counterpart). THERE IS NO LAW OR LEGAL PRECEDENT THAT PROHIBITS A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICIALLY DECLINING TO SEEK RE-ELECTION. Nor is there any law that prohibits his from endorsing a candidate. (2) Just because a primary candidate loses those debates DOES NOT PROHIBIT THEM FROM RUNNING FOR POTUS. There is no law that prevents this. Harris lost the POTUS race but became VP by choice of the winning candidate (Biden). Biden steps down, endorses her. If the people don't like it, they can voice that via their delegates on the 19th.

What's burning your ass is the fact that the Dump/Little Dump ticked was all set to slam dunk on an obvious flailing Biden. They don't have that option now, and they're panicking. AND NONE OF DUMP'S LIES, DODGES AND REVISIONIST RHETORIC IS GOING TO PLAY THIS TIME AROUND. Vance is just a documented joke.

GTFU and deal with it, son.
You deplorable people live in the past! WHAT A BUNCH OF KNUCKLE-DRAGGING TROGLODYTES!

That was then, THIS IS NOW!


Most likely, YOUR IDIOT is going to jail!

So your "NOW" is making up your own rules as you go? The people's vote gets trampled.
Funny how in Harris's words, Joe was sharp as a tac and Biden said he was in it to win it.
The next day Biden quits and Harris is the DNC's newly crowned queen. It was all about
money, big donators were jumping off the Biden bandwagon. So they fired him.
Red Hot? She refuses any media attempts to talk to her. She has a horrid record and would
be a cackling wonder on the world stage She was the border czar. Biden appointed her 3 1/2
years ago. She only went there once for a photo op. She failed miserably. She should be fired.
So let me get this straight; according to YOU and Cheeto Jeezus, once your party nominates a candidate, that's it. The nominated person MUST run for office, with no substitutes unless the candidate drops dead or is medically incapable.

Well, there are some flaws in your parroted (among the right wing noise machine) assertion: (1) The DNC nominates their candidate on the 19th of this month. Biden has NOT been officially nominated, nor did he go through any primary this time (just like his GOP counterpart). THERE IS NO LAW OR LEGAL PRECEDENT THAT PROHIBITS A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICIALLY DECLINING TO SEEK RE-ELECTION. Nor is there any law that prohibits his from endorsing a candidate. (2) Just because a primary candidate loses those debates DOES NOT PROHIBIT THEM FROM RUNNING FOR POTUS. There is no law that prevents this. Harris lost the POTUS race but became VP by choice of the winning candidate (Biden). Biden steps down, endorses her. If the people don't like it, they can voice that via their delegates on the 19th.

What's burning your ass is the fact that the Dump/Little Dump ticked was all set to slam dunk on an obvious flailing Biden. They don't have that option now, and they're panicking. AND NONE OF DUMP'S LIES, DODGES AND REVISIONIST RHETORIC IS GOING TO PLAY THIS TIME AROUND. Vance is just a documented joke.

GTFU and deal with it, son.
Well, my ass ain't burning. It was evident Pelosi and Obama (along with big $ donors) made the decision to dump Biden
Funny thing, Harris supported Biden's in it to win it attitude and she said he's sharp as a tac, right up until the day he quit.
She has no record to run on, no policies of her own. Is silent and won't take questions, not even from her supportive media.
She is a security risk. A cackling twit on the world stage. Supports the green deal. I could go on, but you catch the drift...
So let me get this straight; according to YOU and Cheeto Jeezus, once your party nominates a candidate, that's it. The nominated person MUST run for office, with no substitutes unless the candidate drops dead or is medically incapable.

Well, there are some flaws in your parroted (among the right wing noise machine) assertion: (1) The DNC nominates their candidate on the 19th of this month. Biden has NOT been officially nominated, nor did he go through any primary this time (just like his GOP counterpart). THERE IS NO LAW OR LEGAL PRECEDENT THAT PROHIBITS A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICIALLY DECLINING TO SEEK RE-ELECTION. Nor is there any law that prohibits his from endorsing a candidate. (2) Just because a primary candidate loses those debates DOES NOT PROHIBIT THEM FROM RUNNING FOR POTUS. There is no law that prevents this. Harris lost the POTUS race but became VP by choice of the winning candidate (Biden). Biden steps down, endorses her. If the people don't like it, they can voice that via their delegates on the 19th.

What's burning your ass is the fact that the Dump/Little Dump ticked was all set to slam dunk on an obvious flailing Biden. They don't have that option now, and they're panicking. AND NONE OF DUMP'S LIES, DODGES AND REVISIONIST RHETORIC IS GOING TO PLAY THIS TIME AROUND. Vance is just a documented joke.

GTFU and deal with it, son.
Arby is a simple minded rube, not very well educated and it shows
Well, my ass ain't burning. It was evident Pelosi and Obama (along with big $ donors) made the decision to dump Biden
Funny thing, Harris supported Biden's in it to win it attitude and she said he's sharp as a tac, right up until the day he quit.
She has no record to run on, no policies of her own. Is silent and won't take questions, not even from her supportive media.
She is a security risk. A cackling twit on the world stage. Supports the green deal. I could go on, but you catch the drift...
Responding to each sentence:

1. An obvious lie, given your initial post and my ability to easily correct it with a combination of facts and logic.

2. As the GOP noise machine and Dump ALL carried on about Biden's pitiful debate performance, it strikes me as odd that they would bitch about the DEM party powers-that-be telling Uncle Joe that he's got to go. NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT THAT, if you are to remember President Johnson and Nixon.

3. Nothing funny about political BS & loyalty to the party. Happens all the time. Case in point, the GOP (with help from the MSM) propping up Ronnie Reagan right up to the end of his 2nd term DESPITE his obvious symptoms of early Alzheimer's. This is why we need a viable third party.

4. Hold the phone! She was VP for 4 years and has a record as a prosecutor and State AG. Cheeto Jeezus was a self promoting real estate businessman of dubious integrity with a record of financial failures and NO public service experience. I agree that she should do more Q & A's and NOT be scared of the MAGA media machine doing the usual BS job on every word she says. Meanwhile, Dump/Little Dump are running all over the place, lying their asses off and getting slammed for it.

5. Prove it! To date, she wasn't the one taking classified documents from the Oval Office and storing them in a bathroom .... when not showing them off to house guests.

6. A projection of your candidates.

7. So? How's reaganomics been treating us?

8. Yes, you could parrot the oft debunked SOS that the MAGA GOP has been spewing for nearly 8 years, but that's just wasting everyone's time.
You're worried about your competition is all!

The reason for your chicken-shit BUTT HURT threads.

They really say more about the kind of human being you are than Walz.
I think Walz is the only one who has BUTT-HURT on this thread. It's bound to happen when a male (?) keeps poking TAMPONS up his puckered BUNG-HOLE. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You deplorable people live in the past! WHAT A BUNCH OF KNUCKLE-DRAGGING TROGLODYTES!

That was then, THIS IS NOW!


Most likely, YOUR IDIOT is going to jail!

The only time Kamala ever got "RED HOT"was in 1994, and that due to the friction burn she experienced whenever fat Willy Brown poked his plump plonker up her puckered bung - hole.

The only time Kamala ever got "RED HOT"was in 1994, and that due to the friction burn she experienced whenever fat Willy Brown poked his plump plonker up her puckered bung - hole.
Did you say something little WEENIE BOY?

I could have drunk a can of alphabet soup- AND POOPED OUT SOMETHING MORE INTELLIGENT THAN THAT!
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Responding to each sentence:

1. An obvious lie, given your initial post and my ability to easily correct it with a combination of facts and logic.

2. As the GOP noise machine and Dump ALL carried on about Biden's pitiful debate performance, it strikes me as odd that they would bitch about the DEM party powers-that-be telling Uncle Joe that he's got to go. NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT THAT, if you are to remember President Johnson and Nixon.

3. Nothing funny about political BS & loyalty to the party. Happens all the time. Case in point, the GOP (with help from the MSM) propping up Ronnie Reagan right up to the end of his 2nd term DESPITE his obvious symptoms of early Alzheimer's. This is why we need a viable third party.

4. Hold the phone! She was VP for 4 years and has a record as a prosecutor and State AG. Cheeto Jeezus was a self promoting real estate businessman of dubious integrity with a record of financial failures and NO public service experience. I agree that she should do more Q & A's and NOT be scared of the MAGA media machine doing the usual BS job on every word she says. Meanwhile, Dump/Little Dump are running all over the place, lying their asses off and getting slammed for it.

5. Prove it! To date, she wasn't the one taking classified documents from the Oval Office and storing them in a bathroom .... when not showing them off to house guests.

6. A projection of your candidates.

7. So? How's reaganomics been treating us?

8. Yes, you could parrot the oft debunked SOS that the MAGA GOP has been spewing for nearly 8 years, but that's just wasting everyone's time.
1. I said my ass isn't burning. How dificult is that for you to understand?
2. I never questioned it's legality. What does President Johnson and Nixon have to do with anything concerning this election? Not a damn thing.
3. Reagan? again, you are full of shit. You probably don't even recall his presidency..
4. "Cheeto Jeezus," as you immaturely call him, has already held the office of president, dealt with world leaders, strengthened the country's image and Harris couldn't handle the job of border czar. And now she says she's concerned? I call bullshit.
5. He didn't have them in his garage and other public places. He didn't take them as a senator.
6. Psychobabble.
7. Far better than Bidenomics.
8. Your spewing of senselessness and libturd propaganda falls on deaf ears, as does your childish name calling. For the forum prodigy, you sure act like a grade school dropout. Grow up and let us adults share our opinions.
He's RB60 = Really Boorish 60 times over!
Guno, the bigoted racist, follows me around like a hungry puppy. Living in his head is a lonely place. I want out, but he won't let me go.
And you, a simpleton and immature twit, calling me boorish, makes one wonder why you respond at all. I guess you think you're smart. I don't
You also missed that MN gained $33 billion in taxable income in the year you are whining about them losing $2 billion.

That is some funny shit with cherry picked statistics and outright lies.

Let's start with the last claim.
He claimed that it is the upper wage earners leaving MN, but when we look at the actual numbers from the IRS. The average income of those leaving MN is less than the average income of MN that stay. That would mean that it is NOT the upper wage earners leaving. But I suppose you think we should ignore the IRS on this.
Tax returns of people leaving MN according to the IRS
AGI greater than $100,000 - 619,957 filers left the state
AGI less than $50,000 - 1,013,847 filers left the state.
I don't know about you but I can clearly see that more lower income tax filers left the state.

Then let's look at electricity prices.
Your source suddenly decided to not compare MN to the rest of the country.
MN electricty prices are lower than the average for the country.
MN electricity prices are slightly higher than IA, SD, and ND but a little side note is those three states get a large percentage of their electricity from renewable sources, SD gets about 75% of its electricity from renewables. IA gets about 50% of its electricity from wind. ND gets 40% of its electricity from renewables. I guess it pays to increase the percentage of electricity you get from renewables.

When it comes to reading, your source again decided to not compare MN to the rest of the country.

While MN has fallen a little bit in the overall rankings it is still ranked #17 in education compared to other states.
ND is 28th, Texas is 29th.

I guess you are like a 5 year old in that you like shiny things that dazzle your eyes but you can't do the work of an adult and check to see if the shiny things are true.
So your "NOW" is making up your own rules as you go? The people's vote gets trampled.
Funny how in Harris's words, Joe was sharp as a tac and Biden said he was in it to win it.
The next day Biden quits and Harris is the DNC's newly crowned queen. It was all about
money, big donators were jumping off the Biden bandwagon. So they fired him.
Red Hot? She refuses any media attempts to talk to her. She has a horrid record and would
be a cackling wonder on the world stage She was the border czar. Biden appointed her 3 1/2
years ago. She only went there once for a photo op. She failed miserably. She should be fired.
The rules have always been for both parties that the nominee is chosen at the convention. It is similar to the electoral college in that respect in that the popular vote means that delegates that support the popular candidate are the ones chosen to go to the convention. The Republicans are worse when it comes to the popular vote in presidential primaries since they give 100% of delegates to a candidate that gets 50%. If you are going to complain that "people's vote gets trampled" perhaps you should be complaining about the GOP process.

If a candidate withdraws from the race, the delegates pledged to that candidate are released, whether that candidate has 5 delegates or 400 delegates. At that point the delegates are free to support any other candidate they wish to support. Biden withdrew. His delegates were released. It has nothing to do with the popular vote.
It's funny that you keep making false claims.
Where and when did Walz CO claim he lied about his rank?
Why have you lied dozens of times about Walz service?

If you want to talk about stolen valor, no one named JD Vance ever served in the Marines. They have no record of anyone named JD Vance ever deploying overseas.
Poor Pobre.

I and others have posted videos of Walz saying that he carried a weapon in war.

His own CO said that he lied about his rank. The links have been posted many times.

Vance's military records are open to all, so are mine.

If you want to remain stupid and uninformed, that's your problem, not mine.