Will Liberals Apologize To Rove?


Junior Member
For demanding he go to jail for leaking Plames name? Seems he didn't and all those posts on him going to jail tomorrow where a bit off! LOL

This whole huge expensive investigation was a fake by the libs to slime.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 29 — Richard L. Armitage, a former deputy secretary of state, has acknowledged that he was the person whose conversation with a columnist in 2003 prompted a long, politically laden criminal investigation in what became known as the C.I.A. leak case, a lawyer involved in the case said on Tuesday.

The Justice Department was quickly informed, and Mr. Armitage disclosed his talks with Mr. Novak in subsequent interviews with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, even before Mr. Fitzgerald’s appointment.

Ahh... but you are more libertarian than liberal. So it still doesn't answer the question.
will bush apologize for wasting over 200 billion dollars on a war that didn't provide any substantial benefits?
Yeah I know his question didn't really apply to me but ya know...stupid answers for stupid questions.
The lib media also convicted him too, and yet you hear very little so far on this small fact.
I am liberal and 1) never demanded he go to jail 2) never convicted him!

I always said "if" he is guilty he should not be in office. This new information does not comfirm his innocese in my opinion. I trust Fitzgerald's findings and feel comfortable there was not enough evidence to charge the guy... so the right thing happened.

Do I belive the dude is morally bankrupt, yes, for the tacticts he used to get Bush elected, thats unrelated to the Plamegate! He is just like his predesesor Lee Atwater.
Didn't say YOU did Jarod. But many libs did. Yes the new information does confirm that Rove was not the one who released the info to Novak, Armitage admitted that he did. Did you miss that part?
Didn't say YOU did Jarod. But many libs did. Yes the new information does confirm that Rove was not the one who released the info to Novak, Armitage admitted that he did. Did you miss that part?

Just because Rove is not the one who told Novak... does not mean he is not the one who told the other two reporters who got the info!:cof1:
Rembember the media following Rove around? Where are they and when are they going to follow around Armitage?
Just because she was outed by one, does not mean she cannot be outed by others...

Where did you get the whacko idea that once one person told that makes it okay for others to tell?
She was outed before the investigation even started, did you read the article? And will Armitage be charged for a crime that didn't happen?
This arose because of an article Novak published and his source was...........Armitage. What are you missing in these simple facts?
You are truely dumb toby. If you would read about the case you will see that three different reporters were told about Plame, in each case a crime may or may not have been committed.

What I do know is that anyone who gave out Plame's name as an undercover agent who worked for the USA's national security interests was morally wrong! Just because three people did it does not excuse the other two!
The investigation started because of the Novak article and the so called outing. Here we find out who gave Novak that information. Not that complicated Jarod. This was a huge waste of time and money when the FBI knew who gave Novak the info. Shamefull!