Will the libertarian party grow in R party death?

without Ayn Rand - an agnostic like me would of been far more likely holding my nose and voting with the democrats. She made conservatism more palatable for quite few that don't believe in fairy tales - but you are too fucking stupid to know who your friends and foes actually are

so building up a monopoly and then abandoning society with no backup supply chain is cool too you?

that's not rugged individualism, it's betrayal on a massive scale.

you 're just running on elitism and stupidity.
so building up a monopoly and then abandoning society with no backup supply chain is cool too you?

that's not rugged individualism, it's betrayal on a massive scale.

you 're just running on elitism and stupidity.
what are you blabbing on about now cocoa puffs?
so you havent read the book.

what do you think the shrug refers to?

it refers to those of us contributing finally saying fuck you to those that do nothing but take from the contributors and shrug them off our backs

It was a work of science fiction too - you get that cocoa puffs?
it refers to those of us contributing finally saying fuck you to those that do nothing but take from the contributors and shrug them off our backs

It was a work of science fiction too - you get that cocoa puffs?

so there's like five people who do stuff? wrong.

it's deceptive and harmful to purposefully create a monopoly and then abandon it to purposefully fuck society over. it's devious and evil.

all of this over regulation? oh poor rich companies don't want any regulations.

go fuck yourselves.

any corporation who ever expanded based on a government contract needs to stfu about all that noise.

libertarians are evil fucksticks, having some delusion that corporations are morally pure.

Given the chicanery involved at the
convention--incl. the illegal inclusion of 3 states' delegates, the illegal placement of delegates in other states' delegations, & the collusion & fraud necessary to effect all this--I believe that the LNC should follow
's lead & decertify its presidential & VP nominees. I say this not simply bc it impacted my candidacy but for the good of the LP. As
says, how can the LP expect financial & other support under such circumstances? The LP should be better than the UniParty instead of replicating its shenanigans & malfeasance.If the LP nullifies the results, the board should vote to nominate whomever it believes should be the nominee, whether that's me,
, or whomever.
you are definitely a bigot if you think opposing views are evil

bigot ~ obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
What’s your party platform ass sack?