Will Trump chicken out?

CNN will give Biden the questions ahead of time.
Biden already knows the questions voters would ask him. But, although I disagree that CNN will do that, I really don't have a problem with it if they did!

Let's see! Mr. President, what do you intend to do about inflation? What are you going to do about the Border? What are you going to do about taxes? Will You pardon Trump if he is convicted? Will you pardon Hunter if he is convicted? What do you intend to do about the cost of housing? So, what if CNN did advise Biden, they will be asking these questions? WERE YOU HOPING FOR A POP QUIZ? Were you hoping to STUMP THE STAR?

I cannot think of any question he could be asked, that would catch Biden off-guard or unprepared for? DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOUR PRESIDENT? PLEASE SHARE?

Have you taken a driver's test here in Texas, lately? Before you take the Texas Department Of Public Safety Driver's test, you are free to go online and see over 200 questions, you may be asked to have to answer on the Driver's online test.

Trust me on this, all president's have a staff of employees in their Communications Department and other Human Relations advisors, that always prepare the presidents for all of their Debates and Public relations and etc.

I think this is a good idea- not a bad one.
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Now Trump claims the Judge prevented him from testifying. I guess the Trumppers believe that?