Wind & solar combined with batteries will solve sustainable energy for Earth

Joe Capitalist

Racism is a disease
Elon Musk tweeted a few hours ago.

In 2022, wind and solar together generated more electricity in Europe than coal and gas, respectively and this is just the start.
I suspect that Europe has now had enough experience with super expensive energy, energy shortages, and unexplained lack of wind to be skeptical.
I suspect you may be wrong. Europeans are pretty damn smart, as is Elon Musk.

Which is why countries like Germany are turning back to nuclear and coal, they are fed up with the capricious and unreliable nature of wind and solar. As for batteries what the fuck, are you totally braindead? This was written back in 2017 how prescient it was in light of subsequent events?

The End of the Energiewende?

The prominent German economist Heiner Flassbeck has challenged fundamental assumptions of the Energiewende at his blog site According to Flassbeck, the former Director of Macroeconomics and Development at the UNCTAD in Geneva and a former State Secretary of Finance, a recent period of extremely low solar and wind power generation shows that Germany will never be able to rely on renewable energy, regardless of how much new capacity will be built.

Stable high-pressure winter weather has resulted in a confrontation. An Energiewende that relies mainly on wind and solar energy will not work in the long run. One cannot forgo nuclear power, eliminate fossil fuels, and tell people that electricity supplies will remain secure all the same.

We have attempted unsuccessfully to find Energiewende advocates willing to explain that inconsistency. Their silence is not easy to fathom. But maybe the events themselves have made the outcome inevitable.

With nuclear power no longer available, a capacity of at least 50 gigawatts is required by other means, despite an enormously expanded network of wind turbines and solar systems

This winter could go down in history as the event that proved the German energy transition to be unsubstantiated and incapable of becoming a success story. Electricity from wind and solar generation has been catastrophically low for several weeks. December brought new declines. A persistent winter high-pressure system with dense fog throughout Central Europe has been sufficient to unmask the fairy tale of a successful energy transition, even for me as a lay person.

This is a setback, because many people had placed high hopes in the Energiewende. I likewise never expected to see large-scale solar arrays and wind turbines, including those offshore, motionless for days on end. The data compiled by Agora Energiewende on the individual types of electricity generation have recorded the appalling results for sun and wind at the beginning of December and from the 12th to 14th:

Of power demand totaling 69.0 gigawatts (GW) at 3 pm on the 12th, for instance, just 0.7 GW was provided by solar energy, 1.0 by onshore wind power and 0.4 offshore. At noontime on the 14th of December, 70 GW were consumed, with 4 GW solar, 1 GW onshore and somewhat over 0.3 offshore wind. The Agora graphs make apparent that such wide-ranging doldrums may persist for several days.

You do not need to be a technician, an energy expert, or a scientist to perceive the underlying futility of this basic situation. You simply need common sense, shelving expectations and prognoses for a moment, while extrapolating the current result to future developments. Let us suppose that today’s wind and solar potential could be tripled by 2030, allowing almost all of the required energy to be obtained from these two sources under normal weather conditions. This is an extremely optimistic scenario and certainly not to be expected, because current policy is slowing down the expansion of renewable energy sources rather than accelerating it.

One cannot simultaneously rely on massive amounts of wind and sunshine, dispense with nuclear power plants (for very good reasons), significantly lower the supply of fossil energy, and nevertheless tell people that electricity will definitely be available in the future

If a comparable lull occurred in 2030 (stable winter high systems that recur every few years), then three times the number of solar panels and wind turbines (assuming current technologies) could logically produce only three times the amount of electricity. The deficiency of prevailing winds and sunshine will affect all of these installations, no matter how many there are. Even threefold wind and solar generation would then fulfill just 20% of requirements – again very optimistically – assuming that demand had not increased by 2030.

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So says Musk the racist!

Funny how the right wing racists in Congress don't appear to bother you.

Calls to expel Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene after speech at white nationalist event

Republican leadership condemned for failing to discipline Georgia congresswoman for speaking at far-right summit
Republican leaders are facing fresh demands to expel the Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, after she spoke at a conference of white nationalists and sympathisers with Vladimir Putin.
Elon Musk has typically been right about these things

Anyone predicting that the sun won't come up and the wind will never blow again is not going to be right.

Let me rephrase. Anyone predicting those things will be ON the right, just not correct.

When it comes to Musk, he makes lots of promises and hasn't met a lot of them in the time frame he says he would. In 2019 he predicted humans would land on the moon within 2 years. Then in 2021 he said SpaceX would land men on the moon in 2024. (Nasa's current plan is to not land anyone until 2028.)
Anyone predicting that the sun won't come up and the wind will never blow again is not going to be right.

Let me rephrase. Anyone predicting those things will be ON the right, just not correct.

When it comes to Musk, he makes lots of promises and hasn't met a lot of them in the time frame he says he would. In 2019 he predicted humans would land on the moon within 2 years. Then in 2021 he said SpaceX would land men on the moon in 2024. (Nasa's current plan is to not land anyone until 2028.)

Yeah, Musk does have some wild ideas. He also believes we'll put men on Mars, which I don't.

But when it comes to EVs and energy, he's usually been right.
Germany has spent something like $700 billion to transition to "Green Energy" and has gone in reverse so far as co2 goes, and will spend another $200 billion over the next four years.

That's a problem.
Germany has spent something like $700 billion to transition to "Green Energy" and has gone in reverse so far as co2 goes, and will spend another $200 billion over the next four years.

That's a problem.

The Energiewende has been a total disaster for Germany, proof positive that Greens should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.
The Energiewende has been a total disaster for Germany, proof positive that Greens should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.

COVID proves even more conclusively that the wrong people are in charge.

This does not end well.