WND: Apparently the Governor Can't Find the Birth Certificate

Libby, why would anyone try to "hold up" the 2012 election? We don't want The Obama in office a day longer than necessary. :confused:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
....and if they try to hold up the 2012 elections, they'll be sorely disappointed...

why on earth would the elections of 2012 be held up? ......if Obama wants to be on all the ballots he will simply file the required documentation.....if he chooses not to he won't be on the ballots....

And when he does, and some birther yahoo who is NOT a State official demands to be privy to the process in any way, THAT would be illegal and time consuming....or they try to file some desperate suit based on some new convoluted bither nonsense. Better the birther bumpkins just sit their dopey butts at home and wait for the bad news....

that wouldn't hold up the elections, they would still be held the first Tuesday in November.....

See above.
and sea below....

:palm: And having kicked the Post Modern Fools ass six ways to Sunday on this particular threads subject, I've reduced him to this lame retort of his.

So I leave the Post Modern Fool to repeat in some form or fashion various points that already appeared (and were discredited) on the chronology of these posts....or just lie his PMP ass off. :)
OTOH, you also made claims about the entire "Birther" controversy being an invention of the far right. When it was pointed out to you that it was actually people associated with Clinton's campaign, you spun like a pinwheel about how it was not Clinton - trying like hell to conceal the fact that you had claimed it is all a right wing conspiracy against your precious political master.

I reread this thread before commenting. First bravo and then you stated that Hillary's campaign was responsible for the Obama birther questions, but you, bravo and the others have yet to prove that this was the case. You've fingered Philip Berg. Any reference I see to Berg is that he was "a former Clinton supporter", not a person associated with the campaign. You want me to believe people in Hillary's campaign were responsible? Name names.

September 18, 2016 - "We investigate Donald Trump's claim that the conspiracy theory about Barack Obama not being born in the U.S. originated inside Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign."
