Woman Sues Doctor over tempory Tattoo

She was OUT so she will forever wonder what else he did.
The entire rest of the surgery team was watching. Unlike a dentist, this is not an area where one person can act alone. Anaesthesiologist, surgeon, nurse - at a minimum.

He/they was/were stupid and she's looking for a lotto payday.
The entire rest of the surgery team was watching. Unlike a dentist, this is not an area where one person can act alone. Anaesthesiologist, surgeon, nurse - at a minimum.

He/they was/were stupid and she's looking for a lotto payday.
You don't know when she got the tattoo put onto her. Was the entire team there in the recovery room?

They weren't for my wife. I can attest to that.
The entire rest of the surgery team was watching. Unlike a dentist, this is not an area where one person can act alone. Anaesthesiologist, surgeon, nurse - at a minimum.

He/they was/were stupid and she's looking for a lotto payday.

Then why did they allow him to mark this womans body?

It seems to me they should have complained about it from the begining.

I would have.

When you have back surgery they dont lay you on your back.

When did this guy have access to her front?
How did such a creepo make it through medical school without doing something equally disturbing?

Seems this psycho should have been filtered out a long time ago.

It does, doesn't it?! But that all too often doesn't happen. Med. schools are so damned scared of lawsuits from failed or otherwise ejected students that too many are out there who shouldn't be.

It doesn't matter, frankly, whether the creep fondled her or not. The issue isn't sexual; he did something inappropriate, while she was out under anesthetic, without her knowledge or consent or approval. She was totally vulnerable and he took advantage of that for his own secret private joke. This makes me sick!

I understand why many of the men here don't understand; you don't spend much of your lives trying to reduce your personal vulnerability; you don't have to fight feeling like prey far too much of the time, when you never should have to feel that way. This guy, for his own twisted reasons, did something to this woman that she didn't know about and didn't want. He took advantage of her vulnerability when he was in a position of trust. The fact that it was temporary is moot.

I suspect that the legal action is simply to make that point.
This guy, for his own twisted reasons,

Did you hear that guys?! His own, selfish, twisted reasons! Because he wanted to make her feel like prey! Because of power!

Bring on more faux-outrage! Let us swim in it.
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I totally see everyone's point and it definitely sounds creepy, however I don't think he was alone when he it was applied, between the anastesiologist, nurses and the doctor(s?) there was more than one person in the room. Plus, they have apparently gotten positive feedback from the tatoos to the point where it became perfectly normal in their office. Secondly pantyline can be anywhere from your navel down to your pubic bones. Beyond reprimand from the AMA, I don't think the situation calls for her to get a windfall lawsuit. I just think the office normalized odd behavior.
I totally see everyone's point and it definitely sounds creepy, however I don't think he was alone when he it was applied, between the anastesiologist, nurses and the doctor(s?) there was more than one person in the room. Plus, they have apparently gotten positive feedback from the tatoos to the point where it became perfectly normal in their office. Secondly pantyline can be anywhere from your navel down to your pubic bones. Beyond reprimand from the AMA, I don't think the situation calls for her to get a windfall lawsuit. I just think the office normalized odd behavior.

That's actually what I thought. I have serious doubts that he got some kind of an erotic thrill out of it or meant to make her feel bad in any way. The people around him just seem to have been complacent about something that was really weird to normal members of society.
That's actually what I thought. I have serious doubts that he got some kind of an erotic thrill out of it or meant to make her feel bad in any way. The people around him just seem to have been complacent about something that was really weird to normal members of society.

Again, whether or not he intended to make her "feel bad" or whatever is not the point. He crossed the lines of professionalism. If you're having surgery you feel vulnerable enough; you don't want the people you trust with your life playing games with your body. Creepy!!!

I suppose the throat dr. who kept calling me after an office visit didn't want to make me "feel bad" either, but it was tantamount to stalking and to put it mildly, I did not appreciate it!
Again, whether or not he intended to make her "feel bad" or whatever is not the point. He crossed the lines of professionalism. If you're having surgery you feel vulnerable enough; you don't want the people you trust with your life playing games with your body. Creepy!!!

I suppose the throat dr. who kept calling me after an office visit didn't want to make me "feel bad" either, but it was tantamount to stalking and to put it mildly, I did not appreciate it!

Your doctor actually called back?! You're so lucky thorn! I never get that kind of attention. :(

Now I shall go cry and mope about how the world isn't perfect.
Your doctor actually called back?! You're so lucky thorn! I never get that kind of attention. :(

Believe me, I didn't feel lucky at all! A short time later, I learned from another woman who had seen him once, as I had, that he'd done the same with her. It sounded like this may have been SOP with this guy; I was surprised that he was still practicing. We didn't report him but I did mention his behavior to my regular physician. Well, maybe that's why he was still practicing. :rolleyes:
Believe me, I didn't feel lucky at all!

I do fancy myself amusing too often.

A short time later, I learned from another woman who had seen him once, as I had, that he'd done the same with her. It sounded like this may have been SOP with this guy; I was surprised that he was still practicing. We didn't report him but I did mention his behavior to my regular physician. Well, maybe that's why he was still practicing. :rolleyes:

Maybe he stalks every patient he has. Did he look like the guy in my avatar? Was he lonely?

We may very well have a serial killer on the loose.
That is way creepy! Sounds like he has some serious power issues going on. I'd consider suing, too.

What's a "temporary tattoo" anyway? Is it one of those decal-like things that eventually wash off?

Personally I really hate tats.

I agree, tatoos are retarded.
Thie s one example of why we need comsumer protection stuff for DR's.
This needs to go on a permanent record accessable by any potential patients of that DR.
If patients had better information of DR's we would have fewer malpractice cases. BBecuase fewer people would let the bad ones work on them.

Police the profession, not just tort reform.
Or at least let the consumer have the information to make informed decisions.
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