Woman Sues Doctor over tempory Tattoo

I think the clear solution to this problem is for all doctors who intend to use temporary tattoos on patients to put up a warning sign on their office door. I know I'll never go to them and experience the agony.
Personally nothing turns me off quicker than a tatoo on a good looking lady.

Well if "she" had a weenie instead of a bearded clam it would turn me off quicker.
I was thinking of getting a butterfly on my foot...my mother tells me the same thing about tattoes, US.
I was thinking of getting a butterfly on my foot...my mother tells me the same thing about tattoes, US.

Dont do it!!!!

Well unless you really want to. It is a personal preference thing.
But the things are forever. Kinda like saying I am going to wear this same shirt the rest of my life.
I hope the fucker has to hand out thousands of dollars. Fucking prick. Sounds like the sociopath has a god complex. Sick bastard.
I think it was clear.

yeah and this was also clear prior to your post.

"Well unless you really want to. It is a personal preference thing.
But the things are forever. Kinda like saying I am going to wear this same shirt the rest of my life"

But I understand how you just want to take a dig at me Damo.
Especially since most of ladies seem to have stopped chatting with you.
Enjoy :clink:
yeah and this was also clear prior to your post.

"Well unless you really want to. It is a personal preference thing.
But the things are forever. Kinda like saying I am going to wear this same shirt the rest of my life"

But I understand how you just want to take a dig at me Damo.
Especially since most of ladies seem to have stopped chatting with you.
Enjoy :clink:
Seriously, that's all you got? A self-pat?
I hope the fucker has to hand out thousands of dollars. Fucking prick. Sounds like the sociopath has a god complex. Sick bastard.

I agree.

If any man woke up after a neck surgery and found a pretty little bow of purple ribbon tied arround their package they may wonder about the sanity of their Dr.
Why would I need more ?
So. When I agreed with you that she shouldn't make her decision based on your level of attraction, you took that as a dig and wanted to pat yourself on the back?

You are either the weakest man ever and therefore must act like Stuart Smalley, or you just can't handle agreement.
So. When I agreed with you that she shouldn't make her decision based on your level of attraction, you took that as a dig and wanted to pat yourself on the back?

You are either the weakest man ever and therefore must act like Stuart Smalley, or you just can't handle agreement.

well I do admit agreement with some is disagreeable.
as do you obviously since a dig at me was included.
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Thie s one example of why we need comsumer protection stuff for DR's.
This needs to go on a permanent record accessable by any potential patients of that DR.
If patients had better information of DR's we would have fewer malpractice cases. BBecuase fewer people would let the bad ones work on them.

Police the profession, not just tort reform.
Or at least let the consumer have the information to make informed decisions.

I so totally agree! Working in a med school has opened my eyes so much; I had naively assumed, as so many others do, that the medical profession was so much better self-regulated. Then I started losing friends to misdiagnoses and carelessness. That shouldn't smear the entire profession, but far greater accountability is needed, and public information is a good step in that direction.
Yes strange how the pro business types oppose items that increase customer awareness. all the while saying let the market decide. Well a poorly informed customer is easier to take advantage of.
ie lableing of all foodstuffs as to it's origion. Information on how certain bussinesses perform. Legal and medical stand out big time.
It is a personal preference thing.
But the things are forever. Kinda like saying I am going to wear this same shirt the rest of my life.

That's the main part of my problem with it too. A tiny one like a butterfly probably won't show too much leakage, but even after a year or two tattoos seem to start to degrade and get really fuzzy around the edges and then begin to look really bad. I just don't like the idea of marking myself up like that. As you say, you're stuck with it, long after you've grown sick of it.

I do quite a bit of fine art photography and some painting. On a monthly basis, I rotate all the framed pictures in my little at home "gallery"; rarely leave the same ones up for longer than that. I just can't imagine having to look at some inkblot on my arm or leg or wherever every day for the rest of my life. Ugh!