World Embarrassments


We need to understand; we are paying these people. Put aside the wonderment over how anyone could support these morons, by calling themselves a Republican. We're paying these people. Really, really well. And they get the best benefits in the world along with their salaries. And currently, they are crying to anyone who will listen over their new 5-day work week. Which, by the way, none of them have yet to work. And when they do show up for work, this is the kind if inane nonsense they babble. Face it, these clowns couldn't keep a janitorial position, if they ever had to actually work for a living. And, as a final point, they are putting political satirists out of business! I ask you, how do you satirize that which is already, satire?

This week, Congress held its first hearing on the landmark IPCC report on climate change. That report concluded that global warming is “unequivocal” and human activity is the main driver, “very likely” causing most of the rise in temperatures since 1950.

During the hearing, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) — one of the 87 percent of congressional Republicans who do not believe in man-made global warming — questioned the authors of the report about a period of dramatic climate change that occured 55 million years ago. “We don’t know what those other cycles were caused by in the past. Could be dinosaur flatulence, you know, or who knows?’
Involvement with Jack Abramoff
Rohrabacher has been close friends of now-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff since the mid-1980s. His relationship included the following:

In 1999 Rohrabacher went on an Abramoff-funded trip to the Marshall Islands with John Doolittle (R-CA), Ken Calvert (R-CA), delegates of Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands and 8 staffers.[7]
In 2000, Abramoff listed Rohrabacher as one of the his references on his loan application for the purchase of SunCruz Casinos. "I don't remember it, but I would certainly have been happy to give him a good recommendation," Rohrabacher said in April 2005, when news reports first arose. "He's a very honest man." [8]
In January 2002, Rohrabacher, took a six-day trip to Malaysia, accompanied by his wife and two of Abramoff’s then-partners at the firm Greenberg Traurig. According to House records and to Rohrabacher's spokesman, the Malaysia trip focused on terrorism and trade issues. The spokesman called the trip "very positive." [9]
In April 2005, as Abramoff became the target of a grand jury investigation, Rohrabacher said that "Jack has made some mistakes," "but he is not the dishonest, malevolent, arrogant, wheeler-dealer that people are portraying. He is a fine man." [10]
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has come to the defense of disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff in the Washington Post and else, saying he's a good person who's been unjustly criticized. Rohrabacher admits to being a longtime friend of Abramoff. An actual quote from Rohrabacher is as follows: "They're portraying Jack as a monster. I see him more as a good person who's done bad things and has to be punished for doing bad things.... I think that he obviously has done some things that are wrong and illegal and he's going to have to pay the price for it.” Rohrabacher has publicly taken the position that he thinks that “... a lot of other things that have been characterized as corruption on the part of Abramoff are actually standard operating procedures for lobbying in Washington, D.C., arranging trips and things like that. So I think that he's received a lot of unjust criticism."

In July 2005, Rohrabacher said that he had been eating at Signatures, a restaurant owned by Abramoff, at Abrmaoff's expense once or twice a month, and that the meals fell under the friendship exemption in House rules. He also said he tried to take Mr. Abramoff out regularly, paying for the lobbyist's meals in return. "Just because you are a member of Congress doesn't mean you have to give up your friendships," Rohrabacher said, adding that "it was dinner with a friend and I didn't think of it as a gift."
In December 2005, Rohrabacher again defended Abramoff, telling the Washington Post: "I think he's been dealt a bad hand and the worst, rawest deal I've ever seen in my life. Words like bribery are being used to describe things that happened every day in Washington and are not bribes." [11]
In March 2006, following Abramoff's guilty plea of fraud in the SunCruz case, Rohrabacher was the sole member of Congress who wrote the judge in the case to urge leniency in sentencing. "I think when he is being punished for the things he did that were wrong, some of the things that he did that were right and admirable in the past should be taken into consideration," Rohrabacher said in an interview. In his letter to the judge, Rohrabacher described "a far different Jack than the profit-seeking megalomaniac portrayed in the press." "Jack was a selfless patriot for most of the time I knew him," the congressman wrote, recalling his friend as an ardent anti-Communist during the Cold War. [12]

from wiki
Rohrabacher is like Dixie. He's so emotionally invested in his ideology, he'll never admit when he was wrong. He'll go to his grave denying greenhouse warming.

I watched the entire hearing. I was encouraged to see a lot of republicans on the committee saying that they had changed their minds.

Or course these are republicans that sit on the House Science Committee. They probably actually put republicans who have a little faith in science on that committee; i.e., the ones who don't actually think the Bible is literal history.
We need to understand; we are paying these people. Put aside the wonderment over how anyone could support these morons, by calling themselves a Republican. We're paying these people. Really, really well. And they get the best benefits in the world along with their salaries. And currently, they are crying to anyone who will listen over their new 5-day work week. Which, by the way, none of them have yet to work. And when they do show up for work, this is the kind if inane nonsense they babble. Face it, these clowns couldn't keep a janitorial position, if they ever had to actually work for a living. And, as a final point, they are putting political satirists out of business! I ask you, how do you satirize that which is already, satire?

This week, Congress held its first hearing on the landmark IPCC report on climate change. That report concluded that global warming is “unequivocal” and human activity is the main driver, “very likely” causing most of the rise in temperatures since 1950.

During the hearing, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) — one of the 87 percent of congressional Republicans who do not believe in man-made global warming — questioned the authors of the report about a period of dramatic climate change that occured 55 million years ago. “We don’t know what those other cycles were caused by in the past. Could be dinosaur flatulence, you know, or who knows?’

Why is it so absurd to point out that Global Climate change has occurred during the pre-human past? Does it stymie a personal agenda? We need to understand why it happened in the past if it indeed did happen...which according to geological evidence it did. Why ignore it? Why leave it out of the debate and ridicule those who bring it up?
Well whatever the cause , Clobal warming appears to be upon us. So I think the prudent course of action would be to prepare for the effects. And try to mitigate the extent of the effects.
I think the most prudent course would be to prepare for a climate change while working to clean the air. There is a ton of junk in the air, we all know that it isn't good, regardless of it causing global warming, so let's work on cleaning that while we prepare for a climate change.
I think the most prudent course would be to prepare for a climate change while working to clean the air. There is a ton of junk in the air, we all know that it isn't good, regardless of it causing global warming, so let's work on cleaning that while we prepare for a climate change.

Yepper. And who knows we might even clean up someting else that might cause worse problems if left unchecked. Heck we can't even begin to fully understand global warming, what else might we have a hand in screwing up ? Stunted lungs in our children perhaps ?
Well whatever the cause , Clobal warming appears to be upon us. So I think the prudent course of action would be to prepare for the effects. And try to mitigate the extent of the effects.

Totally agree ... but its also important to understand the nature of cyclical events. I will never dispute that humans have contributed to the cause... Humans are part of nature and our activities have an effect.. yet lets not forget that Humans are a mere blip on the timeline when compared to all else in the past. The earth experiences Climate Change every so many years... this is a fact... there are many contributions... Natural Forces.. such as living entities and their individual contributions..and as whacky as it sounds considering their population and size ...dinosaur flatulence would have sent an inordinate amount of gas in the atmosphere.. lol
For example .. In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012... you dont think this has a major effect on our Climate? The Suns rays have been getting stronger ... does this have an effect? NASA’s website features a map showing the gradual northward migration of the north magnetic pole ... do you think perhaps this type of shift could cause strange weather patterns ... and the fact this happens every 10, 20 thousand years.... it may have something to do with Climate change?

The questions you raise have already been answered by the science community. YES, natural variation is always in evidence. Yes, solar radiation and albedo do vary. Yes, these are factors in climate change. NO, even after accouting for natural variation, the rate and speed of current global warming is outside the realm of natural variation, and is due in large part to green house gas emissions and deforestation. The science community has studied this in depth for two decades.
Totally agree ... but its also important to understand the nature of cyclical events. I will never dispute that humans have contributed to the cause... Humans are part of nature and our activities have an effect.. yet lets not forget that Humans are a mere blip on the timeline when compared to all else in the past. The earth experiences Climate Change every so many years... this is a fact... there are many contributions... Natural Forces.. such as living entities and their individual contributions..and as whacky as it sounds considering their population and size ...dinosaur flatulence would have sent an inordinate amount of gas in the atmosphere.. lol
For example .. In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012... you dont think this has a major effect on our Climate? The Suns rays have been getting stronger ... does this have an effect? NASA’s website features a map showing the gradual northward migration of the north magnetic pole ... do you think perhaps this type of shift could cause strange weather patterns ... and the fact this happens every 10, 20 thousand years.... it may have something to do with Climate change?

Like him or not, Gore's movie has some pretty compelling kernels in it.

Watch this whole thing. Its less than 7 minutes, but should close the debate on CO2 with respect to humans, and the degree to which we are playing with fire.

There's no excuse for political whores like Rohrabacher to be keeping their wiry little heads in the sand.
Like him or not, Gore's movie has some pretty compelling kernels in it.

Watch this whole thing. Its less than 7 minutes, but should close the debate on CO2 with respect to humans, and the degree to which we are playing with fire.

There's no excuse for political whores like Rohrabacher to be keeping their wiry little heads in the sand.

I like the guy ... and I would vote for him in 2008 should he throw his hat in the ring.. because I believe in his message for the need to change. Im just bringing up the right to engage in debate.
Unlike Cypress...Im not prepared to tell people with alternative views to clam it up ...the debate is over...

By the way... Ive been wondering why Gore hasnt allowed his film to be broadcast on free TV. After all.. Isnt it important to get the message out to the masses? And then it dawned on me.... he is waiting for the right time... like when and if he decides to run... its great campaign material ....!!!
I like the guy ... and I would vote for him in 2008 should he throw his hat in the ring.. because I believe in his message for the need to change. Im just bringing up the right to engage in debate.
Unlike Cypress...Im not prepared to tell people with alternative views to clam it up ...the debate is over...

By the way... Ive been wondering why Gore hasnt allowed his film to be broadcast on free TV. After all.. Isnt it important to get the message out to the masses? And then it dawned on me.... he is waiting for the right time... like when and if he decides to run... its great campaign material ....!!!

The whole movie smells like posturing to me.

I still think that if he threw his hat in the ring, he's our next president.

In 2008, the war will be the only issue. Gore's the only real contender that's been on the right side of it all along. The public's not going to buy the whole "he would have invaded and occupied too!" argument.

Hillary is surely losing sleep over the possibility of his run.
He's going to win two Oscars... and a Nobel Peace Prize... he then throws his hat in the ring next Winter... when this happens the Democrat Primary is over ... and so is the General Election...
He's going to win two Oscars... and a Nobel Peace Prize... he then throws his hat in the ring next Winter... when this happens the Democrat Primary is over ... and so is the General Election...

it is my most fervent prayer that you are right about this.
The whole movie smells like posturing to me.

I still think that if he threw his hat in the ring, he's our next president.

In 2008, the war will be the only issue. Gore's the only real contender that's been on the right side of it all along. The public's not going to buy the whole "he would have invaded and occupied too!" argument.

Hillary is surely losing sleep over the possibility of his run.

I don't think he wants to run. But, I could be wrong.

This dude has already been through four presidential or vice presidential campaigns in his life. That's enough to burn anyone out.
Gore is done. If he decides to run, he gets beat. Hillary is the Dems candidate, not Gore. Hillary then in turn loses to McCain.
McCain will win. Hands down. No question. He is the best candidate out of those running at this time. (I automatically resind this if Clark somehow gets the Dem nod)
I figure the guy that is giving bush heck about the war, to be the repubs best chance at this point in time.