Wow, 5.1 Unemployment

That's the problem with you partisans like you, little dick and Desh, your completely incapable of objectivity.

It's well known that the Bush administrations DOL stubornly refuses to count those who have dropped out of the labor force completely due to lack of opportunity and frustration. The actual unemployment figure is significantly higher than what DOL is admiting. More like who needs an economic course?
How, exactly, do you count people who "dropped out"? When has the department of labor EVER counted people who, for whatever reason, are NOT LOOKING.

Clue: (and here is your needed economics lesson) it does not matter WHY someone is not looking for work. If they are not looking for employment, they are not, by definition, unemployed. There is no way to count or even estimate people who are involuntarily unemployed but are not looking for employment. The DOL has never used people not looking for employment in unemployment figures.

Or, to be more precise, they must be at least registered as looking for employment while in actuality sitting around the house watching premium movie channels made affordable because rent and utilities are paid by government programs, while munching chips and dip bought with food stamps.

As for the so-called "estimates" you spout of people who are no longer looking for work because they are tired of looking, those figures are at best blind guesses, and considering who is making the estimates compared to who is in power, most likely wildly inflated.

People drop off the unemployment rolls because they stop contacting the unemployment agencies. Now the reason for that could be they gave up looking (in which case they deserve zero sympathy). Or the reason could be they got a job, which is the most likely reason someone would stop contacting the unemployment agency. Or maybe they moved and haven't gotten around to registering in their new city. Or maybe won the lottery. The reason is not known, unless they got their job through the unemployment agency and reported the fact. As such it is impossible to even make an educated guess how many dropped off the unemployment rolls due to quitting.
lorax and mottley obviously have never taken economics. Used software salesman and I to assume you were born after Carter?
lorax and mottley obviously have never taken economics. Used software salesman and I to assume you were born after Carter?

And you have? Economically, you are functionally illiterate. You make pathetic, laughable arguments..."restaurants are full!!!"
Moron Onceler, only a pratisan hack economic illiterate would post Bush as worse than Carter. Congradulations, no wonder your a door to door salesman.
Moron Onceler, only a pratisan hack economic illiterate would post Bush as worse than Carter. Congradulations, no wonder your a door to door salesman.

Onceler is a door-to-door salesman? There's an interesting thought.

I guess a man of your stature couldn't be a door-to-door salesman huh Top? People would think you were selling boyscout cookies?

Anyway...I find it interesting that this thread, filled with so many economic experts concluding that things are pretty good. Nothing to get worried about. Certainly not comparable to the Carter years. No one knows anyone who has lost their job. No one knows what "stopped looking for work" means.

And those clowns like Paul Krugman who say that the fear crosses ideological barriers, almost seem as if they might be on to something, if one wasn't reading message boards and didn't know better, because today I saw Mort Zuckerman and a couple of other republicans, all worthy tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, using, not the R word...but the D one.

So it's good that I can come here and get the real poop from the armchair economists. Cousin to the armchair warrior. Known throughout cyberspace for knowing everything at the same time that no one knows nor cares who they are. Cyber-professors.

It's a comfort. Thanks.
wow spinster dhula ads to the room temperature econ group with Usged. The unemplmdnt rate for college grads is like 2 percent. Ohh the horror.
wow spinster dhula ads to the room temperature econ group with Usged. The unemplmdnt rate for college grads is like 2 percent. Ohh the horror.

I was just repeating what I heard Paul Krugman, and Republican billionaire Mort Zuckerman saying.

But you would know better. I am so grateful that every day, you stand on your stool, reach your keyboard, and impart your wisdom to the likes of me.
who would have guessed you couldn't form an opinion on your own

Listen up. You come in here everyday and repeat whatever you heard Larry Kramer say that afternoon. You haven't the first clue what the Bear Stearns crisis and resulting bail-out meant. You're an economist the way I'm a string theorist. You haven't gotten up the courage to even address one of those posts, because you have no idea what you're talking about. You think you have fooled someone, but you haven't.

You have no idea what has happened, no less are in any position to predict what might happen.
I KNOW three times enought to school you every time your stupid enough to get in with the big boys on econmics you spinster.
I KNOW three times enought to school you every time your stupid enough to get in with the big boys on econmics you spinster.

Oh yes, you've schooled me better than I've ever been schooled, you man you. Is that what you need in order to face your day?

Well, before you get all puffed up and start cock-a-doodle-doing, why don't you first go get one post where the likes of your ass has ever schooled me on anything?

Let's see it. Put it up. Or shut up.
are you seriously standing by 5.1% unemployment is very bad???

I'm seriously standing by the erosion of the middle class, the millions not counted in the unemployment figurer, the many more millions not counted at all who have taken jobs for far less pay and are not even barely hanging on anymore. They're going down.

I'm seriously standing by that we have a problem here, and it's a big one.
we have problems but millions of uncounted unemployed is not one of them.
You'd be the first hack saying how great 5.1 is if it we're next year under Obama.

Secondly, anybody with an IQ above room temperature has seen the decades long erosion of the middle class wage. Those who are serious go to college, this will not change under Obama.
:BKick: I don't need your permission.

As for the jobs, I don't know anyone that has lost their job yet. I know of no one, other than college kids working 4, all part time for their schedules. Do you know people unable to keep their housing, etc., without working 4 jobs? :shock:

Median incomes are down. "who i know" is merely anecdotal. Your pestering for anectodal irrelevancy is not a good argument.
Just put a support the troops ribbon on your car, Wear a flag pin and sing Yankeedoodle Dandy while we goose step along. Darla you know everything is rosy. Yeah we have a slight readjustment/bump, but that will be fine once the $600 checks get out there.
I'm voting Obama USGED, but not because of the economy. That's not our issue it's the war stupid.
I'm voting Obama USGED, but not because of the economy. That's not our issue it's the war stupid.

Wow you are so clueless it’s hard to know where to begin.

It’s the economy, stupid. It’s always the economy, stupid.

1% of Americans are directly affected by this war, that is to say, they have no skin in the game. They have turned against it, but being Americans, it doesn’t affect them, they lose interest. And oh look over there! Katie is showing a baby bump.

The economy however, does affect them. And if the Democrats are to win, that is what is going to win it for them, you incredible dummy. I guess we can all be thankful you are not working on the Obama campaign.

Class dismissed.
Obama will win if he sticks to the war and the Bush failures.
Your an imbicile on economics. The only reason Mcfossil is polling at all is Obama and Hilalry's incredibly stupid increase taxes stance.
Stick to the adds for dishwashers this water is over your spinster head.