Wow, 5.1 Unemployment

Obama will win if he sticks to the war and the Bush failures.
Your an imbicile on economics. The only reason Mcfossil is polling at all is Obama and Hilalry's incredibly stupid increase taxes stance.
Stick to the adds for dishwashers this water is over your spinster head.

Being able to pull off a cut and paste would be a big step up for you. As of now all you can do is post incoherent insults and bravado claiming that others are over their heads. You don’t even understand what happens in an consumer-driven economy when credit dries up. You have never posted one thing in all the time I’ve been reading your posts, that indicated you know anything more than your shoe size. And personally, I think you write that down.

Why don't you hold onto the bottom of my skirt. It's obvious that you are the one feeling the rising tide, and you can't even doggie paddle.
clever writing there miss spinster, you are a black belt in the art of man hating.
One thing we like in general more than sports and fishing is making money.
Again, your years behind in intense training to even begin to understand what I'm saying. If you think 5.1% unemployment is a major reason to go against the republicans then your dumber than I gave you credit for. Please spare me the uncounted as they are the same as the Clinton days.
clever writing there miss spinster, you are a black belt in the art of man hating.
One thing we like in general more than sports and fishing is making money.
Again, your years behind in intense training to even begin to understand what I'm saying. If you think 5.1% unemployment is a major reason to go against the republicans then your dumber than I gave you credit for. Please spare me the uncounted as they are the same as the Clinton days.

Pregnant lady down on aisle 6, olive oil spill!
Man hater going on 40 still ALONE getting more vitrial every day.

Hey Top, if you are looking to get out of the grocery store janitorial line, take a look at this? This could be something you are qualified for? You just have to “try and look prettier” for the successful Japanese woman who hires you. And your height won’t be a problem over there. I wouldn’t mind getting one of these geisha guys myself…but of course, height is an issue for me.

Japan's 'geisha guys' the latest accessory

At first glance, the man and woman at the nightclub look like any other couple on a date. He flirts and pours champagne. She looks at him and laughs.
This isn't a date, though. It's business.
The woman, a successful executive, has joined a growing number of professional women in Japan in forking out from $1,000 to $50,000 a night for male companionship.
They meet their "hosts" in hundreds of clubs that have sprung up around Tokyo - the industry says only compliments are exchanged. The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention.
"There's nothing wrong with a woman paying to be entertained by a man," one female client says. "It's just another step in equality."
It's a dizzying reversal of traditional gender roles in a country long known for geishas pampering male clients with conversation, singing and dancing. Now a new breed of entertainer has cropped up -- think of them as male geishas.
"I give women things that men normally don't do, like complimenting their appearance," says one host, 24-year-old Yunosuke, who only goes by his single host name. "I make women happy."
And they make him happy: Yunosuke says he earned more than $200,000 last year, enough to let him visit a salon once a day to have his hair dyed and blow-dried.
"Women see us as one of their accessories," he says. "They like to wear nice things, so I try to look prettier for them all the time."
Well Top, you keep ignoring this, but it’s the God’s honest truth. I got this idea about a year ago from reading your posts. I kept saying to myself, this guy has an mba? He writes like a fool. (this was before I actually knew, that you are indeed, a fool).

And then what happens but that I read this article in the NY times that one of the biggest complaints companies have about their employees is that they can’t write coherently, or spell and they look like fools in business correspondence, especially in emails. So I got this idea for a business-writing workshop.

And I started doing them at 750 a piece, but it includes a two-week tutorial afterwards, for any special help the participants should need. And they were so well-liked, that I pushed the price up to 1k a pop, joined a business association, and guess what?
I am booking them. They are really doing something for my lifestyle too. And as this grows and I begin to advertise, I expect I will be able to purchase myself that thing which you seem to feel I am lacking – a boy geisha.

But I am afraid that I still have to hold firm on the height. Sorry.
As I thought you don't know jack shit about money economics or business.
I'm 48 yrs old and already a millionaire, lol I may lose sleep tonight because an unemployed part time english tutor doesn't feel my direct writing approach. LOFL
Good For Darla, she is moving out successfully in her own business venture while Spinner slaves for da man :clink:

don't ya just hate it spinner when a pop can leaks and messes up the whole machine ?
And it is always one at the top of the feed chute too :(
As I thought you don't know jack shit about money economics or business.
I'm 48 yrs old and already a millionaire, lol I may lose sleep tonight because an unemployed part time english tutor doesn't feel my direct writing approach. LOFL

Oh I’m not unemployed at all. That’s all extra.

Yes, a paper millionaire. Very impressive. Good luck next year Top.
I am slaving for the man. I don't know how many more years I can get by on $184,000
I'm guessing dhula is less than half that, my wife works part time and prob makes what the poster child for spinsters does.
USGED you might have a shot!!!
Good For Darla, she is moving out successfully in her own business venture while Spinner slaves for da man :clink:

don't ya just hate it spinner when a pop can leaks and messes up the whole machine ?

I’m really excited about having my own business, for real. Putting that jerk aside for a moment. And joining this association was the best thing I have done. I doubt I would be able to quit my job this year…though it’s not out of the question. But next year would not be surprising. I don’t want to be a millionaire or anything like that. I just want it to make me a very decent living, without working too hard. I don’t want to work five days a week. I want to travel more. I’m really excited about this idea and how well it is beginning to pan out. I’ve already had repeat business. And that’s important.
I really wish you luck in that, but your the biggest liar on the board.
What you really mean is you don't want to put forth the effort it takes to be a millionaire. There's nothing wrong with reteaching execs better writing skills.
I really wish you luck in that, but your the biggest liar on the board.
What you really mean is you don't want to put forth the effort it takes to be a millionaire. There's nothing wrong with reteaching execs better writing skills.

No I just have a lot things I want to do with this life, and only about half of them revolve around money Top. Maybe less.

I feel so sorry for you that you would assume someone was lying when they said they’d rather be financially well-off, but not a multi-millionaire. That takes up one’s whole life.

I’m happier than you’ll ever know how to feel Top. Today. Really.
Is toppers house paid for ? Heck he might become homeless....Poor spinner....

all my property is paid for spinner.
dhula your a spinster, and I have a beautifull smart wife.
You aren't a tenth as happy as me, and your childless. I pity you
"Ah but the catcher is it's all Bush's fault, even though the economy was fine until the Dims took over the Congress."

Can you describe for us, in as much detail as you can, exactly what Bush's economic policy has been?

1) Spend

2) Spend

3) Spend

4) Spend

5) Spend
Except that the Department of labor refuses to count those who have stopped looking for work as "Unemployed." The real figure is closer to 8%.

They have always refused to count those not looking. If you are "not looking" then you are making a choice to not work. Why the hell would you count those that aren't looking for work as unemployed? It doesn't give you an accurate picture of the job market. What does give you a far more accurate picture is to look at the number of those that are looking for work that cannot find it.