WOW! MSNBC shocked at how many people dislike Biden who are now turning to DJT

Trump's economic policy: "Over his term, Trump reduced federal taxes and increased federal spending, both of which significantly increased federal budget deficits and the National Debt.[1][2] The positive economic situation he inherited from the Obama administration[3][4][5] continued, with a labor market approaching full employment and measures of household income and wealth continuing to improve further into record territory.[6] Trump also implemented trade protectionism via tariffs, primarily on imports from China.[1] During Trump's first three years in office, the number of Americans without health insurance increased by 4.6 million (16%).[7][8] while his tax cuts were projected to worsen income inequality.[9]"

Obama stripped our military to the bone, and emptied the medical stockpiles.

Obama's economy was a FAKE, propped up by the FED's 4 QE's and basically zero interest rate for his whole 8 years.
Except for the one he has to pay 80+ million dollars for after being found guilty. You play with words all you want but he was found guilty. If he was innocent what is the 80 million for?

Prove it was a CRIMINAL conviction or STFU.
So Trump is a convicted RAPIST? Can you provide a link that proves that as a fact? No, you cant. Just more lies, and distortions of the truth.

What is the 80 million dollars for? He was guilty of raping Carroll in a dept store dressing room.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape her.

sounds like he raped her to me.

Did Donald Trump rape E. Jean Carroll? Here's what a jury and judge said.
Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled in August that the jury verdict showed Carroll's rape allegation was "substantially true"
Carroll testified that she struggled to get Trump off her as he shoved his mouth on hers, yanked her tights down, and penetrated her with his hand and then his penis. She described him curving his finger inside her, saying it was "extremely painful" and "a horrible feeling." Under New York criminal law, an assault constitutes "rape" only if it involves vaginal penetration by a penis. That was the definition the jury was instructed to use in the civil case.

OK maybe he didn't rape her with his dick, he shoved his fingers in there. What a man, just the sort of guy I want as the president. He also raped that 13 yr old at Epsteins but bought his way out of that one. Another 20+ women claim he sexually assaulted them but he wasn't convicted of any of them so let's elect him president, he's such an upstanding guy. Good luck, your shithead doesn't stand a chance.
Obama stripped our military to the bone, and emptied the medical stockpiles.

Obama's economy was a FAKE, propped up by the FED's 4 QE's and basically zero interest rate for his whole 8 years.

Helps being your own source, doesn't it?
Helps being your own source, doesn't it?

Then it should be easy for you to prove me wrong.

Why can't you?

Trump also eliminated Obama's $600 fine for NOT buying insurance.

And with the deductible well over $7,000 for Obama Bronze plans, it makes insurance a losing proposition, unviable for all but catastrophic incidents. No wonder people don't want it.

And then there was Obama's "LIE OF THE YEAR", ... you can keep your doctor. :palm:
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Then it should be easy for you to prove me wrong.

Why can't you?

Helps to answer your own question, too, doesn't it?

Your argument that "Obama's economy was a fake" is typical incoherence. You provide nothing to answer.
Helps to answer your own question, too, doesn't it?

Your argument that "Obama's economy was a fake" is typical incoherence. You provide nothing to answer.

Propped up by the FED's 4 QE's and basically zero interest rate for his whole 8 years.

Don't doubt me. :palm:
You can only LIE to the people just so long. They wont be gas lit any more. GET THE FUCK OUT Joe! :)

Joe Biden Now Leads Donald Trump in Ten Polls
With seven months to go until the presidential election, incumbent President Joe Biden is beating his Republican challenger Donald Trump in a series of recent polls.

1. Florida Atlantic University and Mainstreet
This poll found that 47 percent will vote for Biden come polling day while 45 percent expressed support for Trump.

2. RMG Research
In a poll of 1679 voters conducted between April 1 and April 4, 44 percent of high propensity voters said they would vote for Biden if an election were held today, while 43 percent said they would vote for Trump.

3. Data for Progress
A survey of 1,200 likely voters conducted between March 27 and March 29 found that 47 percent would vote for Biden while 46 percent would vote for Trump.

4. Ipsos
An April Ipsos poll for Reuters found that 41 percent of registered voters would vote for Biden compared to 37 percent who would vote for Trump.

5. Quinnipiac University
A March 27 poll of 1,407 registered voters found that 48 percent of voters support Biden and 45 percent support Trump.

6. Marquette Law School
Conducted between March 18 and March 2028, this poll of likely voters found that 45 percent would vote for Biden and 44 percent would vote for Trump.

7. Marist College
A Marist College poll of 1,305 people for NPR found that Biden has the support of 50 percent of registered voters and Trump has the support of 48 percent.

A poll of 1,265 registered voters revealed that 43 percent support Biden and 40 percent support Trump.

9. Noble Predictive
According to a poll of 2510 registered voters, 44 percent would vote for Biden while 43 percent would vote for Trump.

10. Progress Action Fund
A poll released by the Democratic super PAC Progress Action Fund and conducted by Public Policy Polling showed Biden leading Trump 46 percent to 45 percent.

Bye Bye shithead. People are starting to realize what a perverted rapist and fraud trump is and they will be reminded of it nightly for the next 12 weeks. His falling asleep in court may cause ignorant shitheads like you to laugh but they damn sure aren't going to gain him any votes.
Bye Bye shithead. People are starting to realize what a perverted rapist and fraud trump is and they will be reminded of it nightly for the next 12 weeks. His falling asleep in court may cause ignorant shitheads like you to laugh but they damn sure aren't going to gain him any votes.

You do understand that the ONLY polls that mean a damn thing are the swing state polls right? NATIONAL polling means shit,....just like the popular vote means shit. Its all about the EC .
Bye Bye shithead. People are starting to realize what a perverted rapist and fraud trump is and they will be reminded of it nightly for the next 12 weeks. His falling asleep in court may cause ignorant shitheads like you to laugh but they damn sure aren't going to gain him any votes.

Your child hair sniffer, the racist Biden, stole gov't documents for 50 years. And now the prosecution has determined Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

You do understand that the ONLY polls that mean a damn thing are the swing state polls right? NATIONAL polling means shit,....just like the popular vote means shit. Its all about the EC .

What is your excuse going to be when Biden passes him in those?
Your child hair sniffer, the racist Biden, stole gov't documents for 50 years. And now the prosecution has determined Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

sniffed someones hair? Is that anything like tying a 13 yr old to a bed and savagely raping her like trump did on a number of occasions?

The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
Fifteen women have now gone on record to say that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them. Out of all of their stories, one is the most explosive is the one where a woman who says Trump violently raped her at an orgy when she was just 13 years old. “Katie Johnson” was set to appear at a press conference at the law offices of Lisa Bloom, a high-profile civil rights attorney but the woman didn’t come to the press conference. Bloom told a room full of waiting reporters that Johnson was afraid to show her face after receiving multiple death threats, and that they would have to reschedule.

Johnson said that when she was 13, Epstein lured her to parties at his apartment by promising “money and a modeling career.”

Johnson said Trump had sexual contact with her at four of those parties, including tying her to a bed and violently raping her in a “savage sexual attack.” The lawsuit said Johnson “loudly pleaded” with Trump to stop, but that he responded by “violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.”

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Trump

When Does America Reckon with the Gravity of Donald Trump’s Alleged Rapes?
The first rape allegation against him was by his ex-wife Ivana, who in a deposition in the early 1990s described a violent assault by her husband in 1989 in which he pulled out fistfuls of her hair and jammed himself inside her.
The allegations have piled up against Trump for almost 40 years now. Businesswoman Jessica Leeds told The New York Times that in the 1980s, he grabbed her breasts and reached up her skirt on an airplane without her consent. “He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

what a guy!
sniffed someones hair? Is that anything like tying a 13 yr old to a bed and savagely raping her like trump did on a number of occasions?

what a guy!

Leftwing conspiracy theories. Trump has ZERO criminal convictions.