WOW! MSNBC shocked at how many people dislike Biden who are now turning to DJT

While Trump was president the Iranians bombed one of our bases in Iraq and there were some 40 casualties. What did trump do, nothing.

Trump had the Jew assassin Solemani killed. White libs wept and screamed in rage.
Better say that while you can because it will soon change to plenty of them. I guess when he does you can make some other excuse.

At least you admit Trump has ZERO criminal convictions despite your Stalinist tactics. :thup:
While Trump was president the Iranians bombed one of our bases in Iraq and there were some 40 casualties. What did trump do, nothing.
I believe that question has been answered...
"Don't"...smh...what an embarrassing joke...
Wow! I don't even have to take Stone off ignore to know he's shitposting. How convenient is that?

It says something about leftists that they comment on things they claim they haven't read. Or they have read it and are lying. So the choice is you're intellectually lazy or a liar.
Yes, his state of the union speech made it clear that all the rightwing talk of his senility is utter bullshit. He is sharp as a tack and a far better choice to lead this country over a dictator wannabe.

Whatever they gave him that evening apparently is no longer available on the market... Have you seen him speak lately? If that was your grandfather.He would take away the car keys and hire a full time caregiver....
Biden is quite likable. He is a calm and honest man, the only objection is his age.

He is not a calm, likable or honest man. He is a habitual liar, he has used his position to enrich himself and his family (bribes) and he has the mental cognition of a turnip.

You know it and the country knows it, Nordy.