Wow... Zogby has Herman Cain at #2!

LOL. That means he's the "frontrunner"... Rootbeer needs to try harder to post more threads about him.
Who is Herman Cain? snicker

I predicted 6 months ago, when everyone was speculating on who might the GOP pick to run against Obama, that I thought it might be someone we haven't even considered, someone who wasn't even on the radar... if this holds, I will have been correct in that analysis. Go me! :D
Who is Herman Cain? snicker

I have known who he is since 2004, because, unlike most Americans, I pay attention, and believe that information is power. That said, what if he becomes president? Does that then negate your snicker? No one had ever heard of James Abram Garfield, but he became so controversial to the Stalwart/Moderate/Half-Breed debate that some lunatic shot him. Polk was considered the first Dark Horse candidate, and is generally rated highly. Just food for throught.
I have known who he is since 2004, because, unlike most Americans, I pay attention, and believe that information is power. That said, what if he becomes president? Does that then negate your snicker? No one had ever heard of James Abram Garfield, but he became so controversial to the Stalwart/Moderate/Half-Breed debate that some lunatic shot him. Polk was considered the first Dark Horse candidate, and is generally rated highly. Just food for throught.

Sure, it is just like Clinton, who knew of him before he was elected and it was a snicker because of the debates where no one came and it might end up biting them in the butt because of the publicity Cain is getting from it. I did not know who Cain was, I admit and I did not watch the debate, but good for you for paying attention and not being "like most Americans"


Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and radio talk show host Herman Cain was a surprise victor in a straw poll of GOP presidential candidates held at State Republicans’ 29th Annual Spring Gala on Friday.
Cain took 54 votes of 357 votes cast. He edged out former Massachusetts Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney (52) and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (51). Daniels has yet to decide whether he will run.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has said he will not run, took 39 votes. Ex-Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty had 28, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin 22, ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich 14, and ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also 14.

Trailing were Rudy Giuliani with 12 votes, Donald Trump and Rep. Ron Paul with 10, Rep. Michele Bachman at 9 votes, Jeb Bush and Sarah Palin at 8 votes apiece, ex-Sen. Rick Santorum with 7 votes.
Democrats hate potential candidates such as Pawlenty and Cain because they are not celebrity political versions of Lindsay Lohan as are Palin and Trump. As such, they cannot control and manipulate the discussion, such as it is, when real candidates are on the table. This is part of the reason why the media chooses not to cover anyone of them, with the exception of Romney, who is too well known for them to completely ignore.
,,, who has collected the most money? (Out of the Republicans)

Does anyone know, or is this not important?

Has any one person collected more money than all the rest combined? (Republicans)
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2008 for sure, but Bugs Bunny could beat Obama in 2012.

Well maybe so, but I guess my logic is, if Romney couldn't beat McCain for the nomination in 2008, and McCain lost in 2008... how is Romney going to win in 2012? I just don't see where there was some mass exodus from the Republican party when Romney didn't win the nomination. If we didn't think he was the right guy then, why is he the right guy now? If we thought McCain had a better chance at beating Obama then, why do we think the man who lost to McCain can get the job done now? I just see Romney as a weaker version of McCain... we wanted a 'moderate' in 2008, and we picked McCain over Romney.. the two top 'moderates' we had to pick from... in 2012, we don't want a moderate, we want a conservative. I don't see Romney being the guy... sorry.
,,, who has collected the most money? (Out of the Republicans)

Does anyone know, or is this not important?

Has any one person collected more money than all the rest combined? (Republicans)

As of February, that would be Sarah Palin. However, Romney and Huckabee may still have some leftover monies from 2008, and Donald Trump could easily match anything the others raised out of his own pocket. Michelle Bachmann has shown the most promise in being able to raise money quickly, and I think Herman Cain is going to do well in the weeks to come. This will probably be the first Billion Dollar Election.

This is pretty amazing to me, a few weeks ago, no one had ever heard of Herman Cain. One debate, and he's polling #2 behind a guy who has vowed he isn't running for President!

Hmm.... Worried yet, Dummycrats? :)

No not really Dixie.....and I'm not surprised. As I told you previously both Clinton and Carter were relative unknowns when they first ran for the office. It's pretty much mainstream Repelicans who should be worried. The real questions about Cain are, is health, can he raise the money needed and previous stances he's taken with social security and tax reform that would be widely unpopular with mainstream Americans. I also question his temperment. He's never served in public office. It's not the same as running a business where it's your way or the highway. Does he have the temperment to negotiate and compromise? Time will tell on that one but it does finally look like Repelicans finally have a candidate that has more personality then an unsalted cracker. So far he's the only one.