Wow... Zogby has Herman Cain at #2!

My trouble was with your seeming need to introduce the fact that a candidate is a social conservative into the equation at all? As if social conservatism has been a problem with the economy. My point is that not only has it not been, it has never been.

My point is that the primary focus must be the economy, and if a candidate shows any indication (usually with republicans this is social issues, hence my remarks) that some other issues are a stronger priority for them they would not receive my support. You took a one-sentence ending where I said "If the candidate shows that social issues are a stronger priority..., then ended with an entirely different sentence: "I absolutely would never vote for another Bush." to mean that I thought Bush was a social conservative. They were two separate ideas for a reason. Bush was an example of somebody with priorities other than fiscal issues, exactly somebody I do not believe we need at this time and not necessarily an example of a social conservative.

The problem isn't social conservatism, the problem is priorities other than the continued fiscal health of this nation allowing them to compromise on what must be seen as the most vital of issues at this time.
Running as a non-politician is always an attention getter to a sizable chunk of the population.

Cain couldn't even win his own party's slot...

"It was initially thought Isakson would face a difficult primary since many socially conservative Republicans still felt chagrin at Isakson's declared support for abortion rights in 1990. However, he easily won the nomination in the first round of voting, with 53 percent of the vote, with Cain a distant second..."
As if Obama didn't lose an election before?

The candidate who beat John McCain on November 4th, 2008 lost to Bobby Rush on March 21st, 2000. Obama ran for congress 11 years ago and lost by a 2 to 1 margin.
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Ok Eisenhower, I wasn't born yet and I'm older than dirt.
All he did was lead Normandy, that might have been tougher than running Godfathers pizza.

Cain, finishing a distant second (with 27 percent of the vote) to Johnny Isakson in Georgia's 2004 U.S. Senate primary.

This means that, from an electoral standpoint, Cain has a weaker claim to being taken seriously as a candidate than even Alan Keyes; at least Keyes had won the GOP nomination in the two failed Senate bids that preceded his 1996 and 2000 White House forays.

To the extent Cain has distinguished himself on the '12 trail, it's probably through his pledge to engage in hiring discrimination by barring Muslims from working in his administration.
Let's set the record straight on Herman Cain's 2004 Senate campaign. He did not enter the race expecting to win, he and Mac Collins hoped to force a runoff with Isakson, who was always the favorite to replace Zell Miller. Cain surprisingly took second ahead of Collins, a seasoned politician. So you shitbrains can spin this into "he couldn't even win a measly senate race" all you like, but he wasn't trying to win the race, just force a runoff.

This is like everything else you people trot out... misinterpreted, misconstrued, misunderstood.... and spun with your own brand of stupidity like no one else can do! Oh, your pinhead buddies are cheering you with hands in the air... but the rest of America is tuning your ass out. You are quickly becoming irrelevant to mainstream Americans, because you don't have sense enough to see what is happening in the world around you. You all live in some Huff-PO Bubble World, where everyone thinks and behaves like a liberal. Well guess what? They don't!

Reposted for the mentally retarded.
glad you did that grand wizard

pizza boy nor any other non elected official is going to win, thanks for the ancient history lesson

If that's all you got on Cain, he'll beat your fucking brains out. You want to make fun of him rescuing Godfather's from bankruptcy, and never being corrupted by political office... and then there is the "boy" thing you seem to be stuck on like a sheet-wearing redneck. That's it? That's all the game you're gonna bring, shitstain? Good fucking luck!
If that's all you got on Cain, he'll beat your fucking brains out. You want to make fun of him rescuing Godfather's from bankruptcy, and never being corrupted by political office... and then there is the "boy" thing you seem to be stuck on like a sheet-wearing redneck. That's it? That's all the game you're gonna bring, shitstain? Good fucking luck!

put your wife beater on and hit your cousin you fucktard redneck
Cain can't win GA senate much less president.
He won't even come in third for the nomination, only the freaktard riechwingers are in the pool right now.