Yeah, We're Two Seconds From Depression

So, why are we bailing out firms that are not weak or troubled, but are "very successful banks and ivestment houses that have done very well, have been responsible, are holding performing assets that have value."?????

Huh. Sounds like another bush boondoggle to me.
You can't even make a logical argument. You have insults and emotional nonsense. Suggest a good reason you want our economy to fail, besides vengeance.

you make a faulty supposition that because I don't support a democratic/socialist plan, i automatically want our economy to fail. our economy has been on a roller coaster, manufactured and engineered every step of the way since 'the new deal', and BOTH liberal and conservative have been pulling the strings.

YOU'VE been duped in to believing that the government regulates the economy to benefit you, when in fact they regulate it so that YOU provide benefit to the wealthy. This bailout is just one more example of it. It's not my fault that you're too partisan to see it.
It does have all the hallmarks of a Bush boondoggle.

I'm starting to smell a rat. We've been through the looking glass for eight years, and the old standards of assuming everyone wishes the country well are inoperative. Dems and Libs better start with the operating assumption that the GOP is populated, largely, by bad people. People who simply want to use the power of the federal government to rape and pillage. Not every single republican. But, the puppetmasters for sure.

Why did Bush drop this on the desk of congress, one week before they adjourned, and started screaming that if they don't pass it, we will all die?

Doesn't this sound exactly like something that happened in October 2002?

Its a win-win for the republicans. One, assuming some bill gets passed, Bush and McCain's rich friends get their debt retired, courtesy of the american taxpayer. Two, the republican read polls. They know there's a populist backlash brewing. McCain will be able to campaign against any bailout the Dems enable, and paint them into a corner as Wall Street fat cats. LOL, that's when the world will be truly upside down, when an old Republican man pulls the faux-populist card.

Anyway, that's my gut sense from what I've been reading, and from the stuff that's getting posted here. Maybe I'm full crap. But that's what is sounds like.
they are stealing about 10,000 per person.
Let them fail. WTF home owners go bankrupt every day. The guys sold insurance that the market wouldn't go down.
they are stealing about 10,000 per person.
Let them fail. WTF home owners go bankrupt every day. The guys sold insurance that the market wouldn't go down.

This is an idiotic attitude you mental midget who knows nothing about economics. I hope you lose all of your life savings and have to sell your house, it's what you deserve, for destroying the American economy with your do-nothing attitude.
This is an idiotic attitude you mental midget who knows nothing about economics. I hope you lose all of your life savings and have to sell your house, it's what you deserve, for destroying the American economy with your do-nothing attitude.

Waterlily, being an ignorant fascist is not cool. Seek help.
This is an idiotic attitude you mental midget who knows nothing about economics. I hope you lose all of your life savings and have to sell your house, it's what you deserve, for destroying the American economy with your do-nothing attitude.

your daddy is bailing me out you minimum wage tool. I don't deserve your daddy's help.:pke:
One less empire.

Hell, whenever America's do-nothing attitude destroys America, I think the world will have learned a valuable lesson, and we'll never have to deal with you free market morons again.

"free market" is code for fascism and compulsory and destructive trade deals.

It's better to do nothing than to do something stupid. You should do nothing more often, I bet.
watergerber, you don't even have the 10g's to pony up so shut up.
Companies have fail every year since your we're born in 98
My ass! We are being bamboozled! These guys will survive this, leave them be. No bailout

"The billionaire Warren E. Buffett will invest $5 billion in the investment bank Goldman Sachs, as part of the bank’s efforts to raise $7.5 billion in fresh capital, a Goldman spokesman, Lucas Van Praag, said Tuesday.

In return, Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate run by Mr. Buffett, will receive preferred shares in Goldman, Mr. Praag said. Goldman will also issue $2.5 billion in common shares.

The capital would be first that Goldman has raised in the last year.

Morgan Stanley on Monday raised about $8 billion by selling up to a 20 percent stake to Mitsubishi, the Japanese bank. Both Morgan and Goldman Sachs on Sunday transformed themselves into bank holding companies in an effort to broaden.
I find myself in near complete agreement with Darla.
This is interesting, from a white house press conference today:

"With respect to executive pay, again, I'm not going to get into specific, point-by-point details on what our views are on that, other than the Secretary of Treasury said it would make more difficult to make this plan work and effective if you provide disincentives for companies and firms out there who are holding mortgage-backed securities and other securities from participating in the program. You have to remember, these are not all weak or troubled firms that own mortgage-backed securities. A lot of them are very successful banks and investment houses that have done very well, have been responsible, are holding performing assets that have value. They were not necessarily irresponsible players, and so you have to be careful about how you deal with them. "

did I miss something or did Paulsen say that regulating or limiting executive pay would keep banks and such that were not having problems from participating in the bailout ?

I PURPOSEFULLY did not buy a home under some stupid variable rate mortgage so I wouldn't get caught with my pants down and I should not have to pay for any frickin homeowner who acted stupid with their money, nor should I have to pay for the wealthiest in this country so they can save their collective asses or threaten the countries economy. Fuck them, let em go bankrupt.

This is the correct answer. You win.