Yeah, We're Two Seconds From Depression


I PURPOSEFULLY did not buy a home under some stupid variable rate mortgage so I wouldn't get caught with my pants down and I should not have to pay for any frickin homeowner who acted stupid with their money, nor should I have to pay for the wealthiest in this country so they can save their collective asses or threaten the countries economy. Fuck them, let em go bankrupt.
You're all a bunch of idiotic neo-hooverites who know nothing about the economy. No wonder America failed during the 20's when you fuckers owned us. People starved because of people like you. And now you're doing it again. You are unable to learn from history.
This is interesting, from a white house press conference today:

"With respect to executive pay, again, I'm not going to get into specific, point-by-point details on what our views are on that, other than the Secretary of Treasury said it would make more difficult to make this plan work and effective if you provide disincentives for companies and firms out there who are holding mortgage-backed securities and other securities from participating in the program. You have to remember, these are not all weak or troubled firms that own mortgage-backed securities. A lot of them are very successful banks and investment houses that have done very well, have been responsible, are holding performing assets that have value. They were not necessarily irresponsible players, and so you have to be careful about how you deal with them. "

The above is a bunch of crap. You don't have to worry about limiting the golden parachutes/exec pay for companies that are doing ok. They WON'T be the ones taking part in the swap anyway.
It would be "terrible" if companies rejected it because they weren't going to get a golden parachute. Boy, I'd feel just awful when they failed and they still didn't get a parachute. I'd be all crying and stuff because you know how emotive I am.
Maybe you are right Water, but I have serious doubts.

please note that the emergency is that corporations will have to borrow at 'high' rates of interest to stay afloat

there is investment money and there is money for loans - the hang up is that the money will be more expensive

this needs to be looked at more carefully and with an eye to making sure that any bailout does not just save somebodies ass

why is bushco pressing for a blank check signed in haste
I would be perfectly fine with a bailout package that had as preconditions that every CEO and chairman of the banks that will be bailed out will be penniless by the end of it.