Yeap here I am as predicted, Something is fucking wrong folks!

Your lack of formal education and abiltiy to reason beyond moveon.moron
ie. It's way over your head

Iowa ran fine without these machines. Now we have a primary which uses these pieces of shit to count and all of the sudden exit polls dont match the results again.

FUCKING A when is America going to realise what is going on here?

ballots are counted in New Hampshire, largely on Diebold optical-scan voting systems, wholly controlled and programmed by a very very bad company named LHS Associates.

Those Diebold op-scan machines are the exact same ones that were hacked in the HBO documentary, Hacking Democracy. See the previous report, as I recommend, which also includes a video of that hack, and footage of the guy who runs LHS Associates.

That said, the the pre-election pollster's numbers (NOTE: that's not Exit Polls, but Pre-Election Polls!) were dead-on, for the most part, on the Republican side, as well as on the Democratic side. Except in the do-or-die (for Hillary) Clinton v. Obama race. I'm watching MSNBC right now, and they all seem to agree that the results, for the moment, defy explanation.
Desh - Your link doesn't even discuss the exit polls, just the pre-election polls. From what I have read, the exit polls were in line with the final result but the pre-election polls were way off.

There is no there there.
Vote Fraud Expert Warns Of New Hampshire Chicanery
Key vulnerabilities of Diebold machine identified within ten minutes by programmer

"It's not who votes that counts. It's who counts the votes." Joseph Stalin.

Vote fraud expert Bev Harris has warned that New Hampshire's electronic voting machines are wide open to fraud and that even modestly skilled computer programmers were able to identify key vulnerabilities within ten minutes of assessing them as key Democrat and Republican primaries unfold today.

The contract for programming all of New Hampshire's Diebold voting machines, which combined will count 81 per cent of the vote today, is owned by LHS Associates, which also holds the contracts for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

LHS is owned by John Silvestro, who has been at the center of a long-running public dispute in trying to deflect accusations made by hacker Harri Hursti that the machines can easily be rigged.

"The exact same make, model and version hacked in the Black Box Voting project in Leon County is used throughout New Hampshire, where about 45 percent of elections administrators hand count paper ballots at the polling place, with the remaining locations all using the Diebold version 1.94w optical scan machine," writes Harris.

One area of disagreement between Hursti and Silvestro was the amount of expertise needed to exploit the Diebold 1.94w optical scan system. Silvestro claimed (in a strange contortion of reasoning) that he doesn't hire very skilled programmers, implying that this makes New Hampshire elections more secure.

Hursti pointed out that hiring programmers with a lack of knowledge is generally not considered a security feature, and also that an average high schooler can learn to exploit the system in two days to two weeks.

After purchasing a Diebold 1.94w machine, a computer repair shop employee picked at random by Black Box Voting was able to zero in on the system's vulnerable memory card within just ten minutes.

Harris points out that LHS is a private company that will count over four fifths of the New Hampshire vote with no oversight whatsoever.

LHS is not subject to public records requirements, as the government is, at least, not in New Hampshire. The control over memory card contents is absolute; when cards malfunction or get lost, LHS brings the replacements.

Since LHS maintains the machines, repairs the machines, and replaces the machines -- often on Election Day -- when they malfunction, they have intimate access to the chips, sockets, ports, communications devices and other electronic components.

A recent CNN report featured on Lou Dobbs' show highlights just how easy it is to hack a voting machine and change how votes are tallied with just rudimentary programming skills. Experts warn that it takes only a minute for an unsupervised machine to be inserted with a virus and hacked.

For those who don't know who Hurtsi is or how he proved the software in these machines have been PURPOSEFULLY coded for fraud ..

Google: Leon County Hack

Nothing happened that was not expected...exit polls are never accurate...nor are cold call polls...people always say what the question askers want to hear...thats why voting is 'private':argue:

What the informal statistics show is that Hillary Clinton received a 4.5% boost in towns using Diebold voting machines compared to towns that didn't. Meanwhile, Obama was hurt in these towns showing a 2.5% decrease in the Diebold towns.

One thing to note before looking too much into these statistics is that the Diebold machines were concentrated in the less rural areas. I say less rural, because there really is no "urban" areas in New Hampshire. This then begs the question as to whether rural voters really were more likely to vote for Obama than Clinton.

The possibility of election fraud is even more important considering the predictions heading into NH primaries. All the polls were showing Obama with at least a 7 point lead over Clinton, with a few showing a double-digit lead, which is no surprise considering Obama's win in Iowa over Clinton who placed third in the caucuses.
They will choose Hillary and McCain for us and then McCain will win the election.

Its already desided and your input menas nothing unless you dont use machines.

Fuck ,Fuck ,Fuck damnit.

I though we had a chance to end this but it aint gonna happen. We are screwed.

What the informal statistics show is that Hillary Clinton received a 4.5% boost in towns using Diebold voting machines compared to towns that didn't. Meanwhile, Obama was hurt in these towns showing a 2.5% decrease in the Diebold towns.

One thing to note before looking too much into these statistics is that the Diebold machines were concentrated in the less rural areas. I say less rural, because there really is no "urban" areas in New Hampshire. This then begs the question as to whether rural voters really were more likely to vote for Obama than Clinton.

The possibility of election fraud is even more important considering the predictions heading into NH primaries. All the polls were showing Obama with at least a 7 point lead over Clinton, with a few showing a double-digit lead, which is no surprise considering Obama's win in Iowa over Clinton who placed third in the caucuses.

You do realize that many people don't make up their mind of who they vote for until they reach the polls which can make pre-voting day polls irrelevant?
They will choose Hillary and McCain for us and then McCain will win the election.

Its already desided and your input menas nothing unless you dont use machines.

Fuck ,Fuck ,Fuck damnit.

I though we had a chance to end this but it aint gonna happen. We are screwed.

If Americans don't care that our elections are being held on machines that have been proven to be purposefully coded for fraud .. don't sweat it .. you exist in the Matrix and no one wants to wake up.
I have to read these things tonight when I am home. I cannot fully concentrate on them right now. IF DH is right and the exit polling lines up, and it is just the pre-election polls that do not; there’s no case. If the exit polls are strangely out of line, that’s something I will definitely look at. That’s a big red flag to me.
My first quick impressions here:

You all appear to be discounting the known phenomenon of white people claiming publically they are going to vote for a black candidate but doing no such thing when it comes down to it.

The fact that Chapdog, who actually believes, AGAINST ALL DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE, that bush won the past two elections, would jump on this bandwagon with NO evidence yet in, shows once again that he hates Hillary Clinton, and folks, he hates her because she’s a powerful woman.