Yet another health danger of obesity

In addition to problems with cardiac and respiratory function, skeletal integrity, Type II diabetes, and other obesity related illnesses, scientists now have discovered brain anomalies in obese people. This is worth reading.

Severe brain degeneration has been found in obese people.

Read about it here:;_ylt=AvfaNjoiFuykjf2IfGAnbiJ0fNdF

Yet another reason we need to focus people on eating healthy and exercising more. Not to mention preventative care check ups. People need to stop frequenting places like McDonalds, Taco Hell, Burger King etc....
Yet another reason we need to focus people on eating healthy and exercising more. Not to mention preventative care check ups. People need to stop frequenting places like McDonalds, Taco Hell, Burger King etc....

I know! The article specifically mentioned fast food and other bad eating habits. Keep encouraging the preventive measures, SF, they're what really work in the long run. I read something yesterday that found numerous links between adult health conditions and childhood nutrition, for instance. Perhaps the specific benefits of exercise should be enumerated more clearly. We're learning more and more just how important this is to our overall well being, and in what specific ways.
I know! The article specifically mentioned fast food and other bad eating habits. Keep encouraging the preventive measures, SF, they're what really work in the long run. I read something yesterday that found numerous links between adult health conditions and childhood nutrition, for instance. Perhaps the specific benefits of exercise should be enumerated more clearly. We're learning more and more just how important this is to our overall well being, and in what specific ways.

The endorphins alone are benefit enough for me :)

Though the reduction in stress on the joints, the typical lower risks associated with the diseases you mentioned, the greater productivity, the higher quality of life, etc... all add to the benefits. The preventative care will help to catch problems before they become bigger problems.
So what can we do as a nation to discourage thses unhealthy fast food habits?

I bring back my suggestion of a junk food tax to pay for universal healthcare.
Make junk food advertisements not a tax deductable business expense?
So what can we do as a nation to discourage thses unhealthy fast food habits?

I bring back my suggestion of a junk food tax to pay for universal healthcare.
Make junk food advertisements not a tax deductable business expense?

If we rely on junk food to fund healthcare, won't that guarantee it's existence in perpetuity?

Think a bit.
If we rely on junk food to fund healthcare, won't that guarantee it's existence in perpetuity?

Think a bit.

I did think a bit, as less people eat less junk food we get healthier and our health care costs go down. Not a zero sum game but not too bad either.
So what can we do as a nation to discourage thses unhealthy fast food habits?

I bring back my suggestion of a junk food tax to pay for universal healthcare.
Make junk food advertisements not a tax deductable business expense?

Make them label their food with the exact content. Or perhaps have a very large wall posting with the details. Amount of sodium, content of the meat (what is it REALLY?), fat content, calories etc...
So what can we do as a nation to discourage thses unhealthy fast food habits?

I bring back my suggestion of a junk food tax to pay for universal healthcare.
Make junk food advertisements not a tax deductable business expense?

Well, when I was in school many many years ago, we had a scheduled weekly class called "Health". We learned all sorts of things, including a general overview of how our bodies work, and a heavy emphasis on Nutrition. This was also tied in with PE, where everybody played some sort of sports. Strangely, everybody participated and there were a minumum of injuries, unlike what we seem to see now. My thought on that is that kids are generally in such poor shape, both because of poor general nutrition and insufficient physical activity, that any physical challenge is too much for what their bodies can handle.

I have the feeling, talking to students today, that they simply don't know much of anything about nutrition, and budget cutbacks have eliminated many PE classes, to the detriment of the kids. At the same time, HS sports often (here, anyway) are even televised and get top billing in the local newspaper! That speaks to me of screwed up priorities!
Make them label their food with the exact content. Or perhaps have a very large wall posting with the details. Amount of sodium, content of the meat (what is it REALLY?), fat content, calories etc...

And then people need to really understand what all of that means. How many argue that sodium never hurt anybody, etc.? And don't know that fat-free actually can be unhealthy? Or what foods contain what vitamins, and more importantly, what those vitamins do to keep you healthy? Etc., etc.
Make them label their food with the exact content. Or perhaps have a very large wall posting with the details. Amount of sodium, content of the meat (what is it REALLY?), fat content, calories etc...

that will not work, unless they are required to also post it on the commercials for longer than 1/60th of a sec.
We are a culture that does what the tube tells us.
Make them label their food with the exact content. Or perhaps have a very large wall posting with the details. Amount of sodium, content of the meat (what is it REALLY?), fat content, calories etc...

I already read all of that before I eat there, I just usually eat less of it (unless I'm feeling sorry for myself that day :crybaby: ).