Yet another health danger of obesity

And then people need to really understand what all of that means. How many argue that sodium never hurt anybody, etc.? And don't know that fat-free actually can be unhealthy? Or what foods contain what vitamins, and more importantly, what those vitamins do to keep you healthy? Etc., etc.

That is why I originally liked the show the Biggest Loser. It showed people how to exercise and helped them learn to eat healthier.

unfortunately the idiots at NBC decided to start focusing more on the drama and less on the workouts. They also decided that 99% of the programming that dealt with healthy eating habits would be turned into mini infomercials for their advertisers.
Well, when I was in school many many years ago, we had a scheduled weekly class called "Health". We learned all sorts of things, including a general overview of how our bodies work, and a heavy emphasis on Nutrition. This was also tied in with PE, where everybody played some sort of sports. Strangely, everybody participated and there were a minumum of injuries, unlike what we seem to see now. My thought on that is that kids are generally in such poor shape, both because of poor general nutrition and insufficient physical activity, that any physical challenge is too much for what their bodies can handle.

I have the feeling, talking to students today, that they simply don't know much of anything about nutrition, and budget cutbacks have eliminated many PE classes, to the detriment of the kids. At the same time, HS sports often (here, anyway) are even televised and get top billing in the local newspaper! That speaks to me of screwed up priorities!

Well I do nothing, eat anything I want. And I'm still thin. It's awesome. I should look like the people off of Wall-E, taken purely on my physical activity.
Well I do nothing, eat anything I want. And I'm still thin. It's awesome. I should look like the people off of Wall-E, taken purely on my physical activity.

Just wait 'til you turn 25 or 30! But are you a healthy thin or just thin?

Anyway, what you eat now will have a significant effect on your health in 25-30 or so years; probably not important to you now, but it surely will be before you realize that the time has passed! :eek:
good grief, another stupid study..remember when coffee and eggs were BAD for you...

why is it anyone's business what a person weights anyway, same as who smokes..
good grief, another stupid study..remember when coffee and eggs were BAD for you...

why is it anyone's business what a person weights anyway, same as who smokes..

What is wrong with encouraging better health & diet?

You may not know it, but you are - right now - paying for health problems caused by obesity. That doesn't mean they should mandate against bad food or anything, but encouraging good diet habits?
What is wrong with encouraging better health & diet?

You may not know it, but you are - right now - paying for health problems caused by obesity. That doesn't mean they should mandate against bad food or anything, but encouraging good diet habits?

there is nothing wrong with what you suggest, but you can see just where this is heading...another reason for the Government to raise taxes on a certain group of people for the types of food they deem unhealthy, just like they did to smokers.
there is nothing wrong with what you suggest, but you can see just where this is heading...another reason for the Government to raise taxes on a certain group of people for the types of food they deem unhealthy, just like they did to smokers.

On the unhealthy products , they can choose not to buy them if they want.
btw I am a smoker
good grief, another stupid study..remember when coffee and eggs were BAD for you...

why is it anyone's business what a person weights anyway, same as who smokes..

Tell you what... start charging people for health insurance based on their body fat percentages and then I will have NO problem with people being as fat and lazy as they want to be.

The more obese you are, the greater your health risks. That is fact.
This study made no moral or social judgments about people's weight; it simply examined a previously unknown effect of obesity and reported the findings. As a scientist, I welcome any work that furthers our understanding of the effects of the way we live on our health. What we do with that information may well be an individual decision, but at least it will be an informed decision.

No policy actions were recommended or even addressed.
Tell you what... start charging people for health insurance based on their body fat percentages and then I will have NO problem with people being as fat and lazy as they want to be.

The more obese you are, the greater your health risks. That is fact.

why is that your business?
His insurance premiums are increasing (quite a bit, judging by the news today), because people don't make a minimal effort to eat in a relatively healthy way...

well I'm sure there are lots of reasons why premiums are rising..and how do you all know they don't charge more for the obese, they do for smokers..
well I'm sure there are lots of reasons why premiums are rising..and how do you all know they don't charge more for the obese, they do for smokers..

I'm fairly sure they do not on most policies. Either way, I would agree with it.

It's no different from individual car insurance premiums going up if you cause an accident.
well I'm sure there are lots of reasons why premiums are rising..and how do you all know they don't charge more for the obese, they do for smokers..

I work in the investment world and sell insurance policies to individuals and companies. I also analyze my clients insurance situation as part of their overall investment review. ALL corporate policies are designed so that everyone pays the same rate... individuals all pay the same individual rate, married people pay the same rate, married people with kids all pay the same. There are no caveats built in regarding the persons individual health. We all pay more because of this factor.