Yet another health danger of obesity

Tell you what... start charging people for health insurance based on their body fat percentages and then I will have NO problem with people being as fat and lazy as they want to be.

The more obese you are, the greater your health risks. That is fact.

Yep. Same as smokers pay more for health insurance.
Just wait 'til you turn 25 or 30! But are you a healthy thin or just thin?

Just thin, my frien-d. (That rhymes until you put the d in there)

Anyway, what you eat now will have a significant effect on your health in 25-30 or so years; probably not important to you now, but it surely will be before you realize that the time has passed! :eek:

More salt, please!
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good grief, another stupid study..remember when coffee and eggs were BAD for you...

why is it anyone's business what a person weights anyway, same as who smokes..

Yeah, obesity causes brain degeneration, how obvious. My mammy told me that when I was nothing but a young boy.
good grief, another stupid study..remember when coffee and eggs were BAD for you...

why is it anyone's business what a person weights anyway, same as who smokes..

The government is broke and needs money. I wonder if they are going to have fat police?