yipeee 100 $ a barrel oil


Now just picture oil execs dancing around that and you'll have a good idea of what's going on.
yes we are making money hand over fist. Market was 5% I did 42% on chevron.
There are millions of us investing in oil deshtard you show your ignorance by not joining the party.
deshtard, you an imbecile.
YOu use the product daily at a dirt cheap rate and call the supplier immoral. This and your namecalling is why you get the tabloid deshtard tag.
A tag from someone as limmited in life as you topy means next to nothing.

When that "money" you claim to make finnaly fills up the void in your soul let us know MMkay?

I really wish you had the insight to understand just how pathetic you make yourself look daily.
And I wish you didn't reject education as much as you did deshtard.
You use oil and gas daily, so you must be a hypocrit.
desh you are retarded, the reason I don't call you souless for making money on real estate is I AM NOT A MORON LIKE YOU!!!!
LOL your joking right. Not only are they not aware they will attack you like your a dragon crossing the moat.
No the simpletons have been brainwashed big oil is evil. Period.
They are funny as the comedy channel though.
Well if ya really want.............

Is everyone aware that when adjusted for inflation, oil prices were highest in 1981?

to get technical I would say the seventees... during the Carter administration...we were oil short then...lotsa dealers were outta the crude...go figure...history 101 anyone?;)
desh you are retarded, the reason I don't call you souless for making money on real estate is I AM NOT A MORON LIKE YOU!!!!

I did not call you souless.

I sugested your behavior on the sites Ive been on with you displays a soul which needs filling up.

Its not because you alledgedly make money its because you are filled with sadness and a deep self loathing which is apparent in your postings. You constantly ridicule people in a attempt to make them doubt themselfs and feel bad about who they are. It is a mirror to your empty little soul. People attack ohters out of fear. They attack what they see as weakness. Their choice of attack areas is very reflective of how they see themselves.

Money is fine your self esteme is not.

Stop trying to fill yourself with things that only leave you more empty toppy.

Go seek help for your low self esteme and learn to understand yourself which will help you understand the world. You will be a much happier guy and then you will finnaly be able to actually enjoy any economic benifts you really have obtained.

Money is of very little use to someone as empty as yourself.

Money is nothing but a tool and this tool can never make you any happier if you dont learn HOW to be happy.

Get help Toppy.
Desh I'm not laughing with you I'm laughing in your face.
I'm more than sure I'm at least as happy as you most likely happier as I have a family life as good as anybody's and a great career.
I do take exception to simpltons calling millions of hard working oil/gas employees immoral. I am foremost a teacher, but you reject education like your buddies here.
Desh I'm not laughing with you I'm laughing in your face.
I'm more than sure I'm at least as happy as you most likely happier as I have a family life as good as anybody's and a great career.
I do take exception to simpltons calling millions of hard working oil/gas employees immoral. I am foremost a teacher, but you reject education like your buddies here.

I have not called anyone but the oil profiteers immoral Toppy.

You cheer when oil prices go up no matter what the consequinces are for the lives of others.

The people who have engineered wars to gain further profit are worth loathing.

The fact that you refuse to recognise this is futher proof of how sick you really are.

I am not the one constantly telling everyone how great I am. That is you.

Im not the one constantly telling everyone how rich I am. That is you.

Im not the one constantly telling everyone how stupid they are. That is you.

Im not the one contantly telling everyone how educated I am. That is you.

I ma not the one constantly lying about the education of others on here. That is you.

Im not the one constantly telling everyone how little worth they have. That is you.

You are transparent Top.

I fill (damn a fruedian slip on my part) for you.

You are so empty and yet you really seem to think the draining others will fill you up?

When a person is willing to lie about others they are willing to lie about themselves.

You have created yourself an image on this site which reaps you little but scorn and disrespect. Is this how you wish the world to see you?

I truely do hope that this is not your real personality.

This is why I have begged you to show your full personality. Its been years now and I am at the point where I believe it is your full personality. How very sad for you and your family.

Either prove you have more depth or get help toppy.
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